
Destined to be Together: Meeting my Lover from a Past Life Again

Julie has accomplished everything in life she wanted. She lives her dream of living abroad and traveling all around the world and she prides herself for being strong and independent. The only thing that was missing in her life was a man. But she was never really interested in anyone and she already thought that she would end up being single forever. Then she met Gianni. From the moment she looked into his eyes she felt a strong pull towards him that she couldn’t explain. Soon it is revealed that she knows Gianni from a past life and that their love story ended tragically. The novel goes into detail about Julie’s past life story in the 19th century and how it is connected to her current life which also has its struggles. Julie has to deal with jealous exes and false friends to finally be with the man that her soul desires. Excerpt His lips moved skillfully against hers. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted. Julie never experienced a kiss like this. She didn’t know kissing could be that good. She felt a whirlwind of emotions as she could feel his immense love for her through the kiss he provided and a lone tear started to slip down her left cheek. Why was she crying now? Julie wasn’t sure. Was it because she was never kissed like this before? Or was it her yearning to be loved? No, it was so much more than this. Kissing him was like she finally found a piece of her soul that she didn’t know was missing and only now she became aware of the emptiness she carried in her heart.

White_Pearl24 · Urban
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25 Chs

Not the Same Feeling

When they finished the picnic, the duo decided to take a walk through the city. They walked along the famous Champs-Élysées.

Julie looked through the shop windows and her attention was caught by a small handbag, green in color but Julie almost choked when she saw the price. 2300€ for that? She knows they sell only famous fashion brands here but that tiny bag is just not worth the price.

"If you want that, I can get it for you." Pierre noticed what she was starring at and since he had the urge to fulfill Julie's every wish, he would gladly buy her all she wants.

Julie watched in horror how he reached for his wallet. "Are you crazy that's way too expensive. I can get the same one way cheaper, if I buy this one, I just pay for the brand."

Since Pierre is Julie's boyfriend, she was fine with him paying for the bill in restaurants and even booking a suite for the two of them in Lyon but buying a bag for 2300€ would just go too far. Julie would fell like she was using him and besides that she also earns her own money. It's not much but enough to go shopping occasionally. Julie is not the materialistic type of girl and doesn't need expensive stuff to be happy.

Pierre looked at Julie's stern expression. He knew she wouldn't let him go into this shop, so he backed off. "Fine then let me buy you something else."

"Come one Pierre you already paid for the picnic. How about we go drink a coffee and I pay this time," Julie tried to persuade him.

"No way. I won't let my girlfriend pay for me." Pierre reacted like she insulted him.

Julie was a little speechless at his reaction and tried to justify her position. "But I'm also earning money, you know."

"Doesn't matter. I have to show you that I can provide for you. Otherwise, I won't feel like a man," he insisted.

Julie blushed. She liked Pierre's traditional way of thinking and she agrees with him. A man should be able to take care of his girlfriend and later of his family. It's an important part of a man's life.

Julie just can't shake off her bad conscience whenever he pays big sums of money on her. It didn't seem fair.

"Fine but that's way more than providing for me. I don't need that kind of luxury," she said while pointing at the bag in the shop window.

Pierre looked at her with sparkling eyes. That was his Julie, always humble. He gave her a brief kiss on the lips before he took her hand to continue the walk. "Over there is a Starbucks or do you want to go to a more traditional café?"

"No, Starbucks is perfect." Julie was craving for something sweet, so she ordered a Frappuccino with chocolate syrup and cream.

After they got their drinks, they slowly walked back to Pierre's car and drove back home.

Pierre wanted to spend more time with Julie but she told him, that she has to prepare her classes for tomorrow. She didn't have a lot of time for her work lately, since Pierre is always coming up with plans. That's why she is a little bit behind.

Pierre was already missing Julie. He couldn't let her go before at least feeling her lips again, so he approached her slowly and looked into her eyes to ask for consent. Julie stretched her neck toward him and Pierre could feel his heart fluttering as his eyesight fell on Julie's lips.

He put his one arm around her waist and with his free hand he caressed her cheek, before he slowly put his lips onto hers. It was magical like always. Pierre was sure that he will never get tired of kissing Julie.

Her soft lips, the way she held onto his shoulders, the sweet sounds that occasionally escaped her mouth. Pierre never experienced anything so stimulating in his life and they didn't even do much yet. For him Julie was perfect. He was sure that she was made for him.

