
Frozen Heart Burning Love: Decision Of Love Or Leave

Y/N was living a happy sweet day with her Mom and Dad Mr. Kim Hyunwoo and Mrs. Hyunwoo, owner of one of the most famous mobile industries in Seoul, South Korea. Until she was bonded with the son of the CEO of Seoul's famous Car Industry Mr. Jeon Jungkook, living with his 6 deadly so-called brothers (half of them worked under the forces of the nation) including their parents Mr. Kook and Mrs. Kook. let's see if Y/N can bear with this cold CEO for a contract of 1 year. Will this go till the end? Or she would find another?

Woozastories · Music & Bands
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12 Chs

episode 11

As days went by, JK became more distant and cold towards you. He would often come home late, tired from work, and barely even acknowledging you presence. His temper was always on the edge, and he would snap at you for the smallest of things.

you tried your best to be understanding, to be patient with him, and to make the marriage work. you cooked his favorite meals, tried to engage him in conversations, but nothing seemed to work. It was like he had built a wall around him, shutting you out completely.

JK's routine became more rigid and structured, revolving around his work and family obligations. He would wake up early in the morning, work out, and then head straight to his office. He would spend most of his day there, attending meetings, managing projects, and dealing with clients.

Even during the weekends, he would often have work to do, leaving you alone at home. Sometimes he would take you out for dinner or to meet his friends, but even then, he would barely talk to her.

you felt like you were living with a stranger, and it broke your heart. You had forgot your ex and wanted to start a new life with Jk but he was just passing the one year time with you. 

However, in front of JK's parents, he would put on a façade, showing affection and care towards you. He would hold your hand, hug you, and even kiss you in front of them. It was like he was a completely different person when he was around his family.

You knew that something was wrong, and you couldn't help but feel like it was your fault. you wondered if you had done something to make him behave this way, but you couldn't pinpoint anything specific.

As time went by, You began to feel more and more alone in the marriage. you would spend hours talking to her best friend Minji on the phone, pouring out your heart and sharing your fears and frustrations.

Minji would listen patiently and offer words of encouragement, telling you that everything would work out in the end. She would often suggest that you should go out and have fun, to take your mind off things.

One day, Minji surprised you by showing up at your doorstep. She had flown all the way from the United States to be with her friend during this difficult time. You were overjoyed to see your friend and hugged her tightly. you spent the whole day together, going shopping, sightseeing, and just having fun like they used to.

As they sat down for dinner, You couldn't help but open up to Minji about everything that was going on in your marriage. you told her about JK's behavior, his anger, and his distant attitude towards you.

Minji listened patiently, offering words of comfort and support. She told you that you deserved to be loved and cherished, and that you should never settle for anything less.

You felt a sense of relief after talking to Minji, as if a weight had been lifted off you shoulders. You realized that you weren't alone, that you had people who loved and cared for you.

As the night came to an end, You hugged Minji and thanked her for being there for you. you knew that no matter what happened, you had your friend by your side. But as you walked back into your house, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. you knew that things had to change, that you couldn't continue living like this.

you wondered if there was a way to make JK see what he was missing, to make him realize how much you loved him. But for now, all you could do was wait and hope for a change