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What makes you believe that God is always silent? Are we truly alone in the God-created Universe? Is being born a blessing or a curse? Humans like to live only when they have something to lose. But... What about people who don't have access to that? Nathan was at his wit's end when an Angel arrived and revealed the mystery of God's creation...

Yoknow · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Word And Authority

When Nathan entered the gateway Lilith had built, he was greeted by a new environment. A gorgeous waterfall stood in front of him, and a swarm of animals around the waterfall's base. Because there were so many various sorts of animals, Nathan couldn't name them all. But he did observe a Lion sipping water alongside a Gazelle, which was a rare sight not even seen on National TV Animals.

He then muttered to himself. " Oh no, that Lion is probably gonna have multiple dinners tonight." he then chuckled

"All the animals here are friendly," Lilith mentions, "there is no hostility among any of them because they are always provided for by God when they are hungry."

She then gestures to the chicken that was hanging out with the wolves. "Look at that chicken, it's having a wonderful time and probably talking to the wolves about their diets," she chuckles, before continuing, "Life here in this garden is what you humans call an Eternal Peace because hostility or sin is forbidden in this garden, and even if they wanted to, they couldn't harbor any ill intent toward those who are close to them."

Nathan was confused by Lilith's statement. "What do you mean? What kinda place is this? The world moves around chaos, All humans cannot sustain their thirst for blood and their greed."

He then pauses and thinks about what place in the world has Eternal Peace, then he continues to speak.

"It is impossible for this place to exist."

Lilith simply smiles then says."But you are in this place right now right? so it's not pretty much impossible." She then looked away and pointed at the tree in the middle of the lake. " You see that tree? that tree started the bad things that happened in your world."

Nathan was now really confused he does not understand the meaning of the words that Lilith is trying to say. He then asks her.

"Then what is this place"

Lilith chuckles then simply says."This is where all the creatures in your world came from."

Nathan then trembles upon realizing that the creatures all over the world came from this garden, he then says. "Is this the Garden of Eden?"

Lilith then answers him."Oh, you remember now?" She simply chuckled for a second then continues. "Yes, this is the Garden of Eden where I was first created with Adam and this is also the place where sin was first committed on your world."

Nathan was shocked by this revelation because the Garden of Eden was removed from the world after the sin of Adam and Eve. It was because this was the first creation that he considered good. That was probably the reason why he kicked out Adam and Eve after they had eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it was to prevent staining his first good creation.

Nathan then took a deep breath and sigh about the conclusion of this place, he then ask Lilith.

"Why have you brought me here? This place is supposed to be sacred and no sinners can be brought here."

He was confused about Lilith's behavior because the Garden of Eden is watched by God himself and those who enter without permission from him will probably receive a severe punishment.

"It's because this is the safest place to make a deal, also the deal that I said to you is pretty taboo you too you know."Lilith then slowly put her elegant face close to him then said, "So it will be our little S-E-C-R-E-T." She then smiled at him and it was super effective.

Nathan then thought to himself,

'This Bitch is seducing me and I have to admit it's working. Even though my training as a Virgin for 21 years is fading like running water. What do I do she's simply too beautiful and too tempting.'

His mind says no, but his body says yes. His thoughts escaped through his tongue, and Lilith was laughing so hard that the curve of her body and her ideal size personality went boing boing.

"Forgive me for my inappropriate words," Nathan said embarrassingly.

He looked down and then realized that something was off, the most important question that he has right now.

"By the way, are we still on Earth?"

He asked this question because there are no records of sightings of the Garden of Eden for thousands of years, if he remembered correctly the garden was taken away by God so it's not entirely impossible for them to be in the realm of heaven right now.

Lilith also calmed down and her great personality also stops boing boing and she answers him.

"We are still on Earth but it's quite hard for you to understand." She then stops to think of a way to explain the phenomenon to him that he could understand.

"Hmmm, Ever heard of the term Magic?"

When she saw Nathan nodding at her, she then continues to explain."The word 'Magic' is created by all the stupid humans, you might call them the wizards or sorcerers, but the exact term of it is THE WORD."

She pauses for a moment and looks at Nathan if he was still following her words.

"THE WORD can create all things if you learn it, For example, The Word can create any element as long as you have affiliated with that certain element."

Nathan was confused about the words that Lilith was speaking to him and he asks her."THE WORD or ZAWURDO is that applicable?" Nathan was quite troubled by this term even if the viewers of this web novel might be confused as well, but then Lilith continues to explain THE WORD.

"Watch this"

Lilith then mutters the word "Ignis", after she mutters those exact words a giant ball of fire manifested in her hand. She then pointed at the tree nearby and the giant ball of fire headed in the direction where Lilith pointed at. Just as the giant ball of fire was about to burn the tree she then shouted the word "Disappear" and the giant ball of flame disappeared. She then smiled and puff out her chest as if she had just shown a newbie how to walk on a video game.

