
Fate/Divergence (Fate Kaleid AU)

Was it really that easy for Kiritsugu and Irisviel to end the Grail wars that had been going on for the past couple of centuries without any consequences?. That was not the case. And unfortunately, the one who has to face the consequences of their actions is none other than their son. Shirou Emiya.

ruijard1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 3

(POV Shirou)

'Just what the hell is going on?' I shouted in my head as I immediately leaped from my window, chasing after the rapidly disappearing form of my little sister.

She was going at a ridiculously fast pace, so much so that even while reinforcing myself and using Karna's power I was still gradually being left behind.

' I have no choice, I need to use that' I thought as I immediately started my self-hypnosis.

The Image of a gun firing appeared in my mind as prana flooded my very being originating from the Emiya family crest.

"Time Alter: Double Accel"

I almost threw up blood as I felt my body starting to break down from the clash between my still developing reality marble and the artificial reality marble from the Emiya crest.

But I had no choice but to hold on and run.

This is the reason why I did not like the Emiya family magecraft, innate time control, an artificial reality marble created to accelerate the user to absurd speeds.

Its original purpose was that it would allow the Magus to stay inside the reality marble and watch the end of the universe after which the way to the root would be revealed, but the human body cannot last such a long time, that was what drove Norikata Emiya to research Dead Apostles so that he or his descendants could become immortal and find the way to root. When I received the magic crest, Zelretch had helped me modify the crest and include Kiritsugu's own brand of magecraft in the crest, that was why I was able to use his magecraft even though he never taught me.

However, no matter how useful and absurd Kiritsugu's magecraft is, the drawback is extremely huge, especially for me.

Unlike Kiritsugu who only has to think about his body limitations, I also need to think about my reality marble.

Even now, I could already feel swords poking me from inside the body, ready to tear me apart while at the same time, I could feel parts of my body start to give out from the strain of being forced work twice as fast as normal.

Thankfully, there could not be a better time than now to inherit Karna's power, his own durability as a Servant was already starting to override my human body and stop it from being damaged while his high Divinity was already starting to wrap around my reality marble and stop it from interacting with the Innate Time Control in the Emiya Crest, I could also feel his Noble Phantasm, Kavacha and Kundala, take effect as it mitigated all the damage caused by the Time Alter to a minuscule level.

Soon, I followed Illya to the bridge near Fuyuki that separated the old town from the new city, and what I saw nearly drove me mad with rage.

Rin Tohsaka and Luvia Edelfelt, who I was sure by this point were the students sent by Zelretch to retrieve the first set of class cards, talking about capturing the caster class card and avoid getting injured like last time, with my sister.

Immediately, the images of the hundreds of ways EMIYA had witnessed Illya's death came to the forefront as hatred burned in my mind, directed towards the two students who dared to drag his sister into this mess.

Then the situation got even worse as I felt my dagger respond to the signature of a servant in this location.

A secondary class card, one which was my responsibility to collect.

Immediately, I began to make my way towards them, I was too late as the Kaleidosticks had already opened a portal and had already transported them to the mirror dimension, unknowing of the danger before them.


"Install: Lancer!" I cried out as I was immediately covered in light, my clothes replaced by Karna's suit and his cape.

I immediately ran towards their previous location as I immediately summoned the dagger and stabbed it into the ground.

Immediately, complex magic circles and runes covered the ground after which I too was transported to the mirror dimension.

The moment I landed on the ground, I immediately traced the Shroud of Heaven and wrapped it around my face and head so that I could keep my identity secret.

The thing about the mirror dimensions is that there exists a time dilation between it and the real world which is extremely unpredictable.

Sometimes, you could spend and an entire day in the dimension while one a few minutes would have passed in the real world while sometimes, you could have only spend a few minutes in the dimensions while hours had passed in the real world.

The reason why this fact was relevant now is very simple.

For right now, I was watching my little sister use Install on her Archer class card and utilize the power of heroic spirit EMIYA to fight what I could recognize as a different version of Artoria Pendragon.

Thankfully, it seems that I arrived only a few seconds after her transformation.

I immediately ran towards her and before she could sense me, I hit her on the neck, knocking her out and forcing out the Archer card from her, I gently put her down on the ground as a scared yet determined voice came from behind me.

"W-Who are you and what have you done to Illyasviel"

I turned around to find a little girl the same age as my sister with strikingly familiar golden eyes and black hair.

I did not reply to her as I turned around and focused on the immediate threat.

Just looking at the corrupted form brought up unpleasant memories.

'I ask of you, are you my master?'

That day was one of many that shaped Shirou Emiya into becoming one of the rare few modern Heroic Spirits, for a person who had such an impact on his alternate self to be reduced to this state?

