

The following day came sooner than anticipated. It was the day l was going back to work after my long needed but non-authorised break. Stevenson didn't say anything at the time because of my relation to Hilden.

He was playing his cards too close to his chest. He kept the 'l am intimidated by Hilden' mask going on too long and l wasn't one to turn away free benefits whether they hurt my pride or not

I wasn't ready to face the office yet, with their unending gossip and judgemental eyes. I was glad that they didn't know that l was the one married to Hilden yet. But with the way things were unravelling, l didn't doubt that they would know soon enough

Stevenson had a vendetta against the Smith's and that included my daughter and l. And he and his family were ready to settle scores. I didn't belive it at first but after listening to the voice recording, l had no doubt that Hilden had been telling the truth all along