
Dropped for improvementsss

What makes you believe that God is always silent? Are we truly alone in the God-created Universe? Is being born a blessing or a curse? Humans like to live only when they have something to lose. But... What about people who don't have access to that? Nathan was at his wit's end when an Angel arrived and revealed the mystery of God's creation...

Yoknow · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


What Lilith had said had taken Nathan by surprise. "Rebirth to other worlds?" Nathan was taken aback; he had expected Lilith to propose such a bargain, but he hadn't expected to be reincarnated. He had merely expected to be teleported there, like in the anime and novels he had read. But being reincarnated into other planets also implies a fresh start in life, and there's a slight chance he'll be attractive and have all the females swooning over him.

Lilith knew that she had already gotten the full attention of Nathan, but she then decided to strike while the iron is hot and added an interesting fact about the world that he was going to be reborn into in order for him to be hooked completely.

"The world that you're going to be reborn to is not cursed, unlike Earth." She then smiled knowing that she had already caught him and then she continues.

"You can unlock up until tier 1 into tier 6th" She puffs her chest after she said that as if she was so proud that she just said that and then she continues.

"Every people in this world is born with Tier 2 Authority but first, you need to consider the options that I'm gonna give you. The first option is you need to sign a contract."

After saying that she mutters the word "Contractus" and a bond paper that was full of random letters can be seen on that paper.

"This is the contract that you'll be signing with me. Read it carefully now or else I would take your soul away from you."

After saying that she grinned as if she was a demon not an angel but after she noticed Nathan's odd expression she then turns back to the smile that can wage war across nations.

Nathan felt something was odd but he turn down the idea because how can an Angel or a Cherubim be evil. After that, he grabbed the paper and started to read it. But after he sees the writings on the paper, he was literally confused because couldn't identify the language written in it.

"Lilith why is this contract of yours has a different language on it?" He then pauses and flips the page but it was the same language as on the front of the paper.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"I can't understand this language"

"Oh? lemme see," After that Lilith took the contract from Nathan's hand and read it

"It seems fine to me," Lilith said.

"For you at least but for me, that language is foreign," Nathan replied.

Lilith was completing what she should do about the language barrier but then she remembered why he could not understand it.

"This language is called all tongue and it is the language used in all the worlds except yours, "Lilith said

"Why?"Nathan said with a confused look

"Remember the tower of Babel?"Lilith said while furrowing her eyebrow.

Nathan realized that the Tower of Babel was an accident that occurred after the flood, which was meant to cleanse the Earth of wickedness. However, after 500 years, people knew that another flood would wipe them out and kill them. So they planned to construct a tower as high as the skies, ensuring that they would not perish in the event of another flood. But because God didn't like the humans' actions, he decided to confuse them by changing their language so that they couldn't all gather in one place and try to overthrow God.

Lilith was irritated by humans' stupidity, but they had a point. If another flood happens, they will perish unless they build a structure as high as the heavens. However, if their misdeeds are not punished, they are free to continue their terrible deeds. This is also why God exterminated mankind since he considers them irredeemable.

"What if I just read the contents of the contract?" Lilith said with a helpless look on her face.

Nathan knew that he was already a fool, but if he signed a contract without actually reading it and just believe this Cherubim's words, then he would be even lower than a fool. Even if it was an Angel or Demon a contract coming from them has definitely a catch, especially if the offer is soo good that everyone on Earth would just probably accept it. It would be foolish to go blind on this kind of transaction.

Even though I don't value my life a lot I still have to live and know what's going to happen tomorrow. If I get lucky I might even have a FUCKING GF tomorrow so risking any particular contract that would endanger me is a no-go. Nathan thought to himself.

After taking a bit of time thinking about what he should do Nathan asks Lilith.

"What are the condition or terms of the contract?"

"Hmm, it's simple actually."She then grinned, "You need to offer me your soul and you could live your new life in the other world," She said nonchalantly.

"FUCKKKK YOUUUU!!!!"Nathan shouted at her that all the animals in the Garden of Eden looked in his direction."Are you an Angel or the Devil?!?."

"What do you mean?" Lilith tilted her head.

"Signing a contract that would cost my soul is the Devil's favorite game" Nathan exclaimed

"Oh, I see what's going on here" Lilith then smiled and continued."Let me ask you something, what kind of being was the devil when he was first created?"

Nathan then holds his chin to think, he tried to remember the exact words that were written in the sacred book. After a moment of contemplating what the devil was, he then proceeds to answer Lilith's question.

"He was originally an angel, right?"

"Correct, and not only was he an angel, but he was also the most perfect being that our God created." Lilith said those words with pride and then she continued."He was the leader of all the Angels that God created, even the Archangels were under him."She then smiled bitterly."But, he wanted to become even higher than God and that was his sin."

"The sin of Pride, Lucifer, the Morning Star," Nathan said.

