

What would you do if everything you ever fought for betrays you? What would you do then? Would you fight for revenge? Or would you leave it be, and continue to suffer in despair? Our protagonist, Jonael was betrayed and hunted down by all those who he had protected. Now he has a choice. Continue to suffer? Or take the bulls by its horns and take his revenge? This is a epic coming of age story about a lowly angel who acquired the strength to fight equally against a True Dragon. Who had won, and in his weaken state, was killed by does he tried to protect. Through endless reincarnation, he had once again been reborn. But upon his reincarnations he has been weaken. Now, he must find a way to retrieve his lost power before the Guardians locate and destroy him once more. An epic coming of age story begins! [["We are FALLEN!!"]]

Trigger_Black · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Friends Creed.

Written by Trigger.

Chapter 3: Friends Creed.

"I can't believe I hit Ketsu!!"

When I returned home, I didn't feel like surprising Ishiduo anymore, so I came straight home.

"Yo! Jonael, what happened? Why the long face? Didn't your date go well?" Said Rias, who just walked into my room.

"Rias, not now," I said angrily. I was pissed, really pissed, I'm in no mood for her stupid insults today.

"Oh my, it must have been a wonderful date I'm sure, heh." She said, giving a small laugh. Does she think this is funny!? I just fought with my best friend and she's here laughing!?

"Rias!" I yelled, I have never yelled at her like this before, I could see that I had just startled her, this alone made all my anger fade away.

"Sis, I'm sorry… I don't know what's coming over me."

"I-it's my fault, I shouldn't have teased you, but tell me, what happened?" She said, looking ever sorry, this warmed my heart. Big sis Rias, she's always been a bit temperamental, but she had always been kind, she'd always save me whenever I was in trouble or whenever I was being bullied over my white and black hair or my name. She'd fight bullies just for me, even now that I'm taller than her, I'm certain she could still mop the floor with me, she could even beat Yakumo, say less of me. But this super strong girl had now become a caring sister who was ready to listen to her little brother...

"It's nothing," I said, as I tried hiding my tears from her line of sight.

"Nothing? You're crying and you say it's nothing? Come over here and tell me who hurt you!" She pulled me close, threw me on my bed, sat on my back, and caught me in an arm bar. I tried my best, but I couldn't even move.

"I said, talk to Jonael, talk!" She said while bending my arms at an angle where it was not meant to be bent.

"Okay, I give! I'll tell you everything!! So please get off me!!!"

""Ahahahaha!"" Rias even when we were children always knew what would make me laugh and this little punishment of hers was one of them.

"So… tell me everything!" She demanded.

"Ok, just get off me, please."

"Kay." She said and immediately got off me.

"Ok, so it went like this…" I told her about my relationship with Ishiduo, about how I tried covering it up, and the fight between Ketsu and me.

"Eh, you guys let a girl get between you?" Rias asked.


"That's dumb." She said looking confused. I couldn't blame her, after all Ketsu, Yakumo and I have never gone through a fight as serious as this before.

"I know it's dumb, that's why I'm pissed!" I yelled covering my face with my hands."

"Hmmm, you've never really behaved like this before, you sure that girl ain't no witch?" This girl must be mad! I'm trying to have a serious conversation with her, but she keeps pissing me off!

"What I mean by that, basically she may be toying with you, you know? Ketsu's probably right, I've never known Ketsu to lie before." She continued. Well, I mean if you put it like that, Ketsu has no reason to lie, and he has never lied to me before, like never.

"You're probably right, but still, one should never judge a book by its cover nor should one base someone on mere rumors!" In truth I always thought something was off about Ishiduo, but I always thought it was part of her charm, she was so lovely that it didn't make sense why she would betray me, and that's why ketsu's words hit home, I was just insecure.

"So, let's say Ketsu's right, what are you gonna do?" Rias asked.

"I don't know." I really wouldn't know what to do, losing friends all for a girl and it turned out that she betrayed me. I think I'd go mad!

