

Saber and Shiro landed in an alley, right between two tall buildings, each one having numerous bulb lights around their facility.

Shiro sighed, "I'm really starting to rethink this, I almost died… again" he sat down on the floor close to where there were dumps and broken equipment.

"And I have to do this for the rest of my life… no way" he started tapping the air, wondering how he could bring back the panel he saw before summoning Saber.

Saber just stood in front of him, looking at her master as he was slowly panicking about his current predicament.

"I'm sure that was the goddess's voice I heard right, how do I communicate with her again, damn it" He sat on the ground, overthinking when he suddenly remembered something.

"Wait… what was the word again, Syno? Syncro?" A panel suddenly appeared in front of him, showing him different details and options.

"Yes!"He stood to his feet feeling excited, "Okay there should be a button where I can contact the goddess".

"Uhm.. master, if I may ask, what are you doing?" Saber questioned, she had a curious look on her face.

"Hold on a minute" He kept swiping through the panel and was seeing different kinds of servants, but each and every one of them was locked.

"I get to use all this servant to participate, that's pretty op" He swiped up and saw Saber's stats, "Holy, most of your attributes are maxed out," He yelled.

"But you are still at level one though, figures" He uttered, while looking at the panel

Just at the lower side of Saber's stats was a panel that said Aberration, Shiro tried to click it but nothing happened.

"Is it broken?"

{You need to go to an Xr if you want your servant aberrated} The voice ecohed in Shiro's head.

"The goddess, finally," Shiro sighed.

{Correction I am not the goddess, I am simply a magical artificial intelligence tasked with the duty to guard you to your victory as a Master}

"Uhn… I see, is there any way I can leave this place?" Shiro asked.

{Yes, but that would involve death, your soul gets sent to the goddess Ereshkigal}

"I see, quite unfortunate".

. . . . . . . . .

Shiro and Saber went to an underground clubhouse, where servants battle other servants to earn money, if he was going to make his servant stronger he would need money for the aberration.

The Magical Ai in his head explained a few details to him before leading him to the clubhouse.

{Heroic spirits are spirits of heroes who accomplished great deeds in life and have become objects of worship after their deaths.

In the world, you are to participate using the powers of your servant to win the holy Grail war, the event hasn't begun yet, right now everyone is trying to strengthen their servant as fast as they can before it begins.

Every week you go up against an opponent, the more matches you win the more points you earn, each match gives you a total of 5 points, if both sides end up in a draw, no points are given.

At the end of each month, the masters with the lowest points are removed from the competition and sent back to the underworld. This will keep going until only 15 players, in which case it then becomes a battle royal, a last man standing for the Holy Grail.}

"This sounds fun, if I'm honest, hey Aril, yep that's what I'll be calling you from now on", "How exactly do I level up Saber?" Shiro asked, pointing at Saber.

{Through the means of aberration, this is done when the servants have killed a considerable amount of enemies and she successfully levels up.

The aberration not only increases when the servant starts but also grants both the master and the servants a skill each time.

And you, on the other hand, have a unique skill to summon all those servants that appeared to you before, but each servant requires a specific sum of money and Mp before the summon.

You can level up faster by heading to the Ft Zone, where you can battle monsters as you climb your way through the dungeon, the higher the dungeon the faster the leveling and gain money from the shards you gain from drafting a monster.}

Which leads them here...

Shiro entered the club and saw different kinds of Masters and servants, each one having a unique look.

He walked to the front and sat down on one of the empty chairs, watching the fight that was happening in the ring.

"Wow awesome" Shiro uttered.

"Does the master want me to fight these other servants?" Saber asked.

"Well I'm thinking about it, that's why we came to observe first."

"Go now, lancer, 57 stars" The boy shouted, the crest on his hands glowed and so did the servant's body.

The servant was a guy dressed in a blue and black outfit and was holding a long red katana.

The blue lancer whooshed to the forest and threw his spear at the opponent, the spear had a lot of blue aura surrounding it and various blue lightning Sparks followed it with the throw.

"Pathetic," The boy's opponent said, "Berserker, storm raid"

The boy's servant was a huge-looking man that had a long horn on his forehead, he held a blade also but he was bigger.

Berserker charged towards the fast-moving spear, when the spear was about to make contact with him, he opened his mouth and smashed his leg on the ground.

The ground went shaking and the earth crumbled, the ground started to shoot out rocks that were aimed at the Master.

Berserker caught the spear with his mouth and charged toward Lancer at full speed, meanwhile, Lancer was still preoccupied with blocking the speeding rocks that were heading in their direction.

Berserker leaped to the sky with a big smile on his face, the boy's eyes widened in fear wondering if he was going to die or not.

"Master, snap out of it" Lancer pushed his master out of the way and Berserker ended up landing on him with a high sonic boom right after.

"Berserker!" His master called and Berserker jumped back to his master's side leaving Lancer in the dust with a broken arm.

"Lancer! Are you alright?" The boy asked running to his servant's side.

"I'm fine, but I'm afraid we have to avoid battles for now," Lancer replied.

The winner is, Kris keema, the speaker said, showing the boys pictures on the screen.

He had a blonde hair and was with an ear piece around his ear.

"I knew this wouldn't be a challenge, come on berserker," Kris said before exiting the ring.

Shiro just stood there with his face filled with shock, "I'm supposed to participate in that? I'm so screwed".

. . . . . . .

Author's note

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