

The conversation with Petrov was unsettling. The whole situation was unsettling. She was the reason l was able to get a follow up interview. No one had known that l was coming to Stardom Inc. for an interview so that ruled out the possibility that this was all premeditated

I still hadn't thanked her and that didn't sit well with me. I would have done just that had she not started accusing me of trying to steal her husband. A man l had no interest in.

I will admit that l did think that he is a handsome man when l first laid eyes on him, myself and the whole female population at Stardom Inc. But that's all it ever was. Temporary attraction.

But now l was stuck in a corner that l couldn't get out of. Not only would that draw attention to my family and l but it would endanger my daughter and that is not a risk l am willing to take