
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Marching Towards Freedom

So here we are finally marching towards our destination. Or should I say, to the location on which I lost many loved ones and becoming the only person returning back alive on the same location.

We left our base and after a distance we split up into three squads as planned. We were moving in different directions but we knew that we would all meet, as our destination was the same.

We encountered a few monsters on our way towards reaching the wall but they weren't that many in numbers, so we were able to handle them. They were not coming in groups instead they were like scattered all over the route just to kill people and not to protect the wall.

While fighting those monsters some of my squad members got injured, but nobody died or got fatally wounded, so everything was going according to our plan.

As we were getting closer to it, I was getting chills. It was like, revisiting the location where your entire family was murdered or... or a location where a massacre happened in front of you. The horrific things were returning to haunt me, but I maintained my sanity this time.

Still some of my squad members were not following my commands and were doing there own thing. *sighs*... it was meant to happen as they can't fully trust me. It was starting to get annoying as they were making the communication and strategising more difficult for me.

I started to exclude them from my next moves as it would only make it worse. I know what Fido said to me, but I cant just keep on babysitting everyone. They were older than me, so they had that superiority complex that we know everything and all.

I know I should give them their respect but in such a situation, we should do what is best for us and not just what you want. They should put out some ideas if they disagree but they were just saying things like 'I cant put my life on the line of just a kid'.

*laughs silently* Yeah right. Everyone here is fighting just to save their sorry asses. Well if you want to live in that delusion of yours then you can freely do that. They got so much soft by living a somewhat comfort life, living in the base and under the protection of the Slayers and their King. They think that their king is unbeatable and no one can stop him. That's what makes them careless, which should not happen at such a crucial time.

"Everyone. We are leaving this spot and will be marching to our designated point as we are very close to our destination. Other battalions would have closed in by now so we should not let them wait." I said.

"Huh. We need more time to rest, kid. We were walking for a long time. If I am this exhausted then how would I be able to fight." One of the old dude said.

I was annoyed already so I didn't hold back this time.

"How about I dump you here with your likely people which will definitely lighten my load." I replied.

"How dare you say that-" One of the dudes said while rushing towards me to punch me.

I grabbed his fist and slammed him down the ground. I locked his hand behind his back.

"If you are not even able to beat me, what are you boasting about killing a monster. You were only able to keep on surviving because of those Slayers. If not for them, you would died in the starting one thousands or even hundreds." I said.

I released him. And everyone with that dude was shocked.

"Just get up and start walking. I won't tolerate any misbehaviour. Everyone who doesn't want to follow my orders can leave once we reach our designated spot. You are free to do whatever you want. The rest of you, who are willing to follow me, will follow Fido's lead in providing backup for Faye's squad." I said out loud.


(Other side - Fido's Squad...)

They were moving much smoother as they were encountering a very less. They encountered only 2 or 3 monsters on their way.

"We are going pretty smoothly. I think this is a silence before something bad." one of Fido's subordinates said.

"When we left the base, something bad would happen. But don't think that we are out. If we didn't face monsters that means we took the safest route today. Others might have faced more monsters than us." said Fido.

"Well we have you even if not Faye. We can rely on you, Captain. Right everyone." the subordinate said.

"Yeaaaah!!!" people shouted.

"I don't know how much I will be able to protect them. The person inside of me is saying something is coming which I might not be able to handle." Fido said to himself.

"You can rely on your Captain." Fido said.

"I need to keep everyone in high spirits so they will be able to endure what we are going to see." Fido said to himself.


(Front line - Faye's Squad...)

"So how are you feeling that you are on the front-line this time." asked Faye.

"It feels way different than just planning and being in the back." said Jin.

"We faced only a few monsters in this campaign. They were all low levels, that's why I am getting worried about we might face something big as we are closing to the wall." Jin said to himself.

"Don't worry too much will ya. We will deal with everything together. See..." said Faye.

"Whoa!!! So this is the wall." said Jin.

The Faye's squad got almost near the wall so everyone was getting ready because the real mission was about to get on the rail.

"It looks solid and we can't see through that." one of the subordinate said.

"Still we get to see the sky and get the sunlight. Is it real of all the atmosphere just another illusion." said Jin.

"Let's check that out after we finish this mission." said Faye.

"Yeah. With everyone." said Jin.


Every squad reached there mark and were waiting for the front-line squad's signal. We set an approximate time and my squad barely hit the mark. We were able to see Fido's squad all pumped up and my squad... half pumped half disgraced.

Everything was one the mark as we also received the message from other battalions that they are in the close perimeter as well, but they won't interfere unless we face any major difficulty.

*Heavy Breathing* This is a bigger scale battle than I ever imagined. I know how to fight in groups but this is a real WAR scale. Give me your strength everyone.


"Faye, fire the arrow. Let this be our signal of beginning this mission." said Jin.

"Hyping this up huh." said Faye.

She fired the arrow upwards and the other squads got her signal that... it had begun. Both our squads understood that signal and began our move too.

"Move forward my PEOPLE!!! Let's KILL some Monsters!!!" shouted Faye.

They started there move but... there was no sighting of any monsters nearby. There was nothing which could set an alarm in their minds. Both other squads moved while maintaining a certain distance so that everyone will not get caught up at the same location.

Faye's squad reached near the wall, but what they saw was a weird gate. It was nothing like what was informed about by any of our scouts.

Some of her squads members tried to get close to the wall but then... Then happened something which we never thought of. Many monsters started coming out of that gate about which we never expected. We had no idea about this but that was not all that this situation has to offer us.

As we were rushing to help them in this sudden situation, the only thing on our mind was they would get overwhelmed. But in the meantime, we also heard heavy footsteps approaching us from behind.

I got the whip, that we might get surrounded by those monsters. But that's why we went with the triangle strategy. With this we can launch attack from not just one or two but three sides. This will give us some room to fight.

The war we thought was approaching us, has knocked on our doors. Now there is no turning back. The WAR is upon us.


[ DAY - 122 MONSTERS COUNT : 3,634 HUMANS ALIVE : 3,842 ]

The WAR is upon us.

The battle has arrived. Stay Tuned.

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts