

What would you do if everything you ever fought for betrays you? What would you do then? Would you fight for revenge? Or would you leave it be, and continue to suffer in despair? Our protagonist, Jonael was betrayed and hunted down by all those who he had protected. Now he has a choice. Continue to suffer? Or take the bulls by its horns and take his revenge? This is a epic coming of age story about a lowly angel who acquired the strength to fight equally against a True Dragon. Who had won, and in his weaken state, was killed by does he tried to protect. Through endless reincarnation, he had once again been reborn. But upon his reincarnations he has been weaken. Now, he must find a way to retrieve his lost power before the Guardians locate and destroy him once more. An epic coming of age story begins! [["We are FALLEN!!"]]

Trigger_Black · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Loyalty and Betrayal

Written by Trigger.

Chapter 2: Loyalty and Betrayal


"Yo, Jonael!"


"Idiot! We're over here!"


"So, Jonael what we gonna do today!?" The one who talked like he was on some sort of crack was Ketsu Shiduo, son of Mikimi Shiduo who owns Lovelit resorts, the third largest resort in Japan. He was pretty tall, he wore street punk clothes which consisted of a black leather jacket, a white shirt with the picture of a floating skull underneath, black trousers with a gold chain dropping from it and a pair of Jordans. All this coupled with his handsome face made him very popular with the ladies.


"Yeah, where the hell are we going?" And the know it all who said this was Yakumo Amaki, son of Akeno Amaki who is the CEO of 'Vast', a company known to be the 2nd best in terms of construction in Japan. His mother, Miss Akeno, also owns our school. He's the shortest in our group of three, but also the most well built. Today he wore an army green tank top which showcased his well proportioned abs, combat trousers, and a pair of green Timberlands. He looked like a military guy if you ask me.


Ketsu and Yakumo these two losers are my closest friends, I've known them ever since I was little, we've been through thick and thin with each other, I think our relationship just kinda clicked instantly, we were not really allowed to leave our house as little kids, for obvious reasons, so we couldn't make friends and then we met each other at our parents party and you know, we just kinda became best friends, basically a group of idiots who understand each other's pains.


"The hell's wrong with you two!? I could hear your voice for my Goddamn house!" I said. These two idiots like doing this crap, always shouting my name as soon as they see me.


"Bro, cool down we're just playing." Said Yakumo.


"So, Jonael for real what we are doing!?" Asked Ketsu.


"Let's go downtown." I said. Yes, Tokyo's downtown area, the place of wonder, adventure, peace and beauty!"


"Wait, isn't that where Ishiduo lives?"


"Yeah, Ketsu, that's most definitely where she lives. Oh I see, Jonael, you wanna go meet Ishiduo?"


"Shut it you guys, I'm not going because of her, I'm going because downtown is beautiful! And wonderful! Won-Der-Ful!"

"Yeah, like we're buying that, ain't that right Yakumo?"


"Totally, Ketsu." These two fools we're just saying rubbish, absolute rubbish.


"Come to think of it, haven't you guys been dating for a while now? You could just go visit her like usual, without getting us involved, can't you?" Said Ketsu, he's probably just jealous of me having a girlfriend before he does, like bro you're the lady killer of our group, but you still reject 'em girls, now you're pissed cause your homie got a girl, you being jealous is just crazy bro.


"Wait a second you're dating Ishiduo? Is Ishiduo the same scholarship student?" Said the curious Yakumo. Well yes, the same girl, how many other Ishiduo do you know, bro? But wait a second, how did these two know?


"Wait a second, just wait a second! How the fuck did you know Ketsu!?" I didn't realize it until now, but this guy knew way too much, like how did Ketsu find out!? I'm sure I haven't told anyone yet, not even my family knows!?


"Oh, you think that's a secret? Bro in this 21st century nothing's a secret." Ketsu said while bringing out his phone, and what I saw was the school's blog and on it a picture of both I and Ishiduo on a date!?


"You guys have been trending for a while now, I'm even more surprised Yakumo didn't even know, like everyone in class does, even other students and teachers know.


The whole class, teachers and other students!? Like what the fuck! Who did this? Why would they do this!? Can't someone just have a normal life!?


"People are even saying she's just using you for money, you know because she ain't rich." Ketsu said with an unimpressed look on his face as he read through the school's blog. What.. the fuck!? Using me!? Using me how!? That's bullshit!


"Ketsu, never say that again…" I said as my anger boiled.


"Why not Jonael?"


