
Review Detail of Wolfgirl1215 in Death, Devotion, Dissonance

Review detail


Spoiler alert: This is a damn fantastic book. I love how the author sets you up with a ton of mystery and questions at the start then artfully lets it unfold around you as you read. Ooh the level of skill gave me shivers! The characters, more particularly their dynamics with each other, are superb. Evin is fantastic, he is witty, opinionated, but equally tormented by his father and burdened by the pressures of society. He has hopes, dreams, and the author does a great job of making believable, if not entirely realistic characters. Such raw emotion in a book is hard to come by, too. I really felt so much for all of them. The world building was equally as good. Although I had a lot of questions at the start, the more I read the more everything pieced itself together, unravelling the mysterys of the world like any good book should. Not once did I lose interest, the story was fast paced, well thought out, and bolstered by some absolutely top quality description. If you cant tell, I really dont have any bad things to say about this book. Perhaps give a little warning about the abusive nature of the father? But honestly, this novel was so compelling, I would recommend it to anyone either way. Author, fantastic work!


Death, Devotion, Dissonance


Liked by 6 people




Bless your soul for taking your time to write such a fantastic review. I'll make sure to leave a note for the father on my own review or somewhere else!


This may be a small thing but can you please tell me if the voice in his head is that of a male or female? And is it just a voice or something else? Spoil me on this so I can build some interest to start reading.