
Death, Devotion, Dissonance

Author: NakedApron
Ongoing · 799.9K Views
  • 175 Chs
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It's been a long time, but it's something that must be done

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Earth's Greatest Magus

#Top 20 Webnovel Best Sellers 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024 If you often find yourself disappointed by novels halfway through, try this one. It only gets better as the story progresses. #### History is said to be written by the victors. If so, how about Earth's history? Two millennia ago, a young boy named Emery met a tragic fate. In his final moments, he was transmigrated and accepted into the Universe's most prestigious school of magic. “You are among the chosen few from thousands of human worlds. Whether you seize this opportunity or not, is up to you. You are at Magus Academy, the pinnacle of humanity's ingenuity. Magic, science, and might are all within reach for those who dare to pursue them." [Scan complete - Quadruple affinity. Water, Earth, Plant, and Darkness.] "A quadruple acolyte! Only one in tens of thousands of acolytes possess this!" Thus began Emery’s journey together with his 4 friends from the furthest corner of Earth. Each year they returned to Earth to grow, seek revenge, save the princess, conquer the world, and become Earth's Greatest Magus. Their names are still etched in our history books to this day. Authors Note: I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by real-world myth and legend. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it. ### Here are some key aspects you'll encounter: MC: The protagonist follows the classic weak-to-strong arc. World: Picture a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars. System: While it's primarily a magic-based story, there's a structured system in place that's easy to follow. Additionally, elements of cultivation. Harem: No, there are several female interests. But I enjoy romance first. So even if there will be more than one love interest it will be deep. Note: English is not my first language, but you'll notice that my writing and English skills gradually improve throughout the chapters. Other: The novel delves into deep research on science and history, enriching the storyline with factual and intriguing details. Give it a read—you might be pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. Check Out the Video Trailer on youtube type "Earth's Greatest Magus"

Avan · Fantasy
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It is said that you shouldn't meet your heroes. Gehaldirah, a high elf of royal bloodline didn't have to meet the realm lord of High Heaven before he became disillusioned. His admiration for the paragon of the high elf race turned into hatred when he got some damning knowledge about why demons kept attacking his home and looting the sacred tree of life. His hatred for the realm lord turned to self-hatred for his weakness and mediocrity. Gehaldirah had a moment of introspection. He isn't at the bottom of the ladder in this strength-based hierarchy. He is a king of law, but that apparently isn't enough to guarantee your fate. His strength is also mediocre because it was granted to him because of his bloodline. He determined he had to change himself. He has to become better. He concocted a plan that is one part genius and one part greed. His plan for reincarnation led him to the trial of heaven that occurs every origin cycle. He needed Origin essence so he participated in the trial. He got more than he wanted from the trial. His plan for reincarnation would be a success after some adjustments. But now he has a different aim. He won't aim for just the realm lord. The realm lord has control of the High Heaven Realm. That isn't enough for Geraldirah anymore. He became greedier. He has his sight set on the movers and shakers of the Void Universe. Only the power to subvert the will of World Gods will do. The plan to create LEGION, the ultimate organism was then hatched. If one person cannot achieve something, what about a multitude of them? His journey will not be easy. He will have to overcome Celestials and their Celestial Supreme, Gods and their GodKings, Demon kings and their Demon gods. The Void Universe is full of obstacles that will like nothing more than to put an end to his path. It is not that they hate him. They will oppose him simply because the era of conquest is coming. There are no friends in the era of conquest. It is everyone for themselves. And he will use everything and everyone for the advancement of Legion. AUTHOR: I cannot promise that you will like it. I can only promise that the book is original and unique. It is something new. The MC is neutral evil. He is willing to sacrifice everyone for his goals. He is smart and the antagonists in the book are cunning. Discord: https://discord.gg/b3xeynDZQe Power Stones Goals: 1400PS - 1 Extra Chapter. 2000PS - 2 Extra Chapters. 3000PS - 3 Extra Chapters. 5000PS - 4 Extra Chapters. Golden Tickets Goals: 100 Golden Tickets - 1 Extra Chapter. 200 Golden Tickets - 2 Extra Chapters. 300 Golden Tickets - 3 Extra Chapters. 400 Golden Tickets - 4 Extra Chapters. 500 Golden Tickets - 5 Extra Chapters.

