
Divine Necromancer

Tyler died young because of a heart problem and couldn't afford a cure. He got a second chance to live but one filled with many thorns. Will he be able to survive in a world where strength decides the law?

MS_Reddy · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Unique Class, Talent and skill (Edited)

Tyler was surprised by the answer. When he heard that she brought him so that he would be reincarnated, he couldn't understand what was happening.

"Am I not going to be reincarnated? If not what about the words she spoke before?"

These were the thoughts Tyler was having at this moment.

The lady may not be the goddess of reincarnation but she still is a goddess. She can clearly see through his mind about what he was thinking.

Before Tyler's mind exploded with too many thoughts, she spoke, "Though I'm not the goddess of reincarnation, I can still reincarnate you in a new world. As I said before that is the main purpose of bringing you here".

After hearing the confirmation of a new life, Tyler's eyes beamed with hope again.

The goddess continued to speak again, "Usually, it is the job of the goddess of reincarnation or her lackeys to take care of souls that are deemed for reincarnation. However, I have a job for you. You can say that is the price you have to pay to me for reincarnating your soul".

Though Tyler's non-existent heart started to beat up in anticipation of his supposed new life, he calmed himself down when she said there was a price for him to pay. He asked her calmly, trying to cover his nervousness, "Goddess, what would the price that I should pay for the new life?"

The goddess replied, "The world I'm going to send you is called Athos. It is on the path to extinction".

Tyler shivered when he heard that. He has a new chance at life but the world where he would reincarnate would go extinct. That would mean he would die too.

Seeing the worry on his face, the goddess continued speaking, "Don't worry, it won't happen until a few years into the future. The path to save itself was already in place. You wonder if there is something like that why I am being sent. The plan isn't foolproof, no plan in existence is."

"There are many factors that could go wrong. You can be considered as a secret trump card, maybe, that depends on how you proceed".

"These are the only details I can reveal to you. Moreover if you accept my offer to reincarnate, I would give you extra gifts that would help your growth".

Tyler thought deeply about this. This isn't a small matter. He knows that death is the most constant thing that appears in the magical world novels. Even with that, he hoped that he could grow and live a longer life.

The offer this goddess is offering seems tempting but also the probability of death is high. Even if the extinction wouldn't occur until a few years later, that doesn't mean the process has yet to start.

Instead of accepting or rejecting he asked, "Goddess, what would happen if I reject your offer?"

The goddess smiled, "I'll throw you back from where I pulled you from. You'll stay there until your time for reincarnation comes", she said twirling her hair with a bit of amusement in her voice, "if it comes".

When he heard the answer Tyler felt a shiver. He didn't want to waste any more time in darkness if he had the choice to make that decision. She answered him clearly that he would have to wait in darkness until his reincarnation choice appears but when or if it would happen is a question.

Even if the choice appears he didn't think that it wouldn't be much different from the option this goddess offered him. It is unknown whether the future choice or the present choice would be a good one. The one he was offered now was a 'not bad' option.

"My lady, I'll accept but before anything, I have a question. I hope you can answer that", Tyler asked.

The goddess smiled at Tyler. She knew what he wanted to ask and so she said, "The man kept his end of the deal".

This is all that he needed to know. The small part of guilt he felt before is gone now. He is ready to move on now.

Understanding what Tyler decided, the goddess spoke, "Good, now that you decided to take my offer, let me brief you on how this is going to happen".

She waved her hand and three roulettes appeared in front of them.

"First of all, for you to grow you need a class, talent, and skill that would help you. There are three roulettes available for you. The first one decides your class, the second one decides your talent and the third decides the skill".

"If you are worrying that this is small, think again. Everything you get here will be unique. No one in existence would be processing them except for you. The only way for them to reappear is for you to die".

Hearing that Tyler was surprised and he bowed to her, "Thank you, my lady".

"Now go spin them".

Tyler did what the goddess told him to do. After a minute of spinning the three roulettes stopped spinning.

He immediately got notifications.

<You acquired the class, Divine Necromancer.>

<You acquired the talent, Evolution.>

<You acquired the skill, Eyes of Fallen.>

Seeing the notifications in front of his eyes, he was surprised. He immediately checked the information about the three notifications he got. The names do sound unique. He needed to know before any conclusions.


Class: Divine Necromancer (Unique)

>> You and your undead summons are immune to magic spells that would normally harm them.

>> You and your summons can freely use spells that aren't available to necromancers or to their undead summons.

>> +500% attack and +500% defence power boost to all necromancer spells.


Talent: Evolution (Unique)

>> You can evolve your race or skills, spells or summons, and even Physiques and Bloodlines if the required qualifications are met.


Skill: Eyes of Fallen (Unique)

>> Anyone targeted by the eyes wouldn't be able to escape the attack.

>> Attack will ignore the defences of the target.

>> +1200% attack boost.

Cooldown: 24 hours.


Tyler was dumbstruck when he saw the details. He doesn't think that a normal goddess can provide such benefits.

"She gifted me such powerful things. Even for gods, I don't think they have the authority to hand out such gifts like lollipops in this manner. Who exactly is she?", he thought inwardly, only to hear a chuckle.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

MS_Reddycreators' thoughts