
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Fight club

"What is wrong with you woman, unhand me" The man yelled, struggling to get his wife hold on his shirt.

"Who was she damnit?" The woman slapped the man, before pushing him to the ground.

Looking up at the woman, the man got to his feet, feeling completely irritated. "How dare you?" The man landed a slap of his own.

She fell to the ground and the man got on top of her. He started punching her in the face, giving out a sinister laugh as blood kept splashing around with each blow.

Shiro walked in with his school bag, only to see his father beating his mother in the hallway.

When the father spotted him, he immediately got to his feet and started cleaning the blood on his hands shaking, "Son, you know me right? I would never hurt your mother on purpose."

"Dad? She's bleeding" Shiro uttered.

When the man turned to check on her, she was no longer moving.

"Honey? Babe?" Shiro's father placed his ear on her chest and saw that she wasn't moving anymore.

He screamed before crawling away from her in fear, "She's dead! Dead! Oh no…. I killed her"

The man panicked, before standing and walking towards the kitchen, Shiro just stood still watching the lifeless look on his mother.

He was so shocked that he didn't even know how he was supposed to react.

"Shiro, everything is going to be alright, okay, come to daddy" The man came out of the kitchen while holding a butcher knife.

Shiro didn't move from the spot, "I'm sorry son, but you've seen too much!" The man launched himself towards Shiro with the butcher knife in his hands.

Shiro instinctively woke up from the dream he was having, "A dream? Didn't think I could still have one of those" He sat upright, covering his face with his hands as he tried to remember what the dream was about.

"Good morning Master" Saber uttered, her face was close to Shiro's, he could smell her with ease at that distance.

They spent the night in an abandoned school not far from where the underground fight club was located.

Since they had no money to rent a hostel or buy a house, thier best option was to sleep in a school.

Shiro crawled away from here, he didn't realize it immediately but he slept on the laps throughout the entire night.

His face was beet red when he thought about it, "I'm sorry, how were you able to sleep? You know with me on your lap" Shiro asked.

He noticed she was dressed differently and was no longer wearing her warrior's outfit, instead, she was wearing black shorts, black thigh high and a black sleeveless top that was complicated with a black jacket.

"No master, I didn't" Saber replied.

"Why not? You need rest if you are going to be at full strength today"

"Apologies, but I don't think that the concept of sleep applies to me," Saber uttered.

"What is she, some kind of robot?" Shiro thought, looking at Saber from afar, "Hey Aril," he called out.

{....} He heard the screeching sound which meant that she was active.

"You said servants are legendary heroes that died, do they show emotions after being reborn as a heroic spirit?" Shiro asked.

{It's uncertain, while some do learn to gain their humanity back via leveling up, others gain naturally while some don't at all}

"I see", Shiro stood up, with a smile on his face, "Saber".

"Yes master" She responded, standing on her feet before moving closer.

"Let's go make some cash"

They went out to register for the club fight, the registration was always done in the morning while the fights took place in the night.

While they were outside Shiro saw stuff that he didn't see when he first arrived, floating trains, robot policemen, giant screen showcasing matches, the world was so much different than the earth he knew.

While he was on his way to register, he opened the panel in front of him that showed him Saber's stats.

"The question here is, how many monsters do we need to beat to increase your stats, I mean you killed a dragon and the bar showed no sign of moving" Shiro uttered, placing his hands on his jaw as he stood still.

{That doesn't apply, deafening monsters outside the Ft Zone does not increase your servant's stats}

"Well that's a bummer," Shiro noticed a small option on the upper left side of the pixel, it said M.s.

Shiro clicked it and it brought out a stat for the master, meaning him.

{Name: Shiro

Mp: 100

Class: Fighter

Skill: None


Servants: Saber


That showed up on the first page, then on the second page, it showed him other information.

{Rank: Xx xxxx

No of matches won:0





"Okay, what's a fighter class," Shiro asked.

{There are three classes a master is gifted with, fighter class one deals with power befitting a fighter.

Mages who fights based on using a specific skill.

And summoner, those who fight using monsters they were able to tame}.

Shiro sighed, "This is way too much information".

Right in front of the fight club, at the side of the curb was a stand, that was where people went If they wanted to register.

Shiro walked up to the stand, placing his hands on the counter, "I wanna register for the fight tonight" Shiro said.

"Okay that will be, 200 aixz" The man at the counter said.

"Wait, I have to pay?" Shiro yelled.

"Well duh, what did you expect"

"Why you…" Shiro frowned at the man.

"Master, stay sharp," Saber said, she had a serious look on her face.

"Sate, please give me a ticket, I'm bored, I need a fight" Kris said, walking towards the stand with a sack of money in his hands.

He wasn't with his servant, so Shiro wasn't as scared.

"Here you go, it's always a pleasure" Sate handed him a ticket.

Kris dropped the money on the counter and was about to leave when he noticed Saber.

"Are you perhaps the master?" Kris asked, looking at Saber.

"No, I am no-"

"Hey… I'm over here" Shiro uttered, giving Kris a stern look.

"I see, you here to fight?" Kris asked.

"Wish I could, but no cash no ticket"

"Damn right," Sate yelled.

"Sate, do give them a ticket,"

"What?" Shiro yelled feeling surprised.

"I wanna battle them, call it an intuition but I might find it interesting to defeat," Kris said, looking at Saber with determination written all over.

. . . . .


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Shards are left over of defeated monster, it's sellable.

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