Nathan was flabbergasted by what he saw. He had never expected that Magic or THE WORD existed but now reality was in front of him and he couldn't deny the fact that THE WORD existed.

God created the universe by his WORDS, back when there was nothing but darkness He just said "Let there be light and there was light." And the second day he said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." The story of Creation continued like this, just by speaking he created mankind and all the living creatures in this world.

Nathan was filled with enthusiasm and excitement about this new discovery and then, Lilith continued

"There are what we call in Heaven the Authority, this Authority is created by tiers, and the 1st tier is for the humans of your world."

"What do you mean my world? Do you that there are other worlds too?" Nathan asked her.

"hold on for a sec just one question at a time and let me first explain the Authority so that you'll have no questions about it later."

Nathan nodded and decided to continue to listen about the "Authority"

"The Authority is quite easy to understand, it's ranked up to 6th tier but there are rumors in Heaven that a possible 7th is in the realm of possibility." She pauses for a bit to think then continues."Just like I said, earlier the 1st tier is for your world which is quite useless, to be honest. 1st tier is typically nonexistent it just gives you the ability to speak and understand the languages that you've learned because your world is cursed and that is the reason why all of you cannot use the power of THE WORD."

Nathan was confused again about the Curse of the world but he ignored that detail for a bit and will ask Lilith after the explanation of the Authority

According to Lilith, Tier 1 is called The Authority of Speech, while Tier 2 is called The Authority of Control. It gives the person authorization to control the elements to which they belonged, it is guaranteed for a human to get 1 element in the other world. The possibility of a person acquiring 2 elements was 1 in 100,000, the possibility of a person attaining 3 elements was 1 in 100,000,000, the possibility of getting 4 elements was 1 in 1,000,000,000, and the possibility of obtaining 5 elements is one in a 10,0000,000,000. After she finished explaining The Tier 2 Authority,

Lilith moved on to Tier 3, the Authority of Contain, once she finished discussing Tier 2. Tier 3 was not given much attention, but she did give a brief explanation, Tier 3 Authority can bind and merge a specific element into your body and weapons to increase your physical prowess, but only for a limited time. Although you can have up to three elements fused into your body, even one or two is already difficult. Blacksmiths always employ this authority because they inject The Power of The Word into their creation to strengthen it.

After covering Tier 3, Lilith goes on to discuss how the Tier 4 works, The Authority of Life, can enable you to transcend human limitations, allowing you to become a higher being capable of living for a millennium. It binds your soul to your body and strengthens all of your physical and spiritual abilities, especially Tier 2 The Authority of Control, and Tier 3 The Authority of Contain. You will be able to be on par with the lowest angels known as the Ophanim.

After discussing tier 4 authority, Lilith came to a halt. She didn't know the specifics of the strength and limitations of tiers 5 and 6 because she was only a Cherubim. If someone is interested in learning more about tier 5's power, they should approach the Archons and Archangels who wield it. But she went on to say that approaching them is dangerous and if somebody is interested in knowing Tier 6, they should approach God personally.

After all of that, she then said to him….

"Well, are you interested in the deal now?" She said that like a woman that you can see in the mall explaining their products to their customers.

"But why is my World cursed? Why is it that these other worlds are able to wield this kind of power?" Nathan Asked

Tier 1 is a pointless tier because it only allows people to connect with one another. The words expressed by the individuals who surround the planet constitute Tier 1 Authority. It's not magic, but the animals can't communicate with each other or other species since they lack tier 1 Authority, but they can express their sentiments via their behaviors. If humans did not have this tier 1 Authority, we would be just like any other animal. Lilith says that tier 2 Authority is where the fun begins, but Earth is cursed, therefore no one can advance beyond layer 1.

"To be honest, I don't know how to answer that question," She then pauses and tried to think of an answer." God is the only one who can answer that, even I myself am questioning why the Terra (Earth) is cursed." She then had a helpless look on her appealing face.

Nathan was perplexed by God's activities, but he knew he couldn't rely on Lilith to provide an answer. It was simply because Angels, like humans, had limitations, and challenging God's actions was a serious offense. Nathan now has a serious expression on his face after that minute of contemplation, and he asks her.

"I asked you about God being previously, but I'm 100 percent sure he exists, and God is a Lil bit weird about his actions, but I can't deny his presence," Nathan explained.

"Oh? It's good that you actually came into the realization of God but now it's time for you to listen to my offer."Lilith said while she was touching her lips.

"Oh right, what's the deal that you're offering me?" Nathan said.

She then looks at Nathan with her beautiful face."Are you interested in being reborn to other worlds?"