Lucifer was a gorgeous Angel who was given the name "The Morning Star" by God. But, in the end, Lucifer desired something greater, and that was to surpass his creator. He thought highly of himself and devised a cunning scheme to claim God's throne. He invited and duped one-third of the angels serving under him in Heaven to overthrow God and install himself as the new ruler of the universe. He then began a battle in Heaven, which was so huge that it rocked the very foundations of the entire universe, after millennia of preparation. It was a war between Good and Evil, and God could only watch with a shattered heart as it unfolded. The Archangels, particularly Michael the Angel of War, were tasked by God to deal with the rebellious Angels. Lucifer, on the other hand, escaped Archangel Michael's clutches and was severely injured in their struggle. God cursed him, and his handsome appearance was no longer as attractive as it had been. He was hideous, and he swore that one day he would avenge himself on his throne.

"He's making those contracts so he can be on an equal footing when the Revelation comes," Lilith explained, "and fortunately for him, those foolish humans who bargain their souls only ask for the simple pleasures of life, but in exchange for their souls, they'll be in his army when another battle commence between Good and Evil begins." She then sighed.

"Revelation?" Nathan asked.

"Oh, you might call this Revelation as the end of the Devil or what most of the people in your world the Second coming." Lilith explained."Contracts are sacred rules that God himself constructed and we Angels are able to give contracts if the other party is willing to trade their soul."She then smiled gently.

"So, it's only viable if I let you take my soul, right?"Nathan asked

"Yes yes, I can't take your soul by force but there is another option and it'll be easy" She then smiled seductively

Nathan looked at her and he felt charmed by her, he quickly shook his head and then asks."And that is?"

"If I seduce you and make you mine, you'll probably give me your soul without a shred of hesitation." She then bit her lower lips.

Nathan then was thinking about the thoughts that would satisfy his virgin existence. The only thought that he could muster was the song, 'Country road take me home to the place where I belong!!!!!! West Virg-'. He quickly slaps his face in order to wash those thoughts from his mind.

"Fucking bitch!, you're more than a Succubus than an actual Angel" He then looked away from his face of Lilith. "I'm already day 7 of NO-FAP, so you can't bend my will."

Lilith laugh at his response even though she didn't understand the word "NO-FAP". "I was simply joking, Baby Boy." She stops laughing and continues."If you really want to go to another world without signing a contract with me, then there is only one way left."

"I didn't say anything about wanting to see other worlds." He pauses to ponder, then recalls his existence on Earth. His mother and father tossed him around to his grandparents and didn't even visit him when he was a small child. He doesn't have a normal existence on Earth, but suddenly he had the opportunity to establish a new life, one full of unknown possibilities. He would die with regret if he did not use this chance to start over.

"Oh, you don't want to accept my offer then." Lilith then turned her back attempting to create a gate that would take home Nathan.

"Waittttt!!!"Nathan shouted.

Lilith then looks back at him."Soooo, you're now willing to consider my offer?"She smiled.

"No!" Nathan answered.

"What do you mean?"Lilith then tilted her head.

"Earlier you said options, which means that there are other options right?"Nathan asked.

"Yes, there is."She then hesitated to answer him.

"And what's that?"

"You see, that option is quite dangerous." She smiled bitterly.

"What's the risk?"

Lilith then was hesitant to answer, but Nathan's eyes were full of determination so she just sighed and told him.

"The risk is that there would be no exact information on what world will you go to and that's not even the worst part."

"What's the worst part?" Nathan asked.

"There is a huge possibility that you'll drift into space if you don't successfully make it to any of those worlds," Lilith exclaimed.

"I don't care, "Nathan replied with a serious tone.

"What do you mean you don't care," Lilith furrowed her brow.

"I don't have a life on Earth anyway," Nathan then pauses and continues."Life for me there is unbearable, even my own parents are not happy for me being born, "Nathan lowered his head and then bit his lip."I'm just....tired of living the same day every day knowing that I'll never be accepted by my own folks." Nathan then shed a single tear and said."I just....I just wanted to be accepted and this is my reason for choosing a risky decision."

Lilith removed her smile from her elegant face and then she walk closer to Nathan." I understand your decision", She patted Nathan's back and then continues.

"If that's the path you've chosen, I'll help you"

"Really?"Nathan looked at Lilith.

"I might change my mind after all, especially when you called me earlier an F-U-C-K-I-N-G-B-I-T-C-H," She then turn around and pouted her cheeks.

Nathan then started panicking because he doesn't know what she meant."I-I-I'm, So very sorry for my rude behavior earlier." He was sweating bullets and was hoping that Lilith would accept his apology.

Lilith simply chuckled at his behavior."I was just kidding dummy, Jeez sometimes I feel like I'm gonna have the time of my life If I simply played with your naivety about women."

Nathan gave a sigh of relief that she wasn't mad about being called an F-U-C-K-I-N-G-B-I-T-C-H.

"Anyway, how do we start the process of the second option?" Nathan then said.