This was simply unacceptable.

I immediately readied Vasavi Shakti as mana burst forth from my body in the form of massive red flames.

"I promise you this, Saber, I shall remove this stain on your reputation regardless of your desire," I said as I felt Karna's power rise to extreme heights, as if responding to my resolve, I also felt Saber's Dragon heart start pumping her with prana as she held up the abomination that was supposed to be the Last Phantasm.

"Excaliber!" she shouted as she sent the beam of mana targeting me.

And I tanked it with only a small scratch to show for it.

I could see that even though she did not have her sense of self in this form and was only using 30 present of Excalibur's full power, she was still somewhat shocked to see me take the hit without flinching, it quite understandable, however, for if I was in her situation I too would be shocked.

Seriously, Karna's Noble Phantasms are overpowered.

No wonder it took multiple high-level curses along with his brother Arjuna being guided by the Hindu god Krishna along with the clever trickery of Indra to bring him down in the first place.

I did not waste this chance and immediately used one of Karna's more notable powers.

"Brahmastra Kundala!" I shouted as the weapon of Rama was engulfed in the flames of my mana burst and flew towards Saber, an attack she had no way of dodging.

An explosion rocked the ground as if a massive earthquake had hit the place, following the explosion I could see from the corner of my eyes that the two Kaleidosticks had emerged from the ground followed by Rin and Luvia.

"W-what the hell is going on?" Rin screamed as Luvia looked around frantically for a while before her eyes zeroed in on me.

"...Rin, is that?"

"I know Luvia, it's either a Heroic Spirit or someone who has access to the class cards" Rin concluded Luvia's words.

This momentary distraction proved to be an error as I was immediately attacked by Saber who had closed the distance in a single second and had aimed to cleave me in two from my waist.

Thankfully, Karna's instincts kicked in and I blocked the attack with Vasavi Shakti and deflected it.

What followed was a duel between heroic spirits of great renown.

Saber was not strong enough to land a decisive hit on my body while Kavacha and Kundala stayed active, however, neither could I land a single hit on her due to her great agility and my unfamiliarity with the full scope of Karna's power.

But I knew for a fact that I could not keep up this stalemate any longer, I could already feel the mana drain from my body at a rapid rate, even with Karna's own divine core working overtime to produce prana. This was due to the fact that I was right now using mana burst continuously while also keeping the Noble Phantasm, Kavacha and Kundala active without stopping.

'I need to end this quickly' I thought to myself as I saw saber take on a particular stance. She was now serious and was about to fire Excaliber at its full strength.

I immediately pushed as much prana as I could into Kavacha and Kundala while also using another noble phantasm.





The two noble phantasms clashed in an extreme bout of power as I noticed Excalibre start to push back my attack slowly.

All according to plan.

I immediately called upon a weapon that I knew would be able to finish her off in the weakened and vulnerable state that she is in right now due to using Excalibur to its full potential.

A blade began to form in my hands.

'A blade that was meant to symbolize Royalty'

'Yet it was stolen from its rightful owner when a traitor rebelled against their king'

'Once a symbol of the King, it was turned into the symbol of Betrayal'

'Its once ornate silver blade body now tainted with hatred and blood'

It manifested in my arms and I held the blade ready for when the clash between our noble phantasms would stop.

The moment Excalibur managed to overpower Brahmastra Kundala, I immediately dove to the side and escaped the blast, however, saber could not recover in time for her to escape my attack which was already about to be unleashed.

'The Radiant and Brilliant Royal Sword turned into the Sword of Betrayal'

"CLARENT BLOOD ARTHUR!" I shouted as the red beam of Mana hit Saber square on.

Once more another explosion rocked the ground before the dust cleared and showed the proof of my victory.

The saber class card floating in the air.

"S-Seriously? he defeated that servant that quickly?" Rin shouted as Luvia stared with a dumbfounded look. The girl from before was also staring at open shock at me.

Then it happened.

The first to react was the Kaleidosticks that shouted towards the group of girls, warning them of an incoming attack.

A single second later, a massive steel beam that used to be a part of the bridge was thrown at the girls.

I immediately traced my best defense to protect them.


immediately, a pink seven petaled flower appeared in front of the group as seven layers of protective bounded fields materialized above them.

I was shocked when the beam managed to break two of the seven layers of the shield.

'What the hell? that beam hit with the force of a B rank Noble Phantasm!' I thought in my mind as I looked towards the source of the attack.

A knight clad in an indistinguishable black armor.

The Berseker Class servant of the secondary class cards.

Author Notes:

Hey guys, I don't know if the fight scene came out good or not, but I hope that it is good.