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What makes you believe that God is always silent? Are we truly alone in the God-created Universe? Is being born a blessing or a curse? Humans like to live only when they have something to lose. But... What about people who don't have access to that? Nathan was at his wit's end when an Angel arrived and revealed the mystery of God's creation...

Yoknow · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The 7 Worlds and 7 Archons

"Before I'm going to start the process, you need to learn about the other worlds so that wherever world you ended up in, you will know the gist of that world, It's dangerous for you humans if you don't know your place among those worlds, Even though I can only provide you little information it can still help you in the long run," Lilith said with a serious tone.

According to Lilith, the conflict on Heaven devastated innumerable planets and wrecked the fundamental basis of the cosmos that God created, leaving just six worlds in its wake. After the struggle between Good and Evil, these worlds were the final remaining planets in the whole Universe. But then God created a new world named Terra, or Earth as we know it today.

Terra was first regarded as good by God, but the inhabitants of that world chose to rebel against him. This revelation just upset God because his new creation had failed, so he decided to stop creating worlds and instead sealed the only excellent creation he had produced, the "Garden of Eden". After that, he created the 7 Archons to watch his creations and also keep the inhabitants of that world at bay.

Then something unexpected happened to Terra after 1000 years, he then placed a curse on them, preventing them from using the Power of the Word again. The Archon that was keeping watch was prohibited from interacting with the humans on Terra. No one except God knows what happened at the time, but it had to be terrible enough to bring a curse upon the whole world.

Lilith pauses after saying all of that to take a long breath, and as she was ready to continue.....

Nathan said, "Is he frightened of something that might threaten him?"

" I'm not sure how to respond to your question, but you're correct, it's unusual to curse a world and then put monitoring on them worlds," Lilith agreed.

'It is a little suspicious that he would do that because he doesn't deem it good is he perhaps hiding something?' Nathan pondered for a moment but then he asks Lilith.

"What exactly are The Archons?"

"Like I mentioned before, their reason for existence is to keep an eye on the Humans that live in their world," Lilith explained.

Each Archon has its own realm or planet, which they reside in and have controlled as their immortal monarchs. The most prosperous World was known as "Pistis," and it was ruled by Yaldabaoth the Archon of Peace. The second World was known as "Synesis," and it was ruled by Mixis the Archon of Diligence. The third World was known as "Agape," and it was ruled by Astaphaios The Archon of Love. The fourth World was known as "Logos," and it was ruled by Beliel The Archon of Honors. The fifth world was known as "Makariotes," and it was watched over by Yao, the Archon of Innocence. The sixth world was known as "Elpis," and it was ruled by Adonais, the Archon of Passion. The seventh world, and the most recent creation, was known as Terra, or Earth, and it was watched over by Mammon, the Archon of Wealth.

The worlds are unique in their own ways; for example, the world of Pistis merged the power of the Word into their technology, but the world of Elpis is now in the era of adventuring and dungeons, and their technology is powered by world crystals located in the dungeon's core. Now, all Archons can only employ one element, but the element with which they are associated is ten times more powerful than those who use the power of the Word and Authority. They also possess an item that can increase their power to a new level. Each Archon has a unique personality and set of likes and dislikes; they are almost human in appearance. Some governed with an iron hand, while others merely observed the world around them, and others reigned by embracing the ideas of the people.

"They are good in nature, but they are entirely unpredictable, so don't fool with them or insult them," Lilith advised seriously.

"I understand," Nathan nodded.

Nathan was well aware that insulting someone stronger than him is equivalent to begging for death; this had previously occurred to him when roaming around his University. They would always misunderstand his lack of social experience, become enraged because he was exceedingly disrespectful to them, and punish him with a beating.

"Hmmm??" Lilith was not convinced by his reply.

She then "Let me caution you with a simple tale from the last millennium: there was a Human who wielded 5 elements, he believed himself to be a genius in the Art of The Word. He was arrogant and irresponsible, but above all, he was a fool. He was so cocky that he declared that he would defeat one of the Archons and establish a reputation for himself that would be heard across the universe. The Archon merely laughed and accepted the challenge when he heard of his announcement. The Archon then told his subjects to keep an eye on their battle and ordered his servants to prepare a feast that would be remembered for generations."