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Author-san-special-five-star-review!!! 1st version! I want to say it’s the first and only version, but knowing me, I’m prob gonna have to change this one day or another. Anyhow, let’s get to the review. STORY DEVELOPMENT – Tone Okay, this time it’s really gonna be a grim-dark story. I know I said the same last time and it turned out to be a feel-good slice-of-life, but trust me, alright. Just read like, the first 2 chaps and you’ll see it. Obviously, it’s not gonna be all gloom and depression. Slice-of-life will happen (since I love it), there will be comedy, romance, action, adventure, and all that good stuff. One more thing I wanna add here is the mysteriousness of the novel. I know it sounds kinda pretentious coming from me, calling my novel mysterious and all, but what I mean is just that I’ll try my best to withhold certain info from the readers. The reason for this is that I ****ed up a lot on SotNeW, by explaining every detail of the story as they appeared. Not cool. STORY DEVELOPMENT – Pacing. Things will happen faster this time around. Last time, whenever I wrote a scene, almost always, I would stick it into the story without deleting it (even though they were completely filler), but I’ll do it this time. Scenes will die, since I’m gonna have a proper stockpile this time around. And also, Author-san ascended, and like, learned how to skip useless parts in scenes. Very epic. STORY DEVELOPMENT – Side Stories. Different POVs and other stories will appear more. I’ll just say that. Also, depending on stuff, I might rewrite previously written scenes in the POV of a different character. I’ll try to make this clearer as we go about the story. Also, remastered Layla story incoming, pog. And yes, I’ll take a part from that and chuck it into the synopsis. He-he-he. CHARACTERS – MC MC will have an interesting character arc this time around, how about that? CHARACTERS – Side charas. I have plans to tie more side charas to MC’s story, in a more intimate and non-conversational way. And t r y … to develop their arcs in that manner, but I’m not sure how that’ll work out in reality. It'll probably be okay. Oh yeah, also, Romance~~ WORLD-BUILDING I mentioned this before, but I’m gonna try to withhold certain information, so their reveal will be more satisfying later on. I know the older readers will have knowledge about some details due to the rewrite, but I’ll try my best to keep things spicy for everyone. MAGIC SYSTEM The fundamentals for this will not change, but I’m gonna add a lot of quality-of-life changes to the usage of Worlds. It will still be a Hard Magic System , but I’m gonna try and add a Softer side to it as well. SETTING and WORLD BACKGROUND Some things will be uncheatable, but they’ll be much rarer compared to the previous version. This will add a sense of risk to actions and give birth to more interesting choices. MISCELLANEOUS STUFF -No harem planned. -There will be cliches, but I’ll give them my own touch. I think you'll like it a lot. ----- Alright, I think that's it. Ask me if you have any questions ;3


Spoiler alert: This is a damn fantastic book. I love how the author sets you up with a ton of mystery and questions at the start then artfully lets it unfold around you as you read. Ooh the level of skill gave me shivers! The characters, more particularly their dynamics with each other, are superb. Evin is fantastic, he is witty, opinionated, but equally tormented by his father and burdened by the pressures of society. He has hopes, dreams, and the author does a great job of making believable, if not entirely realistic characters. Such raw emotion in a book is hard to come by, too. I really felt so much for all of them. The world building was equally as good. Although I had a lot of questions at the start, the more I read the more everything pieced itself together, unravelling the mysterys of the world like any good book should. Not once did I lose interest, the story was fast paced, well thought out, and bolstered by some absolutely top quality description. If you cant tell, I really dont have any bad things to say about this book. Perhaps give a little warning about the abusive nature of the father? But honestly, this novel was so compelling, I would recommend it to anyone either way. Author, fantastic work!


Reveal spoiler


13+ chapters in and I can really say for sure that this one's a lot better than the original one, that one is not bad, but this one is a lot better. I just paraphrased what Daniiii said.🤷 For the writing quality, I'd give it a 5. Why? Because I want to. Ugh, because there are hardly any mistakes and grammatical errors. The words used to describe what is happening and what's in Evin's mind are able to express those scenes clearly. Story development, there are a lot of changes here that author made, and I love those changes. The pacing of the story isn't as slow as the original one, just as author promised. For the characters, I love the changes you made with each and every one of their own stories. I especially like the concept you thought of with Endra's spirit or whatever his name here is and Evin's. Now I'm wondering how different the other characters are. Lasty, this world background, author made a lot of changes, but I'm sure he will do a good job here. That's all for now... maybe will add a few things next time.


After reading just a few chapters and comparing them with previous version it is clear to me that this one is much more promising. character design has improved a lot which I think is the most important difference between this book and the old one.[img=recommend][img=recommend]


so far this novel feels dark and interesting. writting is 5/5, author is doing a good job describing other characters as well, lot of things feels mysterious and i like they are not forcefuly explained straight away. I got to ch. 10 and i am super exited about how this will continue


That was so freaking awesome, what in the world did I just read?! The author is amazing at story-telling and character development. You think you figured something but you get hit with a curveball! I didn't get it at first, but be patient as most of the unexplained is explained in due time in a way that makes sense and is easy to comprehend. I enjoyed reading this novel and can't wait for more chapters, t-there's still so much I need to know!


just added to my library., when I read a new novel especially an Original one, I usually spend time to read up to 5 chapters only then decide whether to continue or not.. well this novel I got so caught up reading it. it's well written and I like the pace or how the story unfolds, since it's only 26 chaps as of now, all I can say is the author did a great job and this novel has a potential to be a great story. hopefully it continues to update and finish this novel... bcoz most of the Original novel I read so far, either went on hiatus or with no ending..


Very interesting and addicted novel! Good start and synopsis. The language that the author used is also beautiful and entertaining. I love how the author describes the characters' interactions and thoughts. I am intrigued by the novel's mysterious plot while reading it and can't wait to read more. Definitely, adding it to my collection. Good job, author!


Lord have mercy, this is some amazing content! I am utterly in love with the authors writing skills, they are out of this world! I bow in amazement, and give you you're well-deserved crown! The story is original, well thought of, and contains some amazing characters! Other than that, i love how long the chapters are - something a lot of people on this app slack on, but not you! I will definitely come back for more, no doubt about it. Thank you for sharing this amazing content with us, dear author <3


This is a great story. The storyline is woven and thought out perfectly. I’m not really into dark novels but this definitely caught my attention. You did a fantastic job, author. Keep it up. I’ll recommend this to everyone . It’s a good read.


Don't usually read dark novels! Well, keeping in mind that this is my first time reading this genre, I surprisingly didn't dislike it! This is definitely because of the writing quality. The characters are quite well fleshed out and the writing doesn't feel choppy. This together with the air of mystery and suspense right from the beginning of the novel makes it quite an interesting read! As for the world background, the touch of the supernatural with the mention of spirits and other fantastical powers makes the story extremely enjoyable, while still retaining the dark, macabre mood all throughout. I guess dark novel readers will definitely like the book more, as I tend to lean more towards novels with a happy and lighter mood!😅 Overall, Author keep up the good work![img=recommend]


Really good so far. The plot is developing in an interesting way and already seems to flow better than the original. Only one typo I’ve noticed so far. But I’m interested in where the story will go next


This... . . . . a SUPERB and Worth While READ... Review Proper after chapter 12 Writing Quality. The narratives are well-written and zero grammar errors so far. Or if there are some, I'm just engrossed reading the story to notice 😌. Stability of Updates. I see no problem here. The author seems to have stable updates so far. Plus it is already 100 plus chapters perfect for binge reading. Story Development. From the first chapter until the next, everything is flowing smoothly. Although from introducing the world background and such, it didn't feel some info. dumps due to the remarks of Voice lol. Character Design. They are all well-rounded from Evin, to voice and the other charas all have a distinct persona with each other. World Background. Very interesting, with the first grade, Emperor, Empress, and others. I look forward to more. Overall, this book is a great read and greatly recommended. And I must warn you, once you start reading you will not be able to stop anymore and you realize you're already far from the first chap. Great Work! Keep it up, author! All the best for the WSA


This is an amazing book, at 1st i was skeptical because most books with high ratings on webnovel aren't that good but this novel deserves it rating and more. My only regret is that I didn't begin reading this book sooner.


[img=update]What an amazing work!! The cover alone is awesome.. it’s well-written.. I love the way you build the character.. and 11 chapters a week?! You’re my motivation! Lol👏🏻


Amazing Plot.. I loved the concept so much and your writing style is very easy. I could visualize every scenes and I enjoyed what I saw while reading ( well that's the fun part of reading) Good work, Author!!


I dont know why this book doesnt have more stones, best written and one of the most interesting stories on webnovel, also It has a very unique plot


i lobe this one. it is realistic and i'm not talking about the fantasy elements obv, but the genuinety of the characters. they're not flat. world building is gr8 too, no info dumps we get to understand the world with the mc. the sentence structures are impeccable, wide vocab that's far from being repetitive. it is obvious that the author is pulling their weight with this novel. definitely recommend


I like the "old veteran" type of of MC. The protagonist is already experienced, sometimes power progression feels a little repetitive so skipping all that 'growing up' character development can make it easier on the readers. But it comes at the cost of the person's innocence. A typical young and naive MC can feel a little stupid at times but we can be immersed in their individual perspective and character developments and understand why a character would make certain kinds of choices afterwards. By literally combining the 2 into the same body I feel happy getting the best of both worlds. Evin utilizing the valuable wisdom that comes with age while also experiencing moments of first time innocence and ignorance is just so adorable.


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