
Review Detail of ClassyGay in Death, Devotion, Dissonance

Review detail


13+ chapters in and I can really say for sure that this one's a lot better than the original one, that one is not bad, but this one is a lot better. I just paraphrased what Daniiii said.šŸ¤· For the writing quality, I'd give it a 5. Why? Because I want to. Ugh, because there are hardly any mistakes and grammatical errors. The words used to describe what is happening and what's in Evin's mind are able to express those scenes clearly. Story development, there are a lot of changes here that author made, and I love those changes. The pacing of the story isn't as slow as the original one, just as author promised. For the characters, I love the changes you made with each and every one of their own stories. I especially like the concept you thought of with Endra's spirit or whatever his name here is and Evin's. Now I'm wondering how different the other characters are. Lasty, this world background, author made a lot of changes, but I'm sure he will do a good job here. That's all for now... maybe will add a few things next time.


Death, Devotion, Dissonance


Liked by 7 people




, I feel really giddy reading through these reviews xd


Really? At least you liked it, can't really think straight right now, cause you know... I'm not straight. Kidding.

NakedApron:, I feel really giddy reading through these reviews xd


ClassyGay:Really? At least you liked it, can't really think straight right now, cause you know... I'm not straight. Kidding.