
Doulou Dalu: The Power of a Book

Su Wen, traversed to the Douluo Continent and witnessed the helplessness of being unable to control his own destiny as he saw his newfound family perish as mere collateral in the clash of two powerful Titled Douluo. He vowed to avenge the two individuals who had given him a fresh start in life. However, life did not favor him, as he only awakened an ordinary Book Martial Spirit. Undeterred, he refused to be disheartened and, leveraging his unique perception talent, embarked on the journey to transform his martial spirit. An ordinary book martial spirit? No! I will evolve it to an extraordinary Heavenly Book Martial Spirit!

JohanLT · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
160 Chs

Chapter 18: Expectations for the Second Spirit Ring

Can knowledge be transformed into a rapid increase in Soul Power cultivation without affecting the foundation of the Spirit Master?

This transformation naturally exists, but it inevitably has its limits.

'But I have the talent of super perception. Isn't the Evolution of the first Spirit Ring the best practice for my talent?'

'As long as one utilizes their own conditions well, there is hope for everything.'


Old Jerry stretched his body, feeling his changes, quite excited.

Feeling the abundant energy within him, Old Jerry felt like he could live another twenty years!

"Grandpa, since you absorbed the Spirit Ring, let's leave here first."

"Oh, okay, okay."

A figure of an old man and a young one quickly left the Soul Hunting Forest.

"Grandpa, what is the effect of your First Spirit Skill?" Su Wen was indeed quite curious about Old Jerry's First Spirit Skill.

After all, Old Jerry is the first Food Spirit Master Su Wen has truly encountered.

"Let me sense it." Old Jerry sensed for a moment and said, "My First Spirit Skill seems to be an energetic little Sweet Potato. Its effect is to rapidly restore the state of a Spirit Master and continuously increase the speed of recovery of the Spirit Master's state for a period of time."


Su Wen looked at Old Jerry, also somewhat surprised.

This could be considered a top-notch Spirit Skill.

Being able to quickly restore the state of a Spirit Master, although not focusing on any specific aspect, is still a very good all-around effect.

It might be able to restore not only Soul Power and physical strength but even Spiritual Power.

Even if it can't directly restore Spiritual Power, the buff that continuously accelerates the recovery of the Spirit Master state after use should also be able to stimulate the recovery of Spiritual Power.

It can directly restore you in emergencies and also have follow-up buffs.

Soon, thinking of the Sweet Potatoes he had eaten as a child, Su Wen felt that this seemed quite reasonable.

"My demand for energy during that period, and the speed of physical recovery, were both very high, probably thanks to Old Jerry's Sweet Potato. And being able to achieve this indicates that Old Jerry has developed this aspect very well."

Perhaps the development of a Martial Spirit is very challenging.

However, as long as there is enough time, one can always develop something.

For example, Old Jerry, he may not have purposefully developed it, but having possessed a Martial Spirit for decades, and occasionally having needs related to the Martial Spirit in daily life, naturally led to its development.

After registering with Old Jerry at the Spirit Hall, they returned to New Moon Village.

Su Wen no longer ran around recklessly, but focused on cultivation.

"The energetic little Sweet Potato is not only properly named but also very effective."

After trying Old Jerry's First Spirit Skill, the energetic little Sweet Potato, Su Wen also incorporated it into his own cultivation plan.

"With the support of the little Sweet Potato, my recovery speed can basically been maintained at a very high level, and the efficiency of my daily cultivation will reach a new level."

Especially in the exploration and development of External Strength and Internal Strength, the efficiency has practically doubled!


In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Su Wen is now eleven years old.

"It's been half a year. With the support of the little Sweet Potato, my Soul Power cultivation has progressed much faster. I should have accumulated enough Origin Soul Power for the third Rank"

Su Wen can feel the accumulation of Origin Soul Power, so a lack of visible progress does not affect his cultivation efficiency.

On the contrary, with every bit of Origin Soul Power accumulated, his motivation grows stronger.

After all, only by accumulating more Origin Soul Power can he obtain the second Spirit Ring and undergo the second Evolution of his Martial Spirit.

"However, in half a year, although I've tried to accelerate my Soul Power cultivation speed in various ways, I've only managed to increase it by thirty percent. Even with uninterrupted support from the little Sweet Potato, it's only another twenty percent increase."

The efficiency of cultivation has increased by half compared to half a year ago.

However, Su Wen is still unsatisfied.

"I don't seek for my Internal Strength to be boundless and inexhaustible like the Mysterious Heaven Skill; what I pursue is both speed and quality in cultivation."

He already confirmed that a complete cultivation method that encompasses a full cycle has an extremely significant impact on the speed of Soul Power cultivation.

Even if Old Jerry barely grasped the method he taught him, by circulating Soul Power throughout his body to form a complete cycle, he managed to breakthrough the bottleneck of the tenth level that has persisted for a long time, showing the importance of the cultivation method.

"With the perfection of both the External Strength and Internal Strength at the same time, the efficiency has increased by thirty percent."

In theory, the little Sweet Potato shouldn't have such a high effect, but it fits extremely well with Su Wen's cultivation method, making his efficiency in External Strength cultivation higher, which in turn affects Internal Strength cultivation thus affecting Su Wen's overall cultivation efficiency.

"In the end, I can only rely on simulated cultivation."

Su Wen tried to cultivated in the library of the Spirit Hall, and the effect was very noticeable.

Although he doesn't know why a simulated environment has such an effect on Soul Power cultivation, Su Wen acknowledged its effectiveness.

"However, simulated cultivation imposes strict requirements on the cultivation environment, and I may not always be able to stay in the library."

In the library, it's impossible to train External Strength. Without the complementary effect of External Strength, even with the support of simulated cultivation, the effect is similar to cultivating with External Strength alone.

"Visualizing the library! Feel like I'm in the library!"

Books surround me!

Unfortunately, Su Wen has not yet developed this method.

In his opinion, the main reason for his lack of success so far is likely to be related to his weak Spiritual Power.

"If I could open the Sea of Consciousness, perhaps I could achieve real-time simulated cultivation through visualization." Su Wen is quite looking forward to his second Spirit Ring.

"Grandpa, I have to go now."

"Xiaowen, when you're out there alone, you must be very careful. Don't easily trust others."

Old Jerry was reluctant to part with him, but he knew that as a Spirit Master, venturing out was inevitable. All he could do was impart as much of his life experience as possible, hoping that Su Wen wouldn't be deceived while away.

"Hehe, don't worry, Grandpa. I remember everything you've told me. I'll also keep in touch with you regularly, and you can't cut off my supply of little Sweet Potatoes."

"You rascal, always thinking about my Sweet Potatoes." Old Jerry chuckled. "Don't worry, my Sweet Potatoes have a long shelf life. I'll send you a batch every month without fail."

To support Su Wen's consumption, Old Jerry would undoubtedly spend a considerable amount of time each day making little Sweet Potatoes.

But for Old Jerry, this was nothing much for his little kid...


Leaving New Moon Village, Su Wen's mind was rapidly making plans.

"Blue Silver Emperor."

'Tang Hao had to take care of Ah Yin and return to Holy Spirit Village. Therefore, the valley where Ah Yin is located must be near Holy Spirit Village.'

'If there's hope to find the Blue Silver Emperor he will definitely take full advantage of the situation. As for having any psychological burden? Su Wen didn't feel any.

His own parents were killed by Tang Hao and the others. What's wrong with taking some interest by seizing a Spirit Bone?

Moreover, the Blue Silver Emperor is a plant-type Spirit Beast, which fits quite well with Su Wen's Book Martial Spirit.

"What a pity."


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