"Just never say that again…" I just want to lash out on that person, that person who wrote such a bad thing against a sweet, cute and innocent girl, that person has never even talked to her, say less of even knowing her, but yet just jumps to conclusions! I'd have already gone to meet that person if the school blog wasn't written anonymously.


"Oh, have you been blinded by love so badly, Jonael? Haven't you heard the rumors on how she got that scholarship? Don't tell me you don't know about it!" Ketsu said with an unpleasant tune.


"Ketsu stop…"


"Would you say you haven't heard what she does for fun right? Or what she'd done in her previous school!?" Ketsu just kept going louder and louder.


"Ketsu, just keep quiet!"


"No! Someone needs to tell you the truth, isn't this the reason you like writing false information in your journal so your mom can't keep track of you!? When did you start lying to your mom!? When did you start spending so much mon-"


"I said keep quiet!!"


"No, bro you need this, I'll say this and I'll say this again and again until you finally understand, that girl ain't good for-"


"Ketsu, I said shut up!!!!" I said as I threw a punch his way, hitting his jaw. He probably didn't expect it, if he did he would have dodge it, after all he was stronger than me.


"Guys stop this, this instance!!!" Said Yakumo who stood in the space between Ketsu and I, seeing his face looking so annoyed I stopped in my tracks, if I really did take on Yakumo I'd probably die.


"Who'd wanna stay with you guys anyway, see ya." I left not because I was angry, but because I actually hit Ketsu. Ketsu and I have been friends way longer than Yakumo ever joined the group and I just couldn't face him right now, nor could I even face Yakumo.



"Ketsu, you shouldn't have said those things." Yakumo, who had succeeded in stopping the fight between Jonael and Ketsu, sat on the floor close to where Ketsu had fallen and spoke.


"I know." Said the somewhat annoyed looking Ketsu.

"So, why did you say such things? You really hurt Jonael. And we both know you shouldn't judge someone based on rumors alone." Said Yakumo.


"I didn't judge her based on the rumors."


"Then what?"


"I saw it with my own eyes, she's a whore, the bitchy kind."


"What do you mean?" Yakumo asked confusedly. He had heard many rumors about Ishiduo, but had never paid it much mind, after all there were just rumors with no concrete evidence, but today he found out Jonael, one of his best friends was dating her, he felt happy for his friend after all Joneal was always really shy and didn't talk much with girls even if many girls threw themselves at him, at some point it was even rumoured that he and Ketsu were gay, it took a whole lot of effort removing such rumors, and now he had a girlfriend, but Ketsu did not agree and it even led to a fight.


Yakumo had always known that in their circle of friendship he was the lowest rank, Jonael and Ketsu had always been friends ever since they met when they were just 4 years old and he had joined in about a year later, but he was content, they never treated him like an outsider, but as one of them, so it was a real shock seeing his long time friends fight like this.


The weirdest part was Ketsu actually said he had a reason for it.


"You see, I was the first to know about their relationship" he said looking very angry. " I was so happy for him, but based on the rumors I just had to make sure she was right for him, so one day I followed them on thier date, I took some pictures for reasons best none to me~ and after thier date I followed her, she didn't go home, she went deep downtown where those mafia hooligans stay, I was scared and wanted to leave as fast as I could, but something caught my eye, I saw her and the supposed leader leave to a near by apartment, so I followed. Then at the apartment I saw the leader grab her ass, then she moaned! Can you believe it she moaned!" He said looking even angrier.


"So what happened next Ketsu?" Yakumo asked, he was now truly interested in this little story of Ketsu, if it was really how it happened then that girl truly did not deserve Jonael.


"Then they went inside, so I followed silently and peeped through the window, and there I saw something unbelievable, she actually gave him some money, money Jonael had given her on their date. I was so pissed I almost screamed, but I was in hostile territory. And I continued to watch, then she started taking of her clothes until she was stack naked and then they-"


"Ok, that's enough, please that's enough already!"


"I wasn't finished, Yakumo!"


"No no I believe you already, but why didn't you tell him all this yourself?" Yakumo wondered if Ketsu had told Jonael all this, Jonael would probably have listened.


"Really? You act like you haven't met him, you should know that once he makes up his mind it's pretty difficult trying to change it." Ketsu said with a small laugh, in truth his face really was hurting, but a friend was in need of help and there was no time to recover.


"Yeah, but still…" Said Yakumo.


"Bro, you know me, I'd give everything for you guys and I know you and Jonael would do the same for me too, right?"


"For sure."


"And also I tried telling him, but he was having none of it."


"Oh well, let's go save our friend!"


"Yep, let's go save Jonael, and beat his ass for punching me!"