
Elysium: The Divine System

****CANCELLED (I am dropping this story therefore it will no longer be updated until further notice.) What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NSchan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Archive 9: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"How is my son doing doctor, will he be okay?"

Esmeralda asked almost throwing herself at the doctor. 

"Mother, please calm down. The doctor just finished examining him, he'll let us know in due time." Aurore said while getting his mother to sit down. 

"Brother, the doctor has been examining him for almost an hour and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him physically, so what could possibly be the problem?" Exclaimed Apollon. 

The doctor finally put away his instruments and cleared his throat trying to get the anxious family's attention. 

"It is like young master Apollon has said, there isn't anything physically wrong with young master Alastor per say. I'll have to run a few more tests on him, but based on what I've seen thus far, I can conclude that it may be a psychological problem.

From what you've all told me, it seems that he is suffering from amnesia, but since he is not awake, I cannot confirm this at the moment. We will have to wait until he wakes up. If it is indeed amnesia, then there's nothing I can do unfortunately.

The young master will have to recover on his own." The doctor said calmly. 

"Amnesia?! Oh my poor boy! This wouldn't have happened… if only… he shouldn't have gone there alone." Esmeralda cried out. 

The two boys looked at one another, with grave faces. Pollux the family' butler stood at the corner, sighing to himself.

The whole room was quiet until they heard the rustling of the bedsheets. Immediately everyone in the room's attention fell on the boy who was lying in bed, his eyes slowly opening. 

"SON!" Esmeralda quickly yelled out making her way to the bed. The boy's body tensed up upon hearing that word. The doctor gestured to the boys to get their mother out of the way so that he could finally speak to the young master.

"Young master Alastor, I am glad you awake. I know this might seem a little confusing to you, even a little scary, but I have to ask you a couple of questions in order to treat you, so I ask that you please cooperate. Can you do this for me?" The doctor asked, his voice turning soft. 

Magnus who didn't sense any ill intent from the doctor slowly nodded his head. He didn't know what was happening but he knew that his situation wasn't simple.

Even though he didn't remember everything, he was aware of the fact that this was not his original world and that he didn't belong here. His instincts told him that he was sent here by mistake and that this place was unfamiliar to him.

The only way out of here was to cooperate and not make things difficult for himself. So he made the decision to play along, at least until he was fully recovered. Then he would figure out what to do later. 

"Good. The first thing I would like to ask is your name. Do you remember it?" 

He shook his head. " I don't but based off of what these people have been calling me as well as yourself, my name is Alastor right?" He replied back calmly. 

This earned a gasp from the older woman. 

"That is correct young master. And these people you are referring to, do you not remember them as well?" The doctor inquired once again. 

"No I don't." 

"Hmm, I see. Well thank you very much for your cooperation young master. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you physically besides a couple of scratches and bruises, but they should go away shortly with your holy power in a couple of days. 

This comment earned a slight brow raise from Magnus, but he didn't inquire about it. The doctor then gestured for the three to step out while Pollux attended to the young master. 

"So what he doesn't remember us?!" Apollon exclaimed.


"Yes it appears that he is indeed suffering from amnesia. This would mean that he either suffered a significant blow to the head resulting in the trauma or worse. It is unclear at the moment however. I'd advice sending in holy officials to deal with this matter." 

"Holy officials?! It's that serious?" Esmeralda asked. 

"Yes. Please do so quickly. Letting things stay as they are could worsen his condition. Well I've done all I can, please write to me directly if the young master needs additional medical attention." The doctor said. "I'll look at the young master once more before leaving." 

"Yes thank you doctor." Esmeralda said while watching him enter the room again. 

"What are we going to do mother? Are we really going to have to call holy officials?" Apollon frantically asked her. 

"Calm down son. From what the doctor said, it looks like we don't have a choice. Your brother's injuries are worse than we thought. We need to get him quickly healed up before your father arrives. If he finds out about this… who knows what he'll do. That crazy boy, what was he thinking going into the woods of no return all by himself." She sighed to herself. 

"Mother, you know why he went. Father asks the impossible out of all of us, and unfortunately Alastor is the weakest among us and feels the pressure even more. He went there hoping he could become stronger."

Aurore said softly. 

"Yes I am aware but… he is so small and weak, what if he had gotten himself killed?! I'm surprised he even came back, let alone in one piece." She cried out. 

"We don't have a choice. I'll ask Pollux to contact the Hyperion Church and get them to send us an official. Your brother sacrificed himself in order to get strong, let's not let his sacrifice be in vain, we won't let your father know about this situation for now." 

"He will find out eventually mother. Nothing gets passed him. What about Avaris? Should we let him know?" Apollon asked. 

"No. We shouldn't worry your younger brother about this for now. He is currently studying hard. This would only cause him to drop everything and return. This stays between us." She told them sternly. 

"Yes mother." Both brothers replied in unison. 

While this conversation was happening behind the door, Magnus or better yet Alastor was having a conversation with the doctor. He told him that he might be suffering from amnesia although it was too early to tell.

He could miraculously remember everything the next day but in the event that it was in fact amnesia, that he shouldn't' worry and that the memories would come back to him slowly. Not knowing what to say he simply nodded and thanked the doctor before he left. Now that he was alone, all he could do was slump back into bed and contemplate the situation he was currently in. There was nothing he could do but wait. He knew he was in no condition to leave and even if he did, he wouldn't know where to go.

He made the decisive decision to wait and once he was better, he would try to familiarize himself with this place.

He would leave today's troubles to tomorrow. With that, he fell back to sleep. 

Magnus is going to get a chance to experience what its like to live as a human. He now has a mother and not one, but two brothers.

How the heck is he going to react to all of this? Stay tuned to find out.

Apollon: Apple-on (His name is inspired by the greek god Apollo but its pronounced a bit differently, think of the word "apple" and attatch the word "on" at the end and you get his name!)

Aurore: Oh-row-ruh (like the princess in "Sleeping beauty" but remove the "a" at the end)

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