"Well, I guess there's only one way to settle this." She said as she stood up and went to the door. "You'll have to meet Ketsu and Yakumo, and ask for answers or proof she's cheating, cause that's what real friends would do." She continued, as she was just about to leave my room.

"I doubt Ketsu would what to see me," I said as I covered myself with my blankets, ready to take a nap.

"Well, Ketsu and Yakumo are already here~"

"What-!" I said but was interrupted.

"Yo! Idiot, that punch was painful as fuck!" Ketsu? Ketsu's at my house? How? How long has it been since I came back? When did they arrive?

I hid under my bed sheets, I didn't want to see his face, not because I'm angry, but because I didn't have the heart to face him. After all, I did hit him, and over a girl nonetheless.

"Bros, enough, enough of all this crap, we gonna makeup or not? This seems way too bitchy if you ask me." Said Yakumo. He sounded like he was ready to leave, but I knew he wouldn't, he may be the shortest, but his heart certainly was the biggest.

"Why are you here Ketsu?" I asked.

"The fuck? I came so you'll apologize, you idiot!" He replied.

"Never." Heh, he wants an apology? Well, he ain't gonna get it from me, that's for sure.

"You ain't gonna apologize? Well, I have no other choice, cough cough! Mrs. Kendo!! I have something to tell you!!!"

"Shut the fuck up Ketsu!" I said, as I left my blankets, and rushed towards Ketsu, covering his mouth with my hands. We stayed like that until I was sure he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Ok! Ok I'm sorry for punching you, you ok now!?" I apologize not only because I was afraid of my mom, but because I'm sorry, but guys just don't tell each other sorry unless forced, and I guess he knows that, that's why he tried bringing my mom into this."

"Better. Now was that so hard?`` asked Ketsu with a wicked smile on his face. This bastard was one of a kind, a crazy guy, that's probably why we get along so well; even if we fight once in a while.

"""hahaha hahaha!!""" We all laughed, it's always been like this, we fight to make up and move on with our lives.

"So, Ketsu, don't you have something to tell me too? Maybe an apology?" I asked, it wasn't right to base someone solely on rumors, but what came out of Ketsu's mouth was nothing like an apology.

"Nope!" One word, just one word, and Ketsu's face were looking very punchable.

"Why?" I said while trying to keep down my anger.

"Because I was right, and I can prove it!" Ok, Jonael, just chill, just chill, if you punch him again what would you gain? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

"Ok, let's say I believe you, how do you intend to prove it?" I asked. If he has a way to prove this I'm all ears, but if he doesn't, then someone's gonna die tonight.

"Go on a date!" He yelled.

"What?" I replied. In truth, I heard him, but I'm just making sure what I heard was legit.

"Yup, just go on a date." This time it was Yakumo who spoke. My attention was immediately drawn to his corner of the room, and I was in shock to see him eating steak, where did he get steak from?

"Munch munch Just go on a date if all goes according to Ketsu's plan then we should be able to see the truth, but if it doesn't, then the both of us will beat his ass for lying. He said while eating his steak.

"Ya! Beat my ass if I'm wrong… wait beat whose ass, Yakumo?" Ketsu asked, looking confused.

"Well you have to bet something, and beating you will make this worthwhile for me and Jonael, right Jonael?"

"Yup! So do you agree with Ketsu?" I asked manically.

"Yes… but! If I win then I'll beat Jonael's ass, is that ok Yakumo?" Ketsu asked, looking way too confident.

"Yes, of course 'we' will." Answered Yakumo. So that's how it is? This Yakumo's up to something, because either way, he gets to beat someone up!

"So, do you guys agree?" Asked Yakumo.

""Yeah."" We agreed.

"So, Jonael, call her." Said Yakumo.

"Kay." And so, I called her. I know it's wrong to put someone you trust in this position, but I have to prove that she ain't no bad girl. I thought as I imagined Yakumo, Ishiduo and I beating the crap out of Ketsu after I won!

"Why the hell are you laughing, Jonael?"

"No reason Ketsu, no reason at all, hehe."

"Kay, weirdo."

Next day.

Downtown Tokyo: Kasuna gaming center.

"A young couple had just entered, they seemed to be on a date, they've been in there for a while now, 2 hours to be exact. The brilliant spy: Ketsu Shiduo is getting impatient."

"Shut it, Ketsu."

"And on the left of the brilliant spy: Ketsu Shiduo was the not-so-brilliant spy: Yakumo Amaki, who was super jealous of Ketsu's swag and flawlessness…"


"Ouch! Yakumo, why would you do such a thing!?" I, Ketsu Shiduo asked my friend Yakumo Amaki.

"Stop being stupid and stick with the plan." Said Yakumo, who ever since I started talking like a spy in one of those American movies, has been pissed.

"Kay, no need to hit me, I've had more than enough of that these days," I said.

If you're wondering what we're doing here, we're currently following our friend, Jonael, out on his date, not because we're his wingmen, but because I saw his girl cheating on him, and I'm here to prove it!

"They're leaving, let's go Ketsu."

"Kay, let's go," I replied.

Today's the day that I'll expose Ishiduo, for the lying bitch she is! This girl's been playing with my boy, I ain't fond of that. Been lying to my boy's face, been giving another man my boy's money, and worst of all, be giving another man her body, while my boy's still a damn virgin! I mean it's obvious she's playing him, what girl likes going on a date in a gaming center?

"Let's go!" We followed them.

I, Jonael left the gaming center together with Ishiduo.

I saw Ketsu and Yakumo a little bit far off on the other street, looking at us, but from this angle, I'm sure Ishiduo couldn't see them, even if they looked so dumbass acting like spies, especially Ketsu.

"Ara, Jonael, that was nice~," said Ishiduo. Damn, how could Ketsu say she's fake? Just look at how adorable she is in her floral mini top, white skirt, and all-stars, she's just all a guy could ever want. I bought these for her a few days ago when she asked me to take her shopping.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it too, shall I walk you home?" I asked. In truth, I had never walked her home before, I knew where her house was, but I had never gone inside… wait! What's wrong with me? I think Ketsu's rubbish has been going through my head…

"I'm sorry Jonael, but I'll be going somewhere else after this." The same old excuse. Whenever I ask her if I could 'walk her home', she always says she has somewhere else to be...

"So, see you Jonael, thanks for the cash!!" She said while leaving. I always give her some cash after our dates, not because she asked for it, but because I knew she wasn't from a rich family and I wanted her to take care of herself, that's all.

"Well, see you…" I said. I watched her leave and pretended like I was leaving too, and after I was outside her range of vision I went to the place where Ketsu and Yakumo were.

"Is this really how your date usually goes?" The first to talk wasn't the expected Ketsu, but the unexpected Yakumo. He asked me a question like he had not expected our date to go as it did.

"I don't understand," I said. I'm honestly really confused, I couldn't understand what he meant.

"Yakumo's just trying to be nice, what he meant is that your date was cringe!!"

"How?" What are these guys even talking about? I'm so confused.

"Ketsu, enough of that, lead the way."

"Okay, Yakumo, let's go."

And so we left, we went in the opposite direction as Ishiduo, not knowing why. We arrived shortly at the deep end of downtown, where the Mafia usually hangs out, Ketsu's been talking to some guys for a while now, both Yakumo and I were confused at first but it seemed that was unnecessary, it turns out Ketsu had made a few friends on his last expedition here, not that, that proves his right, but that we should be careful near him.

"So, bro, you sure she just came in?" He asked.

"Yeah boss, she just went in." The suspicious-looking guy replied.

"Cool, here's something for the help, hehe," Ketsu said as he gave the suspicious guy some cash.

"Heh, boss, you're good to your boys, I like that." The suspicious guy said.

"No need, after all, we will be taking over this place in a matter of years!"

"Yes, boss! Will tear this place apart and build an empire that truly fits your splendor!!"

"Hehehe!" Ketsu laughed like a madman.

"Jonael, have I ever wronged Ketsu before?" Asked Yakumo, who seemed scared.

"I don't know, but I'm sure of one thing, beating him up In the future would be a bad idea…" I was scared too, why? Because I just hit someone who plans to overthrow a mafia! I'm dead!

"Come on guys, let's go!" Said Ketsu, who looked way too pumped.

""We're coming…"" We replied.

We followed Ketsu's lead and shortly after we arrived in front of an old building with writings on the door, 'Black Snakes'. Wait, where have I heard that before? Yes! The news! These guys are killers, really bad people, the worst of the worst, they're suspected of killing over 20 people in just five years! And this idiot, Ketsu, brought us over here!?

"Ketsu, why did you bring us here!?" I asked in a hushed tune, I didn't want to die, so I'm being as quiet as possible.

"Just shut it! Look, Yakumo believes in me, he's been super quiet ever since we came here!" He whispered.

"..." The said Yakumo was shaking, not from joy, but from fear, it wasn't that he trusted you, it was because he couldn't speak because of fear.

"Let's go by the window over there. Said Ketsu.

Under the cover of the night Ketsu, Yakumo, and I was right below a window peeking in, this window did not belong to a girl, but to a man, the leader of a dangerous mafia, to be exact. We're currently under his window, peeking inside for any signs of my girlfriend, yes my girlfriend, Ishiduo. About a day ago, Ketsu gave me some shocking news, he told me, my girl's cheating on me, and this led to a fight, then we reconciled, and as they say, the rest is history.

"We've been waiting here for an hour and nothing's happened." Whispered Yakumo.

"I told you, Ishiduo ain't here, she's never gonna cheat on me!" I said in a hushed tune. Why I'm I so hyped? Because of the bet! If Ketsu loses, I and Yakumo get to beat his ass, if I lose he and Yakumo get to beat my ass. But in light of recent discoveries, Yakumo and I have decided to be gentle, and not beat him senseless.

"..." Ketsu said nothing to reply to us, he was completely focused on the window and nothing else, it was like Yakumo and I didn't even exist. And then–

"So, how much did the kid give ya this time?" A man's voice could be heard from the inside and as soon as his voice was heard, Ketsu finally said something.

"Let the show begin." He said those words and relaxed, he was nervous, but had somehow regained his composure.

"Let's just say the kid gave me quite a bit of cash, like in the thousands!" A feminine voice came into my ears, it sounded like… Ishiduo's…

"Hehe, we gonna make a bank with that stupid rich kid!" The husky-voiced man came into view, he wasn't all that tall he was average in height, he wore the standard mafia clothes consisting of a red bandana on his head, a black shirt, with a bulletproof vest over it, some loose trousers, and a pair of boots, all in all, he looked like more like an American gangster that those old-time mafia movies were they only wore black suits.

"Totally." And a lady dressed in black came right after him, it... was… Ishiduo. So it's true, she's cheating on me?

I know I've been laughing at the possibility of Ishiduo cheating on me, but I was always afraid, now seeing this, I feel like a part of me had just died.

This feeling seems so familiar, the feeling of being forsaken and used…

I, Ketsu Shiduo, have just successfully shown Jonael, what a lying, cheating bitch, Ishiduo is, but the situation is not what I expected, I didn't expect, Jonael, to be this heartbroken, like as soon as he saw Ishiduo, he's eyes lost as as all luster, he had become a hollow shell of his former self.

Ishiduo, Ishiduo I'll never forgive you! I promise you, you'll regret this. I thought as the man and Ishiduo continued talking.

"He's such an asshole, he can't even see that you're using him! I can't help but laugh when I bang you, and he's probably at home thinking about you, haha!!" He laughed maniacally.

"Yeah, just another rich kid, all money and no brains! He takes girls out for a date to a gaming center, the hell!?"

"You, serious babe?"

"For real, the idiot ain't got no chills, just a topical dumbass, rich boy vibes only, just stupid and ignorant."

"Babe, you cruel, come over here."

"So, what are we gonna do tonight, babe!?"

"What that chump ain't ever gonna do!!"

And so he started taking off her closet and at this point, Jonael looked away and said–

"There's nothing left here, let's go." He said as he left.

"Let's go Ketsu," Yakumo said as he stood up.


And we left.