
Echoes of Time, Surviving in the MCU

Hello! I am a very inexperienced author, but I would like you to give it a try. I'm not going to delete reviews to fake appearances and will try my best to be consistent. With that out of the way, let me talk about the story. No harem or whack shit. There will be romance later in the story, so hang tight. the protagonist finds themselves mysteriously transmigrated into the body of an individual within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As they grapple with their new reality, they discover extraordinary powers intertwined with the fabric of time itself. Guided by curiosity and a desperate will to survive the MC embarks on a journey, learning to harness their newfound abilities while adapting to the unforgiving world of the MCU.

Deobot · Movies
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16 Chs

The Ancient One

I wake up once again in an unfamiliar location, finding myself in a room adorned with various types of wood. The sunlight streams in, casting a warm orange hue. As I sit up in the bed, my gaze falls upon an ancient monk who appears to be in deep meditation. "Umm, hello?" I tentatively address the man, but he doesn't respond. Instead, he rises gracefully and exits the room. Taking in my surroundings, I realize that this room is a place for recovery, with intricate symbols etched into the wooden floors. It seems that my captors have taken my clothes, replacing them with red and black robes. I locate a mirror and catch a glimpse of myself—a young man with green eyes, fair skin, a toned physique concealed within the robes, and dark brown hair nearly obscuring my face. "I haven't really taken a good look at myself, have I? Hmm, not bad," I remark to myself.

Before I can dwell further on my appearance, the door to my room opens, and another monk enters. Clad in white robes and exuding a wise aura, she gazes at me intently. My protector orb alerts me to a presence attempting to probe my mindscape, but it is unable to breach the surface due to the orb's protection. I instruct the orb to scan the presence and store the data for later analysis. "Hello, David Stone. It's a pleasure to meet the man who has been tampering with time. A time traveler, perhaps?" she greets me with a mystical smile. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" I inquire cautiously. "Ah, so you don't know. I am the Ancient One, and you are at Kamar Taj," she reveals. "What is Kamar Taj?" I inquire further. "It is a place where many come to learn the mystic arts, where sorcerers reside. I found you collapsed on a tree after your daring feat on that building—quite impressive," she remarks with admiration.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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