
Destined to be Together: Meeting my Lover from a Past Life Again

Julie has accomplished everything in life she wanted. She lives her dream of living abroad and traveling all around the world and she prides herself for being strong and independent. The only thing that was missing in her life was a man. But she was never really interested in anyone and she already thought that she would end up being single forever. Then she met Gianni. From the moment she looked into his eyes she felt a strong pull towards him that she couldn’t explain. Soon it is revealed that she knows Gianni from a past life and that their love story ended tragically. The novel goes into detail about Julie’s past life story in the 19th century and how it is connected to her current life which also has its struggles. Julie has to deal with jealous exes and false friends to finally be with the man that her soul desires. Excerpt His lips moved skillfully against hers. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted. Julie never experienced a kiss like this. She didn’t know kissing could be that good. She felt a whirlwind of emotions as she could feel his immense love for her through the kiss he provided and a lone tear started to slip down her left cheek. Why was she crying now? Julie wasn’t sure. Was it because she was never kissed like this before? Or was it her yearning to be loved? No, it was so much more than this. Kissing him was like she finally found a piece of her soul that she didn’t know was missing and only now she became aware of the emptiness she carried in her heart.

White_Pearl24 · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs

The New Couple of the Group

Julie felt lucky because last night was the first after almost a week that she didn't dream anything. Hopefully this was over now because she didn't have any solution on how to deal with the situation.

Those visions were forced on her and she didn't know what it means and what to do. Was she supposed to find the person in her dream? How would she do that if she doesn't even have a name? That would at least be a lead but right now she has nothing to work with.

Julie hopes that those dreams don't come back. Her sleep suffered severely under it. She never felt well rested in the morning. Besides, always waking up sweaty and with a pounding heart was becoming extremely stressful. Julie was sure this wasn't healthy.

It's Friday evening and Julie and Pierre invited all of their friends for dinner. They talked yesterday and agreed that it was finally time to tell them that they are dating. After all, they can't keep it a secret forever. Julie already felt bad for lying to their friends. They often reached out to them in the last few days but Julie and Pierre always gave them an excuse for why they couldn't meet because they wanted to spend more time with each other before they were ready to come out as a couple officially.

But now it was time and the two of them arrived at the restaurant where they will meet their friends. Julie felt nervous and took a deep breath when she stepped out of the car.

Pierre noticed that Julie's nerves were getting the best of her. He walked around the car to be by her side. "Don't worry. It will be fine. I'm sure, they will be happy for us."

Pierre reached out to hold Julie's hand but she had another idea. "If we walk in there holding hands, they will immediately know what's going on. Let's keep a little suspense."

Pierre nodded and they walked inside. They found their table with their friends already being there. Jade and Lucas sat next to each other as well as Camille and her boyfriend Théo.

Julie did meet Théo only one time a few weeks ago. According to Camille he is most of the time busy with his job and he hasn't got a lot of free time.

To Julie Théo seemed a little too overconfident for her liking but she doesn't want to judge him based on a few interactions.

Julie and Pierre greeted their friends and sat down next to each other at the table. Jade, Camille and Lucas looked at them with great interest. They could tell that something was going on. They haven't seen the two of them for almost two weeks and suddenly they invite them for dinner.

Lucas has a good guess what this is about because he knows about Pierre's feelings and he hopes that he is right and his friend finally confessed.

But Lucas wasn't the only one who had a hunch. "We didn't see you for awhile. What have you been up to?" Jade was smiling at them across the table. Since the night in the club she noticed that there was something between them.

First, Pierre completely lost it because some guy touched Julie and then they danced romantically for the rest of the night. On top of that they both disappeared for the last two weeks and didn't want to meet up with the group. To Jade that all seemed very suspicious and can only point to one thing.

"How about we eat first and then we will tell you the news." Pierre said calmly. He tried to hide his joyful mood because he didn't want to give anything away. But on the inside, he was extremely happy that he can finally tell his friends that Julie belongs to him now.

He was especially looking forward to seeing Lucas' reaction. His friend was supportive the whole time and now he can finally tell him that he conquered Julie's heart, the woman of his dreams.

The group ordered their food and they chatted about what's new in their lives. Jade told Julie and Pierre that she got a job as financial advisor in a big company. Apparently, the others already knew about this because they weren't surprised at Jade's announcement at all and Julie and Pierre were the last ones to find out about this.

Pierre congratulated Jade but Julie felt bad for neglecting her friends and she felt like she had to say more. "Congratulations. I'm sorry that we didn't get in touch for the last two weeks…"

"Don't worry about it," Jade interrupted her. "I'm sure you have a good reason for it." She smiled at her smugly and Julie started to feel embarrassed when she realized that Jade knows something.

'Did Pierre already tell them or is it that obvious?' Julie thought. If they know what is going on anyway there is no use in hiding it any further.

"Well, we also have to tell you something." Julie looked over to Pierre and he starred back at her in surprise. He was still eating and thought she wanted to wait till after dinner.

But it didn't matter. Pierre was glad to share the news. The earlier the better.

Pierre put his fork and knife down and took Julie's hand in his and kissed the back of it. Julie started to blush and looked into Pierre's eyes that were full of love for her.

Pierre spoke to his friends not looking away from Julie. "I'm sorry guys. There is something that I kept a secret from you. I fell in love with Julie the first time I saw her on the hallway before my apartment and I befriended her in hopes we would become something more one day."

His expression became even softer and he continued to speak. "I'm sorry that I wasn't honest about my intentions from the beginning but looking forward I will always share my feelings with you. I love you, Julie. Since the first time I saw you and I'm certain that I always will love you."

Julie was totally overwhelmed by his words. How will she ever match his emotions. He loves her so much and what are her feelings compared to his? Julie started to panic at the thought that they will always have this kind of unbalanced relationship.

Unaware of her inner struggle, Pierre turned to his friends and smiled widely. "Julie and I are dating for a week now that's why we wanted some time alone. I hope you will be happy for us."

Their table turned silent. Everyone was too stunned to speak because no one expected Pierre to make a confession like that even though Lucas and Jade had a hunch.

Jade would have never guessed that Pierre's feelings run that deep. His confession almost sounded like a proposal and Jade even thought that at one point Pierre would reach into his pocket and get the engagement rings out.

Lucas was the first one to break the silence. "Of course, we are happy for you guys." He stood up and hugged his friend. He was proud of Pierre for finally having the balls and tell Julie about his feelings and he was extremely happy for him that it paid off.

Jade and Camille followed Lucas. They hugged the new couple and congratulated them and Camille's boyfriend Théo also wished them good luck for their relationship.

"Now we have two couples in the group. You guys are next." Camille said cheerfully looking at Lucas and Jade.

"No thanks, I like being single," Lucas responded and Jade only turned her eyes. She wasn't really interested in a serious relationship now. She was way to busy with her new job and a man would just hold her back.

They all sat back on their chairs and resumed eating. Pierre told the others about their week-end in Lyon and they listened with great interest except for Théo who seemed bored at Pierre's story. As soon as Pierre was finished he started to talk about some new business deals he made.

The group knew that Théo likes getting attention and he often brags about his job and what a great business man he is. Besides that, he seemed like a nice guy but it could get annoying when he only talks about himself.

The only one who didn't seem to notice this was Camille who was completely infatuated with him. But no one can hold that against her. He was a very good looking man with slicked back black hair and a nicely build body. On top of that he was really successful. He earned a small fortune with his several businesses and investments.

After they finished eating, they all went to a nearby bar to have a drink. The group decided to split up into man and woman. Pierre, Lucas and Théo sat down at a table a few meters away from the girls to have a beer and talk among men. Julie, Jade and Camille sat next to each other at the bar while getting freshly mixed drinks from the barkeeper.

Julie was curious about something that was on her mind since dinner. "Did you know about Pierre and I?" Jade's expression earlier at the restaurant clearly hinted at that.

"No but I had a suspicion since the night Pierre beat the shit out of that guy who harassed you. I never saw him that angry," Jade stated.

Julie became pensive. If she looks at it that way Pierre's feelings were obvious, yet she didn't see it.

"I'm such an idiot for being oblivious to his feelings for so long." Julie pinched her nose chiding herself.

"Does it matter now? At the end of the day, you found your way together," Jade stated casually. She was a very factual woman but she tried her best to encourage Julie.