
Divine Necromancer

Tyler died young because of a heart problem and couldn't afford a cure. He got a second chance to live but one filled with many thorns. Will he be able to survive in a world where strength decides the law?

MS_Reddy · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Goddess of Death (Edited)

When Tyler heard the chuckle, his body immediately stiffened. With all the surprises happening, his brain forgot that she could hear his thoughts clearly.

"I'm a goddess, way above your league. Of course, reading the mind of a mere soul isn't that noteworthy", the lady spoke before Tyler asked her.

"Stupid, of course, she could read your mind. She answered a few of your questions beforehand", Tyler berated himself inside his mind.

"So, how does it look? Do my gifts satisfy you?" asked the goddess asked with a chuckle. She already knew that he was more than satisfied with the gifts but she wanted to hear him say those words.

Tyler felt at ease after the goddess's go-easy way of speaking. He was more than satisfied when he saw the results of the spin.

"My lady, I'm more than satisfied, in fact, if I had a body I would have pinched myself to see whether this was real or if I was hallucinating".

The goddess chuckled at Tyler's answer.

"My lady, if you can cure my curiosity, I want to know your name".

The lady smiled at him and answered, "Even though I chose you as my champion, you haven't proved yourself yet. I can't tell you my name but if you want to refer to me, call me Goddess of Death".

Tyler's eyes bulged for a second in terror. The one before him is the Goddess of Death. The one who rules over the death of all living. The ones whose power lay in...

"Wait a minute, if she is the goddess of death, then shouldn't she look forward to the death of millions or billions that come with a planet's extinction?" Tyler questioned himself. he felt that something was not right.

"My lady, doesn't a planet extinction help you gain more power as the goddess of death?"

The goddess can easily see the misunderstanding that Tyler, not just him but most mortals have towards death.

"Tyler, what you understand about death is but a minuscule. Yes, my dominion lies in the death of life but at the same time, it lies in the survival of life. Death's true power lies in the balance. Now that you are going to be a necromancer, one day you could possibly understand what death truly means".

Tyler didn't understand what she meant but he understood that there is more to death than he initially thought.

"Let's move on from that. Now more to the present problem. Most of the information you need can be acquired on the planet where you'll be born".

The lady took out a book with a black crystal embedded in the front of the book.

"This is a grimoire, to be exact a copy of my grimoire. The world of Athos is connected by a system that gives the hunters quests and rewards for their completion. This book can convert the rewards that aren't useful to you and can be exchanged with something that is useful to you".

"There are many things that are useful to you but the list only shows what you can access at your rank. So the higher your rank, the more items would be available to you".

This is more than what Tyler wished he would get out of the bargain. In a world designed as an RPG, there would be many items that one would get to possess that are useless to them. They had to sell or exchange with others for more useful items.

This method feels good but if the other party is stronger than you and has evil ideas, he could just kill you and take care of your possessions.

"Thank you, my lady".

The book turned into a streak of light and entered Tyler's soul.

<You have acquired, Death's Solace (Pseudo).>


Death's Solace (Pseudo): This is a copied version of the true Death's Solace.

>> Can only be used by Death's Champion

>> Only items obtained from quests by the host can be exchanged.

>> +2500% boost to death magic spells. +1000% boost to attack magic spells of other elements.


"This is more powerful than I estimated. This is only a fake version of the real one. I wonder how powerful the real one would be", Tyler mumbled to himself.

The goddess was clearly pleased by the reaction, but they didn't have much time to waste and so she said, "Now the only matter remaining is your reincarnation. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready my lady", replied Tyler.

The goddess looked at him for a second before asking, "Don't you want to know what happened to the people of the orphanage? You only thought if the man kept his promise or not".

"I want to know but even knowing wouldn't change the past, would it? I'm happy that the man didn't break our deal. I believe that the orphanage would have seen better days than before".

"Indeed that is true. Since you already agreed to my deal, I'll give you this much. The orphanage did good and the children you knew grew to adults. The matron lived all her life in the orphanage, till her death due to old age".

Tyler sighed in relief.

"She was buried beside you as per her instructions. Now, she has a new life. Yes, she got reincarnated. She got a lovely husband and in the near future, they would welcome their child into their family".

When he heard that Tyler smiled. He knew that the matron always wanted a child of her own but due to her physical condition, she couldn't. So she became a nun at the orphanage. She later became the matron and died there, with her family in her home.

Now she has a new life, her own life. A life she wanted but couldn't get before. He is truly happy for her.

"Now I believe you are ready, but before you go there is something I should say".

Tyler doesn't know what else there is to know. The goddess already told him everything he wanted he wanted to know and a few things about the new world. Everything about the new world, he had to explore and learn on his own.

"Since you'll be born as a new life, your old memories will be sealed. You won't remember even this encounter", she said.

Tyler couldn't understand why his memories would be sealed, "Goddess, if my memories were sealed how would I know to help the world?" he asked clearly perplexed by the situation.

"You don't need to worry about that, at least when to take birth. You'll slowly recover the memories but there would be always a feeling in the back of your head that pushes you forward to gain strength", she said.

Before he asked anything else, the goddess waved her hand. A black light emitted from her hand which covered Tyler entirely for a few seconds before disappearing.

With the light, Tyler disappeared too.


Sometime after Tyler left...

The goddess was still seated on her throne with her eyes closed.

She spoke to no one in particular while smiling, "When you learn that the child the matron of the orphanage would have was you, I wonder how your face would look, boy".

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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