
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

The Freedom War: Battle Begins

Things started against us, but it was to be expected that a plan never flows as we want in any battle. The monsters were closing on us from both sides, so we got to hold them right here. This place is like a valley with high ridges on our left and right with the only open space on front and back. *sighs* A perfect sandwich situation for devouring your enemy.

The footsteps were getting louder from our back and monsters were already in front of Faye's squad because of that gate.

"What... This was not what we prepared for? This... this can't be-" said Jin.

"Snap out of it Jin. Everyone... prepare for battle. Ready your attacks and fire on my command." said Faye.

"We expected that monsters might attack us first but this... this was a planned out trap for us. Was it a coincidence or a well-made plan? I can't think of this as a coincidence. May... maybe this was a trap but not for us. This could be a precaution by Seth because of the last attack we did here. This could be for anyone who dares to go near the wall. This. This. This... makes more sense and but it does not look like a good start for us." I said to myself.


(Front line - Faye's Squad...)

There were 5-6 monsters which appeared in front of Faye's squad from that gate. They were shocked but Faye handled the situation quickly and snapped Jin back from his overthinking in a single moment. "Ugh... This could get a bit messy as I need sometime to launch a powerful attack to destroy those monsters in one shot." Faye says to herself.

"Jin! fire the signal. We are initiating the battle." said Faye.

"Alright. Focus Jin. It's Now or Never." Jin replied.

Jin signalled Faye's squad to fire the red signal which was a signal that they are engaging in the battle with the monsters. It also meant that we (the Rear Guard units) need to protect the rear guard while slowly trying to get closer so that all squads can provide backup to each other.

"All members... Aim... FIRE!!!" Faye shouted.

All the archers fired their arrows towards the monsters. It was raining arrows from the sky but the monsters were still moving forward.

"Double arrows. Ignite them. Combine attack with flaming arrows. Ready... FIRE!!!" Faye shouted again while preparing her attack.

"Jin takeover the attacks. If I can solely focus on my attack then I can speed up my process." said Faye.

"Roger that. I will handle it." Jin replied.

The flaming arrows were slowing them down, some got disbalanced but still they were closing in.

"Attach the smaller bombs. Let's rain down the gun powder. Ready... launch your ARROWS!!!" Jin said.

This wave of arrows stopped their movement for a second, the blast was not strong enough to kill those monsters but was reliable enough to give a moment for us to think, and in that meantime. Faye got ready, to Strike.

"Alrighty! DIE you monsters." Faye said while shooting her attack.

The attack was so strong that it took down 2 monsters at the same time. They were not that strong because stronger monsters don't even faze at smaller bombs.

"Faye, get ready for the next shot. Everyone, continue the bombardment." said Jin.

"I am giving commands and not just giving out the plan. I am on the battlefield trying to carry out my plan with some adjustment according to the situation. It feels so... different. My life is in danger here but... this feels... this adrenaline rush in my body, this thrill... I... I can't explain it in just words. This is a feeling I never had before. Now I can understand how... how some people want to get into a fight. Gerrad can be an example because he loves dangerous missions and fights because he might have experienced this adrenaline rush multiple times." Jin says to himself.

"Hey Jin don't space out here." one of the squad members said.

"Yeah right. *shakes his head to get out of his thoughts.* Next wave get ready, Faye is ready for her next attack." said Jin.

Faye's squad was able to handle the monsters because of the ability of long range attacks which both the rear guard squads were lacking. We were all soldiers with close range attack so we had to get those monsters head on.


(Rear Guard - Fido's Squad...)

"Faye's squad has started to attack and the enemies are approaching from behind. So as the rear guard unit I have to stop them. I hope that Davis's squad is ready and thinking the same." Fido says to himself.

"Everyone, we are about to get into the battle. With 30 of us here. We will form a group of 5 people as we see our enemy and each team will handle a monster. This time we can't just leave a team to distract and I kill the monster. This time you have to take a stand. This will be your place... to become... a WARRIOR." said Fido.

"We will follow you till the very end captain." people chanting.

"Because of you, we survived this long. We can't disobey you." people chanting.

"We are fully prepared to die for you. This will be our resting place after killing these monsters." people chanting.

"I'm glad that you think of me as such a being. I am honoured to be your captain." said Fido in a gentle manner.

"They are willing to die for this, so why?... why I feel like I am pushing them into their death doors. Am I the same that needs others to protect him? I have grown so much so why I have to get those memories at a time like this. *exhales deeply* I have to be strong, I can't back out now. Not after everything that I have done to reach at my current personality." Fido says to himself.

"So let's go my followers. Let's slay every last one of them." Fido shouted.

"Yeaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" everyone cheering.