"All of the surrounding Kings and Emperors were present; after all, this was the first time an Archon ever demonstrated its might. However, as their battle began, they all had gloomy expressions on their faces; this was not the battle they had anticipated. It was more of a warning, with the words "Whoever challenges God and his subordinates shall face impending doom." The person fighting the Archon utilized all of his cards, including secret trump cards, yet the Archon only yawned at his advances. He was like an ant attempting to battle a dragon because of the difference in power. After an hour had passed, the Archon finally made his move, decapitating the struggling human simply by touching the hilt of his blade. He then carried the poor fool's head to the central square and placed it in the plaza's center. After all of that, the feast began, but no one sang nor laughed, they were scared of the Archon in question, and they were unable to utter a single word in praise or admiration of him.

Nathan was taken aback by this change of events, unable to comprehend why this Archon would do such a thing until Lilith spoke out.

"This is not the only story about an Archon exerting its control; there are many more, which is why they are so unpredictable," Lilith replied, her face gloomy.

"I'm curious why they're doing that," Nathan remarked, smiling. "However, I aim to keep my life as simple as possible so that I don't attract their attention."

"Good luck and take care of yourself if you made it," Lilith said, pausing before continuing, "This might be our final meeting."

Nathan responded, a pained expression on his face, "Oh, is that right?"

"Yup, so I just wanted to wish you success and hope you can find the acceptance you deserve," Lilith answered, smiling.

"Thank you for this; because of you, I have an opportunity to start over," Nathan stated sadly.

"Why are you being so serious? and also, don't thank me yet," Lilith said, grinning ear to ear, "I'm 100 percent confident that you will despise it when this procedure that you've selected is completed HAHA."

Lilith chuckled at him, and it wasn't a pleasant laugh; it was more similar to the devil's laugh while torturing his victims. Nathan swallowed his saliva and braced himself for the pain that was about to befall him.

Lilith then told Nathan to stand in front of her, and she pressed her hand on his chest, causing Nathan's insides to warm. Because Lilith was currently touching his soul, it was a painful procedure. He had been waiting for the longest 30 minutes of his life, and he was miserable the entire time. Lilith completed her chanting after 30 minutes and moved her face closer to Nathan, whispering.

"Now the real fun begins," She grinned.

Nathan's face was pale as snow after she said that.

'Does that mean that this hell would be even hellish than before?' Nathan thought.

He wanted to puke but couldn't even open his mouth nor twitch his lips because the pain was like a million fiery needles piercing his body. Every second felt like an eternity to him, yet all he could think about was "To Survive."

He was still conscious after 7 hours of eternity, and Lilith was astounded by his tenacity; he had not even requested her to halt the procedure once.

'I wish I could have stolen his soul, he is a rare human, not even angels and demons can bear this torment for so long, but he was still awake and waiting for the procedure to be completed,' Lilith thought.

Lilith then stop burning his soul and asked him one final time

"Do you still wanna continue this painful process?"

When Nathan had heard her speaking those words he tried to speak but could not open his mouth, but his eyes were telling Lilith to continue.

"If you selected my deal, you might have already gone to the other worlds; the only danger is that your soul now belongs to me." Nathan's refusal to give up his soul irritated Lilith.

"G-i-v-i-n-g M-y S-o-u-l M-e-a-n-s L-o-o-s-i-n-g F-r-e-e-d-o-o-m, S-o P-l-e-a-s-e C-o-n-t-i-n-u-e," Nathan struggled to talk, but he tried nonetheless.

"Jezzzz, I'm not sure why you're so adamant about it, but we're nearing the end of the procedure," Lilith sighed.

Nathan offered Lilith a faint smile and stated after hearing the words "Final Stage."

"T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U"

"Foolish human, till we meet again Human Named Nathan," Lilith smiled back.

After that, Lilith pressed her hand on Nathan's chest, causing his soul to emerge from his body. The spatial body of Nathan can be seen, and the soul gradually floated away from the Garden of Eden in search of a new existence.

Lilith waved him goodbye and then opened a gateway to an unknown destination.