Before the kiss turned too rough Pierre ended it with a small peck on her lips. He looked satisfied at the breathless girl in front of him who was blushing like crazy. 'She is so cute', he thought.

Pierre chuckled slightly at her appearance and he couldn't resist to spread a few kisses on her cheek, before whispering into her ear. "See you tomorrow. Don't make me wait for too long."

He winked at her and when Julie got back to her senses, they both went into their separate apartments.

Julie sat down at her desk to prepare her classes. She opened her laptop and tried hard to stay focused but couldn't stop thinking about the kisses from today.

Pierre was a good kisser but something was bothering her. She tried hard to figure out the mess in her head. It was all too much that happened in just five days that they are dating.

Julie was single her whole life and she kind of imagined her first relationship to be different. She thought when she finally meets the one it would be the most passionate fire burning within her and yearning to be with this person constantly. But with Pierre it was more like a small flame. She likes him but at the same time she wonders if her feelings can grow into more. Or if they are even realistic.

Maybe there is no one out there who can match her expectations of the passionate lover she imagined and she should be happy that she found someone who loves her like Pierre does.

Julie knows that Pierre would do anything for her and that is more than most woman get. She should be thankful.

Julie turned her attention back to her work. She can't daydream forever. This needs to get done.

Julie couldn't believe that this was happening. She was walking through the forest. Again. She was getting tired of this. When will she finally stop having this dream?

At the same time, she felt excited to see him again. The man who gave her the best kiss of her life. Not like she had much to compare it to.

Julie started feeling bad because she wants to kiss another man. She was Pierre's girlfriend now. Wouldn't it be like cheating?

On the other hand, this isn't real. It's just a dream. What can she even do against the images her mind is producing in her sleep?

Julie walked down the familiar path and reached the clearing where the man of her dreams was waiting for her. Literally. Her heart started to pound when she locked eyes with him.

He smiled at her like he always does. "There you are my love. I was waiting desperately for you."

There it was. He said it. That means they will kiss next. Julie found herself longing for his kiss.

She approached him and as soon as she stood in front of him, he immediately wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately.

She couldn't help but compare it to Pierre but she immediately felt bad because this dream gave her the illusion that the passionate lover that she imagined really exists. This was everything she was looking for and the sad truth was that her feelings weren't even close to what she felt when she was kissing Pierre.

The kiss was as mind blowing as she remembered it and Julie found herself tearing up again. Just like last time he wiped her tear away and consoled her. "Don't cry my love. We will find a way to be together. I promise you that."

Julie just stared at his handsome face and enjoyed the sight. Her breath got caught in her throat when she looked into his beautiful brown eyes that stared back into hers with so much love in them. She still doesn't know who this man is but there was a familiarity in his eyes that Julie couldn't explain and she felt drawn to him like to no one ever before.

This feeling was completely overwhelming and she wished that she would never wake up and instead stay in this dream forever just to look at him.

Julie was so distracted that she forgot how to speak but there was nothing that could prepare her for his next words.

His eyes got even warmer and in a soft tone he whispered his confession. "I love you, Jane."

Julie fell struck by a deep shock and her mind stuttered as she woke up with a jerk. 'Wait, Jane? Who is Jane?'

Julie felt completely lost. Why would she dream about a perfect man who calls her by another woman's name.

Yet this name did something with her when he called her that. It was a strange feeling. Like she is forgetting something.

Julie's head started to hurt and she had to massage her temples. At first, she thought the guy in her dreams is just a manifestation of her dream man but now she thinks there is more to it.

Anything feels so real when she has this dream. She can see every detail clearly, she can smell the forest, smell him and his touch always feels like it's really happening.

It was more like a vision than a dream. 'That's it.' Julie thought. 'It must be a vision. Maybe I'm experiencing something psychic and I'm supposed to find out what it means.'

But how does she find out what it means? She doesn't even know who he is or who Jane is.

Apparently the vision she saw was Jane's memory and that really doesn't make any sense. Why would she see with the eyes of someone else?

And this Jane girl is with her dream man but it doesn't matter how much she likes this strange man, waking up sweaty everyday was exhausting and she wanted to have a normal sleep again.

Besides that it was frustrating to experience kisses like that just in her dream. It was setting the bar incredible high and she doesn't even know if it's realistic to feel like this with an actual man or if her mind is just coming up with this because her expectations are too high.

Anyway, this needs to stop because this could seriously disturb her love life.