Everyone was on fire after hearing Fido's speech. He hyped everyone up and fired the signal for us rear guard units to get into the action.


(Rear Guard - Davis's Squad...)

"Huh Faye has engaged in the battle already and she must be using her relic. But the real question is, she doesn't know how many times she can use it. She said she never found her limit. This war might lead Faye to her limit if her squad completely rely on her strength alone. Well Jin is with her, so he will take the appropriate actions if anything happens. I should just focus on my unit. Which is... not looking that great." I said to myself.

"So everyone, we 30 will split into 3 small teams of 10 people, so select your people yourself. I won't blame you people if none of you wants to be on my team, so form your team accordingly." I said.

*people murmuring about what I just said and making there own teams.*

"Hmm. So the ratio we had here is 15: 7: 8. So the team with 15 will move in front. Second team with 7 will handle the side which Fido is and will act as the bridge for exchanges, and the third squad of 8 people including me will focus in the center to aid any group which needs our help. " I said.

One of the people who are against me started arguing by saying. " You are the captain so why should we be on the front."

I was annoyed with this but I explained to them by using simple terms for them to understand what my intention was.

"It's simple. You are the team with the most people. You all hate me, and also... you said you can fight those monsters. So this made you the ideal team for-" I said.

That's when I saw Fido's signal. The signal was for us to engage with the monsters now.

"Get ready everyone, because the death parade is about to begin now." I said.


As I said that we rushed towards our first target. Even though we were all soldiers we still had a few grenades which this group gathered for this day. There were few monsters in the front line with both rear units picking their own enemy.

"Team 1 (15 members) handle the monster on the left. Team 2 (7 members) come with my team (Team 3 8 members including Davis) we will handle the monster in the middle." I said.

"We have to handle that monster." Leader of Team 1 said.

"Just follow the orders and complete your task. This is part of my strategy, we will take down the central monster first, then we have to take out the right one too, so in that meantime you can't even kill one monster." I said.

"Why do we have to kill all the monsters? Aren't Fido's squad with us too." Leader of Team 1 said.

There squad has already moved forward and took down a few monsters by working as a team which backs their members unlike our squad which only blames each other. If you won't handle that monster then it will just increase the load on entire squad which could lead to more casualties." I replied.


(Rear Guard - Fido's Squad...)

"Davis's squad has made his move too. Let's not stop and secure our area." Fido said.

"Even though this battlefield is covered by ridges from both sides. Their is still enough space to disperse our units to increase our field of vision and area to stand our ground here." Fido said to himself.


(Rear Guard - Davis's Squad...)

"Everyone follow my plan as we encounter our first enemy. Both teams get ready." I said.

Our first target was in front of us and it was coming towards us, but we were ready for him and with that, we draw our first blood in this war.

"Drop the spikes sheet into the monster's track." I said.

We dropped the spikes and the monster stepped on it.

"All spears attack that leg." I shouted.

By attacking the leg which that monster stepped on, the spears dealt more damage than normal. That's why it fell on his knee.

"Monster is down! Swords attack the monster and I will land the final blow." I ordered.

All the remaining soldiers attacked that monster's abdomen and chest area and in that moment... I moved up and from the blind spot... I slashed its head off using my blade.

"First enemy slain, but that is just the start. Pick the spikes and get ready for the next one." I said.

"Aye captain." subordinates said.

We took our first monsters as well as the second monster and in that meantime, Team 1 was on their own mission.

(Rear Guard Unit - Davis's Squad - Team 1...)

"How we fight that monster." one of the Team members said.

"We are 15 people, why can't we fight a single monster." Leader of Team 1 said.

"Because none of us have ever slain a monster before. Some of us didn't even fulfilled our distraction duties." one of the Team members said.

"Hmm. That's why... this was the reason he abandoned us. Because we would have come in his way of his well-made plan." Leader said.

"See. I told you that he wants us to die. and-" one of the Team members said.

"*laughs* you are still thinking about what he said. We never did our job correctly and still survived. That's why we forgot how it felt to fight for our own life. All the people following him because they care for the victory of our king, crap. Everyone is fighting so that they can live to see that bright day we normally had once again." Leader replied.

"But. What to do now." one of the Team members said.

"Either die being useless or fight that monster and try to survive. I want to survive so I am going forward. Look, they took down one monster and without any break rushed towards the second one." said the Leader.

"They just left us here and not even looking at us." one of the Team members said.

"They are not looking at us because he might have some faith in us, that we will join them after dealing with this monster." Leader replied.

"But-" one of the Team members said.

"I am going for it now. So it's your choice. Either stay here and die or try to kill that thing and survive." said the Leader.

"We... we will follow you, Leader." everyone from the Team said.

"Let's show that thing what we are made of." said the Leader.

