
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

String of Faith

(Meeting Room...)

Besides from me, Faye, Jin, and Fido there were a few members thinking about how to build a plan which would not get us killed. We got the job to lure Seth out of his castle or his place but everyone was tense. As they knew it was not some thug we were talking about but the one who locked all of us here.

"With all respect. Is our King gone MAD or something? How are we supposed to pull that off?" said Jin.

"Michael is showing faith in our abilities, so we should think about our plan now." said Faye.

"Yes I understand that but... No matter how I see this... This... This is a suicide mission." said Jin.

"It is a suicide mission, so just deal with it now. Everyone here and your king knows that this is a suicide mission. If you can't think of something right now, then in the battlefield you will froze and and will become an easy target for our enemy. In the actual battlefield, you won't even imagine how the situation might turn around unless you are in it." I said.

"I don't think you are helping him Davis." said Faye.

"It was not a speech to motivate or help him. It was the truth. He might have seen it from a distance. But actual battlefield... it can never go as you thought or pleased. You have to adapt to it no matter how cruel or hard it is. That's why there is fear of battlefield." I replied.

"I... I'm not afraid or anything." said Jin.

"You should be. Being in fear might not work otherwise, but on the battlefield... if you are afraid you might think for any better solution than being all brave and fearless." I replied.

"Jin. And everyone present here. I think you should just remove the thoughts of death and focus on making a plan which can give us the maximum chance of completing this mission, or at least, coming back alive." said Fido.

"This will be a difficult one. But-" said Jin.

"That's why we are all here. You don't have to shoulder everything by yourself, you know. And if... anything goes wrong... we can just blame each other rather than blaming a single person. *smiles*" I replied.

"That smile. That way of being calm in worst possible situations. Davis, you remind me of my brother. *smiles* " Jin said to himself.

"Why are you smiling Jin?" asked Faye.

"Nothing. Just.. um..." Jin replied.


After seeing Davis like that, Jin got reminded of his brother who always protected him against their father's abuse. Mom left them because of this and all that frustration was taken off on them. Jin's brother always took blame for Jin doing anything stupid and protected him whenever father tried to assault him.

So both brothers decided to leave that man. His brother stayed in the city and Jin came here to leave all his past behind and study hard to become something great.


"By leaving him, we started our new lives. Brother got a job and we dreamed about working and making something good in the future... but, I never thought I would be stuck in such a situation. Still right now, I don't feel like needing his help. I actually have someone like him right here. And not just him, but many friends who believe in me and support me.

Hope that I will be able to tell you everything that I experienced here. I know you won't believe what I witnessed, but I can't wait to show you... How much I have grown. I'm not the kid who left for study but a grown person who can handle himself and takes his own decisions." Jin said to himself.

"Alright guys. Let's look for all the possibilities and find the best possible path for our victory." said Jin.

"Yeeeeaaah!" shouted everyone.

"*Exhales* So king said that there are around 300 people with 3 battalions, which means each one gets approximate 100 people. And he also said to split it even smaller into 30 to 40 people's squad to avoid detection of entire army." said Jin.

"Yes, you are correct about that but we can split the squads as we need." Faye replied.

"No. We should go with what the king decided because the whole battalion will be divided into 3 squads with each one led by a strong person." Jin replied.

"I got your point but where are you going with this?" Faye asked.

"With three squads we can make a triangle formation, from which one squads with the highest power and number will march towards the wall and-" said Jin.

"And the other two squads will become their rear guards. Rather than risking our entire battalion into attacking the wall, this is like a backup of our own. We can defend against them until the actual backup arrives." I said.

"Correct. You caught up to it easily." said Jin.

"But still there is a big flaw of getting crushed if the number of monsters increases. This divide and rule might backfire on us." said Fido.

"That I actually thought of. That's why the battalion which will march towards the wall will be mostly of long range attackers. So obviously that squad will be led by our Slayer, Faye." said Jin.

"What you meant to say is that, the Faye's squad is actually our backup if anything happens." I asked.

"It's about providing support to each other. In this triangle formation, we will mostly try to trap any monsters inside of it so that we can launch a three-way attack. And even if we are surrounded we can still launch a three-way attack." Jin replied.

"Seems like a kid made it, so that all people can survive." said Faye with a smile.

"This plan can't guarantee your safety or victory. This is a plan made to cut our losses to minimum. That's what I hope for." said Jin.

"That's not quite different from what I just said. So if I am the lead, who are the rears?" Faye asked.

"One of them will be our leader Fido, and the other squad will be led by... Davis." Jin replied.

"Fido was not a surprise but do you really think that these people will listen to me?" asked Davis.

"Well some people are here despite what happened in the meeting. So, I don't think that after the approval of our great leader Fido, anyone will not listen to you." Jin replied.

"You don't have to put it like that. And anything less, a leader is not the one who keeps them safe all the time, but he is there to bring what is hidden in everyone. The leader is the one which brings out 100% of all its followers." said Fido.

"So all of you know your roles and as for me... I will be with Faye's squad." said Jin.

"What? Why are you going in to the battlefield? I know you want to help but you have helped with the plan. You can stay-" said Fido.

"Because I don't want to lose any of you. I... I'm doing this for me. I... *flashbacks of the last incidents* I... won't runaway. This time, I'm not running away from the battlefield anymore." Jin replied with focus in his eyes.

"Huh! *sighs* I think I cant stop you now. Just don't get killed... That's all I can say now." said Fido.

"Does it have to be because I said those things to you." I asked.

"You can say that, but this time I made this decision because... by being on the battlefield might make it easy to send signals which only we know and we can confuse them, re-evaluate our situation and form a new strategy." Jin replied.

"This is definitely because of what you said to him." said Faye.

"This is also because, if I am not sure about the plan I made, then how can I tell others to follow it. I have faith in this strategy so, I will tag along as well." replied Jin.

"Alrighty then. Let the other battalions know what the plan we came up with." said Faye.

"Let everyone know who they are working with and what the plan is." said Fido.


(Gerrad's Room...)

"Reckless plan with support to minimize the loss. So both made this unique strategy of their own. Interesting. Fido, Faye and little Jin joining the battle. And what we have here. Davis being the squad captain of one squad. So you finally chose to be one of us and fight huh." said Gerrad to himself.


(Main Hall...)

"Good. The plan will be in motion. Now... The time has come for your reign to fall... SETH. A new era will start after your death." said Michael to himself.

"Send the message to gather all the weapons and supplies needed because, this might be our last battle before getting out of this cruel world." Michael said to one of his subordinates.


(After a week of the last meeting.)

"Another battle. Playing with countless lives. But for a reason. *exhales* For 'Freedom'." I said to myself.

"Yo Mr. Negative. How you feeling besides thinking negative all the time." asked Faye.

"Just don't go on calling me that. And I'm not thinking about anything negative... um... sort of." I replied.

"I can smell your negativity from a mile now." said Faye.

"What will my subordinate will think that there leader is a negative minded guy taking all of them towards a maniac suicide." I replied.

"Oh, leader already. And sort of it is true actually. We are going on a suicide mission. But let's try to survive... all of us." said Faye.

"That's the plan right." said Jin.

"Just focus on the tasks given and avoid such talks in front of your people. It will only demotivate them." said Fido.

"Huh! Here came to mood breaker. Why are you so bland Fido? Can't you see the mood was right, as everyone might not get to see each other. It was such a heroic moment for me, and you ruined it." Faye replied.

"It is nothing different than what we usually do. We are going out to KILL those monsters." Said Fido.

"Yes. That's what I wanted to hear. Now that's what we call a heroic statement." said Faye.

"Way to look cool oh so great leader." Jin said in a teasing way.

"Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!" people laughing everywhere.

"Alright guys. Other battalions gave the signal for us to move forward." said Jin.

"Let's march towards our destination everyone." said Fido.

"Let's go and kill some monsters people!!!" said Faye.

"Follow the plan and... *exhales* Don't die on me OK" I said.

"Yeeeeesssss!!!" Cheering sounds from everyone.

All this laughter might not last forever, but I should not think like that. Instead... I should be focused on my mission because this might be the moment... to witness the HELL itself again.


[ DAY - 122 MONSTERS COUNT : 3,603 HUMANS ALIVE : 3,870 ]

We are ready for this. To be honest I don't know, but I am really excited.

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