

She needs change. He needs companion. She sought vengeance. He finds it amusing. All of them share different types of games that played with different roles. Some choose to alter in order to attain desires.

STRAW_BERRY011 · แอคชั่น
34 Chs

Im scared

A certain knock on the door snapped my thoughtless mind gazing at the dark nothingness outside.

"Get changed, we're heading somewhere" I heard a familiar voice outside my door. If I'm not mistaken that's perhaps Harrison.

He knocked again and then opened my door and found me easily standing near the window.

"I said we're headi-"

"I heard you" I muttered , cutting him over and looking back outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked dryly

"Black market" he replied briefly and almost sounds like hissing.

"I'll be down in a minute" I answered before he walked out without giving me any more words.

Black market. I've never been there but I'm aware of what's going inside of that place. Everything and everyone which has to do with nothing legal.

I didn't take long to get ready and went down to where I found Jarred and Harrison having a discussion about something.

"Are you sure not to bring a few of my men to come with us?" Asked Harrison.

"No need," Jarred replied. Finally sensing me.

"Let's get moving" he muttered and walked ahead of us.

We hit the road silently yet an unbearable environment is oozing around us, like something isn't right that only I who seemed unaware.

"Giovanni, I heard she killed a few of your people yesterday, why aren't you doing something about her?" Harrison brought me back as I instantly get irritated and ashamed.

"Yes she did, I don't need to punish her since those idiots were just freeloaders, wasting my money over no good stuff." Jarred casually replied, making me frown at him.

Harrison decided not to reply at all but a certain gaze on the rearview looking intensely fatal at me made me want to kick him, I glared at him pointedly and an unmistakable scoffed heard in front.

He wanted me to get punished. Although, I really did deserve a severe punishment, but he judged me that easily and almost wanted me dead making me feel corrupt.

There's humanity still left within me, it never fades, it's just that the humanity I believed betrayed me in the most cruel way that I suffered an ill I didn't even quite have the control.

The ride even got heavier as we turned to the deeper corner of the city, street lights that guided us to where pawns of satan's reside.

I should mentally prepare myself for what that place has to offer inside.

The abrupt halt of the car signaling that we had finally reached the location. I stepped out and gazed at the engrossingly tall building at the center as few warehouses surrounded it. It almost appeared as those normal factories usually seen around.

"This location is hidden, this whole area was brought by the black market itself that even a government can't afford, they have threatened to burn this place few times but none of them succeeded since powerful people were involved with it including me, so , as time goes by the government decided to remained silent about it afraid there wouldn't be anyone left on their party" Jarred shared a little knowledge.

As I thought about it, I just don't believe no one from the government involved with the black market, considering that the government itself chose not to mind this unforgivable threat to humanity and society, it's impossible not to have a better option to take this down. They must have been one of the beneficiaries for all I know.

Jarred started to step forward and Harrison and I instantly followed behind him.

We walked past a warehouse with busy workers transferring a big glassy container on the truck. I couldn't quite figure out the thing inside the container and ignored it eventually.

We walked inside of another quarter where again busy workers welcomed us inside.

They are bunches of children dressed in a baggy white uniform. They all looked restless and anxious. What's going on here?

I followed Jarred who's walking near the guy who's checking over a paper or more like a record.

"Giovanni, it's nice to see you here. What can I help you with today?" Asked the guy.

I decided not to listen to their chat and observed the whole area as the children started to walk at the narrow stainless flat surface and they obediently laid on it.

What the hell is happening? I thought to myself before a certain familiar figure caught my eyes at the far corner section.

Its body was slow moving as if too weak to even get over the table. I looked closely and when it registered in my mind, a painful longing crossed my chest and I found myself running in his direction. As I got near his area a few figures again signified familiarity in my sight. Why are they here?

I ran faster to their position but abruptly halted when I saw the older ones who wore the same baggy clothes and a facemask and hairnet brought a platter with tools in it.

My instincts tell me to get them the fuck away from here because im picturing a dark scenario in here.

When I'm almost close to Danny's position a hand grabbed me forcefully and shoved me at the wooden table at the side

"Who the fuck are you woman? You're not supposed to be here" a deep voice hissed as he clenched my arm tightly.