That group attacked the monster by throwing grenades without thinking about their next move. I told them that bombs will slow them down and they can become vulnerable if that monster is weak. And it was there lucky day. It was a weak monster, that's why they managed to bring that monster down.

"Monster is down. Attack EVERYONE." Leader shouted.

They attacked with their swords and spears and guns to take down that monster.

"*pants* *pants* We... we finally... did it." said the Leader.

"We... killed this monster." one of the Team members said.

"See. *pants* We are not useless as everyone thinks. We can fight and kill monsters too." replied the Leader.

"Let's kill our next target." one of the Team members said.

"Let's go!!!" people shouted.

"Hey. Are you hearing this sound too?" one of the Team members said.

"Which sound?" other Team member said.

"A loud noise its... its like-" that Team member said.

"Its like a group of blood thirsty wild beasts coming towards us." Leader said.

They were right. A huge wave of 30 - 40 monsters was coming towards us and the first in their path was Team 1 which got the idea but were completely unaware of the fact that how many of those beasts they were going to encounter.

As the monsters closed in, one of the members said. "le.. lea.. leader. It's o... over."

When leader saw the horde of monsters in from of him, he was scared, his hands were shaking and there was a shocking expression on his face. But it slowly disappeared when the horde got closer to them.

"Leader what do we... we do?" the Team members asked.

The horde was close to crush them as they were in there path and at that time, Leader dropped his weapon and while looking at his members and he said. "Sorry. But this is the end-"

As he said this some team members just stood there accepting there death and some tried to runaway. But it was too late because the horde of monsters were right on top of them.

The horde just crushed everyone in their path and no one was able to survive from that.

The sounds of cracking bones and people screaming their lungs out got buried under the sound of the footsteps of these raging beasts.

I saw that horde and got the idea that Team 1 is not with us anymore. I was happy that those annoying geezers had just met their end but, I was sad too because before dying, they did their job of killing that monster.

*Grips his fist* But I knew very well that in war, there is no winner, just death everywhere. Still this horde is the worst enemy for us. I fired the red signal thrice. It was a signal to let everyone know how many enemies we are going to face.

[Note: Once Red signal - less than 10 enemies. Red signal Twice - 10 - 20 enemies. Red Signal Thrice - more than 20 enemies.]

(Rear Guard - Fido's Squad...)

"Damn it. We took down the 5 monsters in front of us but we lost 3 of our men. And now Davis is sending a signal that more than 20 enemies are coming towards us at full speed." Fido's says to himself.

"A large group of enemy is sprinting towards us. Get ready with your bombs and weapons. We won't let them get through. We are the rear guards... We will protect the front-LINE." said Fido.


(Front line - Faye's Squad...)

"That was the last one. Good job people. There are no monsters close to us, so tend to the wounded at once." said Faye.

"We managed that situation but still we lost 5 of our people." Jin said to himself.

"Don't overthink here. Everyone is fully aware of what they are doing here. Just focus on our next move-" said Faye.

Faye notices the signal fired by Davis.

"I think we won't get much time because that signal means we have a whole horde of those party animals trying to crush us." said Faye.

"Everyone who can still fight. Ready your arrows and hold until I give the order. And Faye, take a breather. We need you manage your strength whenever possible in this war." said Jin.

"You have grown Jin, *smiles* thanks to that guy I believe. *looking at sky* I hope you are still alive there... Davis." Faye said to herself.

(Rear Guard Area...)

"Enemy is within radius, get your weapons ready." I said to my squad.

"Davis's squad is ready to engage so let's give our full support to them" said Fido.

"Yeah!" people shouted.

I made eye contact with the calamity in front of me and I signalled to march. That's when.

"FIRE!!!" said Jin.

I saw that arrows were raining from the sky and the blast made by them got the enemy and slowed them down. That gave us a chance to get into it.

"Faye's squad is safe. So let's not hold back everyone. We have them as our backup. ATTACK!!!" shouted Fido.

"We got backup from Faye, which was an advantage for us in this battle. Let's see how well it goes for us." I said to myself.

The WAR has... just begun.


[ DAY - 122 MONSTERS COUNT : 3,642 HUMANS ALIVE : 3,798 ]

[Author's Note: If you are confused that why Fido's squad didn't fired the signal because they were in the front. It was because they were not close towards the location from which the horde is coming from and Fido''s squad back tracked after defeating their enemies because the main objective was to get closer to Faye's squad while killing the monsters.

So Fido's squad was moved up while Davis's squad was still fighting their monster. That's why Davis shot the signal and Fido didn't.]

Battle has started and everyone is fighting for there survival. But a wave of enemy is appproaching them. Will they survive this wave? Stay tuned for that.

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts