
Destined to be Together: Meeting my Lover from a Past Life Again

Julie has accomplished everything in life she wanted. She lives her dream of living abroad and traveling all around the world and she prides herself for being strong and independent. The only thing that was missing in her life was a man. But she was never really interested in anyone and she already thought that she would end up being single forever. Then she met Gianni. From the moment she looked into his eyes she felt a strong pull towards him that she couldn’t explain. Soon it is revealed that she knows Gianni from a past life and that their love story ended tragically. The novel goes into detail about Julie’s past life story in the 19th century and how it is connected to her current life which also has its struggles. Julie has to deal with jealous exes and false friends to finally be with the man that her soul desires. Excerpt His lips moved skillfully against hers. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted. Julie never experienced a kiss like this. She didn’t know kissing could be that good. She felt a whirlwind of emotions as she could feel his immense love for her through the kiss he provided and a lone tear started to slip down her left cheek. Why was she crying now? Julie wasn’t sure. Was it because she was never kissed like this before? Or was it her yearning to be loved? No, it was so much more than this. Kissing him was like she finally found a piece of her soul that she didn’t know was missing and only now she became aware of the emptiness she carried in her heart.

White_Pearl24 · Urban
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25 Chs

A Toxic Boyfriend

Camille was excited that she wasn't the only one in a relationship anymore. "How about next week we go on a couple date. You with Pierre and Théo and I," she suggested.

"Sure...." Julie drawled while smiling awkwardly at Camille. She wasn't too thrilled about this idea. Théo showed her today how annoying he could be and she wasn't looking forward to his endless talks about himself. 'How can someone be so self-obsessed?' Julie thought but she can't say this to Camille.

The others were already used to Théo's attention seeking behavior but to Julie this was new. She just met him very shortly a few weeks ago. Back than, he accompanied Camille to a party but had to leave early because there was an emergency in his job. Julie barely talked to him so she didn't know how he is really like.

And Julie has to admit that she doesn't like him. She is glad that he doesn't show up often and that Camille comes alone most of the time.

Julie can't understand why a sweet girl like Camille would be in a relationship with such a poser but on the other hand only someone as nice as her would be able to tolerate someone like Théo. 'Love must really be blind,' Julie concluded.

But maybe she was too harsh with him. Surely, he must have his good sides. Otherwise why would Camille date him?

At the man's table Lucas forced Pierre to tell him everything that happened in the past two weeks.

Pierre told him how he kissed Julie after they went to Disneyland, that he had to confess his feelings after that and how he convinced Julie to date him. He was proud of himself that he could finally tell Lucas that he succeeded in winning Julie's heart.

And Lucas was visibly happy for his friend because he was sure that he has never seen him so in love.

Pierre and Lucas already know each other for 9 years. They met when they both freshly entered college and quickly became room mates and good friends. Lucas has met all of Pierre's past girlfriends and that's why he knows that Pierre never radiated that amount of happiness before. Seems like Julie really is the one for him.

Lucas just realized that his shared single life with Pierre was over and that from now on he can only pick up girls alone. Not like Pierre was the type to bring girls home after a night in the club but he remembered how he taught Pierre how to flirt when they were younger. Lucas can't help but feel nostalgic at the thought that this was over now and the realization that he was getting old struck him hard. Maybe it was time to get over his college days.

Seeing how happy Pierre was really made him contemplate his single life. 'Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a serious relationship,' Lucas thought. After all he was nearing his thirties and it will be easier to find a good woman if he starts now.

While Lucas was deep in thoughts Pierre continued to talk like an enamored teenager about Julie. He talked about their dates and how amazing Julie is and how literally everything she is doing is perfect. Lucas found his friend quite adorable. He was behaving like it was his first time being in love. The two of them almost forgot that they were not alone.

"Man, you put so much work into the little virgin, I hope that pussy is worth it," Théo said out of nowhere. He was quietly drinking his beer while listening to Pierre's love story. But at some point, he had enough. He couldn't believe what a pathetic simp Pierre was. Never in his life would he put so much effort into conquering a woman. This would be completely emasculating for him.