"Let go of me! What do you think you're doing to those kids?!" I hissed back trying to pull my hands away.

"KC" I heard Danny's low voice calling for me.

"Get rid of this woman, I might've got my hands dirty before even starting the operation" the old guy ordered as he swiftly turned around and walked near Danny.

"KC. Im scared" i heard Danny sobbed before a blow hit me square in my abdomen

"Older sister!" A little voice coming from Tally.

"Surrender your weapon" an armed guy commanded. I can't move since the impact didn't yet subside so the other few guys cupped my body to gather my knives.

A piercing simultaneous screams resonate in the place making everyone turn towards that area only to be horrified with the view.

Sharp blades slicing the skin of those poor children as they stayed unmoving and eyes wide open in their position. The current traumatic sight that other kids have miserably witnessing cant seem to hold back their terror and constantly released a loud screams for mercy.

I can never forgive this.

I instantly turned towards Danny's area and they were injecting anesthesia in them. My heart races terrified about what's going to happen next. My veins are throbbing painfully still yet to adopt the searing pain in my abdomen.

"No" I hissed as I caught a glimpse of currently laid threatening blades at the platter with various kinds of scissors.

Another blow hit again my abdomen and spine making me stuffy at the painful impact. My eyes brim with tears as the sight of Danny being sliced on his skin displayed in my eyes. He's not moving or blinking, he's just staring at the light above him as if tired of seeking help, he then suddenly turned to me and gave me a warm smile mouthing the words " I'll be fine"

Suddenly my body's flickering right in his position, eyes filled with emptiness as she looked at me and gazed up on the person slicing her, they snickered ruthlessly as they lacerated everywhere with no blood trails, she kept screaming that she badly needed some rest. Rest of all of this shit.

I turned to the person who's pulling my last knife in my back thighs swiftly pulling it out first before him and stuck it on his eye, a loud groan erupted coming from him, and as he tried to endure the pain, I slice the sling that holds the heavy shot gun clinging on his back and instantly catching it in one quick move, I reloaded the gun and pointed it to the one whose about to slice Tally and pulled the trigger as his internals scattered around and, people didn't take a second to freaked out and run out of the place, including the children.

Tally on the other hand showered with blood but i didn't care at all as i pointed to the person who sliced Danny.

"Stitch everyone before you turn pulverized" I ordered demandingly cold and I noticed him quickly nodded.

"Khalil" I heard a voice behind me that I instantly swung my knife in his direction.

"Put the gun down," he ordered.

"You shut the fuck up, im far from being done" i hissed towards him.

"Khalil don't make me repeat myself" he ordered playfully yet warningly.

"Get over yourself" I deadpanned and turned to the old guy who completely stitched Danny. He turned to me hesitantly and I gripped the trigger.

"Move!" I yelled at him as he visibly jumped and moved toward the few children who left the table bleeding.

"Khalil you don't know what you're doing" I heard Jarred commented.

"Older sister" whimpers automatically grabbed my full attention.

"Tally, hey. come here" i grabbed her to my side and got near Danny who's now unconscious. He's too pale as tally already has dark circles. The few kids who aren't still had a cut run towards me as they have familiarity with me. They all gathered around me just like how they usually did when they're afraid.

"Tell me what's going on here?" I asked, still watching the old guy and kneeled.

"They wanted our kidney," one of them sobbed. My heart skipped a beat as I heard the answer.

"How'd you get here?" I gritted painfully, unable to hold back my ferall.

"It's the guy, who once with you before, when we're still at the orphanage" my heart slumped to my stomach churning painfully at the density of the news.

"He destroyed the Orphanage and sold our kidneys in this place, he's a Devil older sister!" Tally erupted into a loud cry as she wiped her tears that had turned crimson because of the smeared blood on her little face.

A single tear left my eyes as I looked at the angels I promised to protect. They all shed in tears as few had nothing left to cry anymore but a pure terror marked on their faces. It shattered my heart into a million pieces looking at them this miserable, no more giggles, no more soft smiles, no more bright personality, all gone.

No more kind and protective Larrison, but just a plain evil. I hate him.

I'm going to fucking kill him.

"Khalil" I heard Jarred called, I didn't respond and remained unmoving.