
Conquest of the king : Building a Pirate Empire(one piece fanfic)

"The Epic Tale of Kingdom Building in the One Piece World"

Kaushik_15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 2: Exploring the Island and Training

With the Kingdom Building System at his fingertips, John set out to explore the ring-shaped island where he found himself. He had never seen anything like it before - the landscape was breathtaking, with towering cliffs, dense forests, and crystal-clear rivers.

As he journeyed further out, John encountered a strange array of wildlife. There were creatures with tentacles, strange insects with wings, and even talking animals. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, and he marveled at the diversity of the world he found himself in.

But despite the beauty of the island, John knew that dangers were lurking around every corner. He encountered fierce predators, treacherous terrain, and even hostile tribes. But he was determined to see it all, and the Kingdom Building System gave him the tools he needed to survive.

As he journeyed deeper into the heart of the island, John stumbled upon a strange butler named Cogman. The robotic butler had been sent by the Kingdom Building System as a gift to aid John in his exploration. With Cogman by his side, John felt more confident than ever, and he continued to push further into the unknown.

As he journeyed further into the depths of the dense forest, John came across a towering gorilla. The beast was easily the size of a small house, with bulging muscles and sharp claws. It roared ferociously at John, who knew he had to fight for his life.

John stood his ground, ready to face the massive creature. The gorilla charged towards him, swinging its massive fists with incredible force. John was quick, dodging and weaving between the punches. He struck back with his fists, landing powerful blows on the beast's tough hide.

The battle raged on for what seemed like hours, with neither John nor the gorilla gaining the upper hand. But eventually, John found an opening and delivered a crushing blow to the gorilla's jaw. The creature let out a deafening roar and collapsed to the ground, defeated.

John felt a surge of relief and adrenaline as he realized that he had survived the encounter. He knew that there were many more challenges ahead, but he was determined to continue exploring the island and uncovering its secrets.

As he walked away from the defeated gorilla, John noticed a small figure approaching him. It was a metallic humanoid with a distinguished British accent - Cogman, a butler gifted to him by the mysterious omnipotent being.

"Good evening, sir. I do hope you are not injured," Cogman said.

"I'm fine, thanks to your timely arrival," John replied, surprised by the butler's sudden appearance.

"Of course, sir. I must serve and protect you, as per the instructions of the Kingdom Building System. Sorry sir I was busy hunting "

"I'm fine, thanks for your concern," John replied.

As John caught his breath after defeating the gorilla, he noticed that the smart system screen had popped up in front of him again. He was surprised to see a message from the system:

Congratulations, John. You have proven yourself as a capable survivor in the One Piece world. As a reward, I am granting you 1000 system points and a Meito grade sword "Shinryu,".

John's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the message. He had never expected to receive such a generous reward. He felt a rush of excitement and gratitude toward the system.

"Thank you," he whispered, feeling a sense of newfound confidence.

Over the next three months, John explored the ring-shaped island and encountered many more fierce beasts. He fought them with his new sword, Shinryu, and his own strength and intelligence.

At first, the battles were difficult and exhausting, but John quickly learned from his mistakes and improved his skills. He studied the behavior and abilities of each creature he encountered and used that knowledge to his advantage.

As time passed, John became stronger and more confident. He defeated every beast on the island and made them submit to him. Even the most fearsome creatures would bow to him and obey his commands.

By the end of the three months, John had not only become a skilled fighter but also a respected leader. He had shown the beasts of the island that he was not to be underestimated and that he had the power and intelligence to protect and provide for them. With his kingdom-building system and his loyal butler Cogman, John was ready to start building a kingdom that would last for generations to come.

After successfully conquering the beasts of the island, John received a message from the kingdom-building system.

**"Congratulations, John. You have successfully conquered the island and proven yourself as a powerful leader. As a reward, you will receive 100,000 system points and the Rokushiki training manuals. These will help you to become even stronger and expand your kingdom."

John was thrilled with the reward and eager to learn more about the Rokushiki techniques. He knew that they were powerful martial arts techniques that could only be learned by the most skilled fighters.