Pierre and Lucas looked at Théo with wide eyes. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"What did you say, how do you know that Julie is a virgin," Pierre whispered the last part. He didn't want Julie to hear that since she was only a few meters away at the bar.

"I can tell by two things." Thèo held up his index and middle finger and started explaining. "Firstly, you only talked about kissing and you did it like it was the best thing you ever experienced. I'm sure if you fucked her there would be something better." He leaned forward smiling wickedly at Pierre. "And secondly, I have an eye for someone's sexual behavior. I can see how she behaves around you. There is no way you already got your hands under her skirt. When do you think she will let you fuck her?"

Pierre saw red. He knew Théo could be shameless but what was he doing now? Is he so bored with his life that he wants to get into a fight? And it was working. Pierre wanted to beat the shit out of him. 'How dare he talk about Julie like that. How dare he sexualise her like that. He shouldn't even think about Julie in a sexual context.'

Lucas noticed that Pierre was getting angry and tried to deescalate the situation. "How about you stay out of their business, before you do something that you will regret. Maybe you had too much alcohol."

"Why? It was just a question." Théo feigned innocence. "I know it's hard to crack a virgin. If you want, I can give you some advice on how to make her open her legs faster for you."

That was it. Pierre lost his patience. He grabbed Théo by his collar and whispered his next words dangerously close to his face. "Listen, you will not talk about Julie like that. Get anything sexual related to her out of your fucking head. The only reason we tolerate you here is because of Camille but that won't protect you if you push it too far. Do you understand?"

Théo looked at him unimpressed. He didn't have any respect for a man who would lower himself like that for a woman. To him Pierre wasn't even a man but he had fun messing with him. It was at least a little bit of entertainment on an otherwise boring evening.

Sadly, that was over now. Of course, he was convinced that he would easily win in a fight against Pierre but he couldn't risk showing up with a broken nose or a black eye in front of his business partners.

Théo raised his hands to show that he was giving up and Pierre let go of him by roughly pushing him back.

The atmosphere was tense and in that moment the girls showed up with drinks in their hands.

"What's going on?" Julie asked while sitting down next to Pierre. She noticed his furious expression still directed at Théo. But that one acted like nothing happened.

When he saw Camille he put on his best smile. "Hey my love. You know you shouldn't leave me alone for too long." He put his arm around her and gave her a brief kiss and Camille turned right there into a puddle. She was so charmed by him that she didn't notice anything odd.

Pierre and Lucas observed how quickly Théo's mood changed with dark expressions on their faces. It was almost scary how good he could act and they started to feel uneasy.

The two of them already noticed in the past that Théo could be quite arrogant and egotistic but they would have never guessed that he can be straight up such an asshole.

Their hearts started to break for Camille as they watched how happy she was in his arms. They know how much she was in love with Théo but it was clear that she has no idea who he really is. She just sees him through rose-colored glasses and that's why he has it easy to manipulate her.

Hearing him talk so disrespectful about Julie made Pierre wonder if he even respects Camille the way she deserves it. He behaved like a total jerk who looks down on woman. And who knows how he treats Camille in private? She might also just put up a front and actually fake her happiness. The thought of that was deeply unsettling for Pierre. He knows Camille for years and she has always been a cheerful girl. It was upsetting to think that she was unhappy and hiding her true feelings from her friends.

Pierre decided to talk to Camille as soon as he can. There was no way that a guy like Théo deserves someone as kind as Camille. She can do better than him and when they break up Pierre will be glad to not see his face anymore.

Julie and Jade observed the way Pierre and Lucas stared at Théo and they guessed that something happened.

Julie tapped Pierre's shoulder because he was still not reacting. "Hey, are you ignoring me. I asked you a question."

Pierre looked at Julie who smiled at him sweetly and all of his anger evaporated. The beautiful girl in front of him was his and his alone. He couldn't believe his luck.

Julie leaned against him and whispered quietly. "Did something happen between you and Théo?"

Pierre wanted to tell Julie what happened but he couldn't do that in front of Camille. Besides that, he wanted Julie to enjoy the rest of the night. It was supposed to be a happy day for the two of them. The day they made their relationship official and Pierre didn't want to spoil it.

"I will tell you later, okay." He whispered back to her and Julie nodded understanding that it wasn't a good moment.