
Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Take over a《Homeworld》Mothership and then travel to the world of《Star Wars》? Tang Xiao: “ This world is so dangerous, Mom, I'm going home. ” Wait a minute, the Mothership database actually has various science fiction game technologies, 《 Sins of a Solar Empire 》, 《 Halo 》, 《 EVE 》, 《 Starcraft 》, 《 Stellaris 》 ?? And there are still Jim Raynor, Master Chief, and Archbishop Artanis sleeping in the freezer? Tang Xiao: “Humph! They will all bow down at my feet!!” The Fourth Calamity… ah no, long live the Fourth Empire! Official Translation This is the Official Translation of "The Empire Begins With The Fourth Scourge" by Author 镜大人 also known as Kagami. This Translation has the Author's full endorsement and is supported on WebNovel (and now Space Battles Forurms). The Chinese version by Kagami is linked below! Original Book: qidian.com/book/1026417206/ Novel Discord: discord.gg/QjzwEMmPx4

Sean_Morabito · ภาพยนตร์
784 Chs

Talk With Kagami

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give you guys an update on how things will be going ahead from now on. I have had a conversation with Kagami who is the author of "The Empire Begins With The Fourth Scourge" and we have come to an agreement.

I will continue to translate his book with his full endorsement! He will be deleting the translated version he started on WebNovel and will instead help me with any issues I have, whether that be difficulties and understanding what a certain sentence, word, or name means from his work as well as not having my translated version be deleted, (as he was very touched by my efforts), and fully supports my translated version on WebNovel.

I will be stopping newer chapters for the time being to fix the first 200 chapters where I left some naming errors, improving the quality of this translation to reach a high-quality standard worthy of the author's endorsement.

I will also be asking Kagami if he would to post any donation links for him to receive support from us English readers and if he wants to, I will include them here and in the other chapters. I will let you guys know of any further updates.

P.S. Do you guys want me to make an Official Discord Server for this book? Please let me know.


-Translator, Sean Morabito

We're an Official Fanfiction novel now guys! Let's go! Support for Kagami!

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