
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 10: He who hesitates is lost.

That night, Magnus had a dream.

He dreamed that he was still up in the Heavenly Realm, on his way to his mission.

He entered the portal, but there was a malfunction and his trajectory changed. He was brought to a dark place and there was an automated voice telling him to choose a location.

Upon choosing the location, he was brought to an unknown place, a land unfamiliar to him where he was met with people he didn't know. Wait. This isn't a dream he thought. This is reality. 


[Magnus. Oh no, that's not quite right. I believe your name is this Realm is Alastor. Alastor Caesrus. Welcome to Bellyon the holy land of God.] 

Magnus woke up suddenly. He has a headache and couldn't help but rub his forehead. What was that? A dream? Not it wasn't a dream. This was his memories coming back to him. 


[Yes, unfortunately you are not dreaming, This is very much real.] 

Magnus turned to look towards the direction the sound came from but there was nothing there.

Confused, he started to recall this weird system that got him into this mess. His body started to shake with rage. 

"You're that system right? That evil system that send me here with no cause or purpose. Reveal yourself at once." He said with contempt. 

[I am the divine system yes, and I am in no way evil. In fact, I am incapable of evil since I was created only with good intentions.] 

"Yeah right. How can you not be evil? You brought me to an unknown place without my consent. Do you even know what consent means?" 

[According to the air web, consent refers to having permission for something to happen or a verbal or written agreement to do something.] 

"Yes the key word being permission, which I did not give you. Do you even know who I am? I am the Cherubim Magnus, Chief of the angels, so how can someone even dare to bring me here?" He snapped.

[Yes I am aware of who you are, however the person who sent you here is the one at fault not me. I am simply doing what has been programmed for me to do. Nothing more.] 

"And who sent me here?" 

[ I am not at liberty to say.] The system replied. 

Of course it isn't. Magnus couldn't help but roll his eyes at this. He couldn't believe the ridiculous situation he was currently in. 

"So who exactly am I and what am I meant to do?" He finally asked. 

[Right, we should not waste any time. In a couple of seconds, you will see a virtual screen pop up which will include all the pertinent information you will need to know.] 

And as the system promised, after only a couple of seconds, a golden screen appeared in front of him. On the top, displayed in bold lettering "Elysium, The Divine System". Just below that he saw his name or more like the name of the person he had become. 

Name: Alastor Caesrus

Age: 7

Level: 1

Title: N/A

Energy level: 15 

Holy power: 40 

Stamina: 5

Agility: 5

Potential: TBD

While looking through the status window, Magnus couldn't really understand what he was seeing but he did gain some knowledge about the body he was currently in. This boy was a seven year-old child and even though his body was weak and mostly skin and bones, he had a considerable amount of energy for a young child and the maximum amount required to have powerful holy power. He was amazed at the potential this boy had.

Even without being able to see his level of potential, as an angel, Magnus knew this human boy would become strong one day. 

[As you can see, this body has the potential to be quite strong one day but his body and overall constitution is considerably weak. We weren't able to determine his potential because he is still currently at the level zero.] 

"What does this level even mean?" He asked, a tinge of curiosity could be heard in his voice. 

[The level is a way of measuring ones growth. The higher level you have, the more powerful you will be and the more your potential will increase.] 

"How are potentials measured?"

[Potentials are categorized in nine levels, B, BB, BB+, A, AA, AA+, S, SS, and, SS+] 

"I am guessing SS+ is incredibly rare?" 

[Yes that is correct. There are currently only five people in this Realm that have SS+ potential and that have actually achieved that level. Most people considered powerful fall under the category AA+ and S.]

"And what does the + signify?" 

[This + means that the person has the capabilities of reaching an even higher level. The categories without the + demonstrates the individual's limit. They will remain in that level and will not have the ability to grow further than that level. The + essentially means that that person has even more room for growth.] 

"Oh, so they can keep... what's the right word. Levelling up?" He remarked. 

[Yes, that is the right choice of words.] 

Hmm, Magnus thought to himself. This is quite an interesting system. 

"So, can everyone else see this screen or is it exclusive to me?" 

[... you are the only person who can see the screen yes, but anyone thriving to become powerful have the ability to see their levels, and potential. In this world, there are places made for this very purpose. You can measure your potential using a stone. I believe that once a child reaches the age of ten years-old, they are required to have them measured. Any child who falls under the category of BB+, A or higher, can become a holy knight or a healer which are in high demand in this world.] 

"Okay, I got it." Magnus was starting to feel a little overwhelmed by all this information.

It was a lot to take in, especially considering how different it was from the Heavenly Realm and the Human Realm he was familiar with. 

He knew based on what the system told him, that this world relied a lot on power and that in order to live a comfortable life, he needed to become strong.

And he suspected that this boy didn't come from an ordinary family. He could tell just by looking at the room he was currently staying in. Everything looked shiny and expensive. It was almost on par with his room back home but of course his stuff was much nicer. 

Anyone coming from a family like this must have significant power and demand strength above all else. He sighed to himself. 

"How do I level up?" He asked the system. 

[By completing tasks and missions. Of course since you are a beginner, the tasks will be rather simple but the more you level up, the more demanding the tasks and missions will be.] 

"When can I start receiving these tasks?" 

[Whenever the system deems you are ready.] 

And just before he could ask anything else, he heard a ringing sound and looked at his screen. 

New Task: 

Focus on your recovery by meditating daily. 

This will increase your level of energy and mental awareness.

You are required to do one hour of meditation every day until the conditions have been met. 

Meditation: 0/30 

"Well it looks like the system is raring to go." He chuckled.

This worked out perfectly for him. He wanted to start training right away but he couldn't do anything that would overexert this body. Meditation was a great way of controlling ones breathing, increasing your level of concentration and tempering your mind. He didn't have a single complaint and got right to it. 

He positioned his body, having his back aligned correctly and sat in a lotus position. He then closed his eyes and started to control his breathing. He sat there for exactly an hour before he heard a ringing sound breaking him out of his trance. 

You have completed todays daily mission. 

Keep it up!

Meditation: 1/30

His body felt relaxed and his mood instantly improved. 

Hopefully the power scalling system here isn't too confusing. This is merely the tip of the iceberg of course and there is a lot more to the power in this world than meets the eye.

This will be explained further down the line so for now please focus on the 9 levels.

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