
Echoes of Time, Surviving in the MCU

Hello! I am a very inexperienced author, but I would like you to give it a try. I'm not going to delete reviews to fake appearances and will try my best to be consistent. With that out of the way, let me talk about the story. No harem or whack shit. There will be romance later in the story, so hang tight. the protagonist finds themselves mysteriously transmigrated into the body of an individual within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As they grapple with their new reality, they discover extraordinary powers intertwined with the fabric of time itself. Guided by curiosity and a desperate will to survive the MC embarks on a journey, learning to harness their newfound abilities while adapting to the unforgiving world of the MCU.

Deobot · ภาพยนตร์
16 Chs

The Ancient One pt.2

Curiosity piqued, I ask her, "Why did you bring me here?" Though I lower my guard slightly, I remain prepared for any surprises. "Well, that requires a more elaborate answer, and I believe a change of scenery would be preferable, don't you? You've been resting here for three days," she replies, leading me to a more spacious room. As I enter, I observe her conjuring a table with tea and two chairs with a wave of her hand. "Tea?" she offers. "Sure," I respond, accepting the cup. The tea has a tangy flavor with a delightful sweet aftertaste, its ingredients eluding my taste buds. Despite the mystery, it is truly enjoyable. Placing the cup down after a sip, I address her directly, "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Thank you for saving me and bringing me here, but I know that nothing comes without a price. So, what is it that you want from me?" I inquire.

"Simply put, I want you to join us and learn the mystic arts," she states. "But why do you want me to learn, and how would it benefit me?" I counter. "Control. The energy within you has kept you alive thus far, but how much control do you truly possess? If you were in a dire situation, do you believe you could fully harness it and utilize it?" she explains. "By learning the mystic arts, you will gain mastery over this power and learn to protect yourself and others. In return, you will be entrusted with the task of safeguarding Earth from extraterrestrial threats. Should Kamar Taj ever be endangered, you will be called upon to defend it," she reveals the purpose behind her invitation.

Breathing out, I begin to ponder her words. 'She has a point. My little control has kept me alive, and yet I know so little about this energy within me. What can it truly do? The requirements she mentioned don't seem too restrictive, and the benefits appear to be worth it. Besides, the Ancient One is not one to skimp on a deal, as I've seen in the movies.' With conviction, I respond, "Deal." The Ancient One smiles, standing up and saying, "Glad you've come to your conclusion." With a single clap, the table, tea, and chairs vanish in a burst of orange sparks. "Come with me," she beckons as i am lead out of the room to a open courtyard.

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