Cogman, his butler and loyal companion, was equally excited. "Master John, this is a great opportunity to enhance your abilities and gain new strengths. I am eager to assist you in any way I can."

With the Rokushiki training manuals in hand, John began studying and practicing the techniques. He found that they were indeed powerful and versatile, allowing him to move faster and strike harder than ever before.

For the next year, John trained tirelessly with Cogman as his mentor and guide. They started with mastering the Six Powers or Rokushiki techniques, which included:

Soru: The ability to move at incredible speeds, allowing the user to dodge attacks and move faster than the eye can follow. John trained this by running laps around the island and gradually increasing his speed.

Geppo: The ability to jump and stay in mid-air for a short period. John practiced this by jumping from tree to tree and gradually increasing the distance between each jump.

Rankyaku: The ability to create powerful shockwaves that can slice through objects. John practiced this by cutting down trees with his new katana sword, gradually increasing the strength and speed of his strikes.

Tekkai: The ability to harden one's body to the point of becoming almost invulnerable to physical attacks. John practiced this by standing still and allowing Cogman to strike him with a wooden stick, gradually increasing the force of the strikes.

Shigan: The ability to create powerful finger thrusts that can pierce through objects. John practiced this by stabbing trees with his fingers, gradually increasing the force and precision of his thrusts.

Kami-e: The ability to flatten one's body and avoid physical attacks by becoming intangible. John practiced this by dodging Cogman's attacks and gradually increasing his control over his body.

During this time, Cogman also built a small wooden house for John, where he could rest and recover after his rigorous training. He also prepared nutritious meals for John to ensure that he was always in top shape.

After a year of intense training, John had mastered all six Rokushiki techniques and had become incredibly strong and skilled.

After mastering the six Rokushiki techniques, John continued to train under Cogman's guidance. He worked hard and dedicated himself fully to his training, honing his skills and pushing himself to the limit every day.

Finally, after another year of intense training, John was ready to take on a new challenge. He asked Cogman if there were any other techniques he could learn, and the butler mentioned the Rokugan, a powerful martial arts technique used by only a few skilled fighters in the One Piece world.

Cogman warned John that mastering the Rokugan would be even more challenging than the Rokushiki techniques, but John was determined to become the strongest and most feared fighter in the world. So, he began his training in the Rokugan, learning the moves and perfecting his techniques.

With Cogman's help, John trained tirelessly, day after day, until he had finally mastered the Rokugan. He was now a force to be reckoned with, a warrior with skills that few could match. And he knew that he was ready to take on any challenge that came his way, whether it was conquering new lands or facing off against powerful enemies.

During that year, in addition to his training in Rokushiki, John also dedicated himself to mastering a one-sword style. He spent countless hours practicing his form and techniques with the Meito grade sword he received from the system. Cogman would observe and provide helpful pointers to improve John's technique.

As the months went by, John began to develop a deep connection with his sword, and it almost seemed as if it were an extension of his own body. His movements became more fluid and precise, and he could sense the subtle changes in his opponent's movements during sparring sessions. Finally, after many grueling hours of training, John achieved mastery of the one-sword style. He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as he gazed upon the sword that had become an integral part of his being.

John and Cogman stood facing each other in the clearing, both with their swords drawn. Cogman had insisted on sparring with John, claiming that it would be good practice for him. John was hesitant at first, not wanting to hurt his faithful butler, but Cogman had assured him that he could handle it.

The two circled each other warily, waiting for an opening. John was impressed by Cogman's speed and agility, despite his bulky frame. He swung his katana in a wide arc, but Cogman easily sidestepped it and lunged forward with a swift strike.

John managed to block the attack with his sword, but he felt the force of Cogman's blow reverberates through his arm. He knew that Cogman was a formidable opponent, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

They exchanged a flurry of blows, each trying to gain the upper hand. John was amazed by Cogman's technique and precision, but he was determined to prove himself. He feinted left, then struck from the right, catching Cogman off guard.

Cogman stumbled back, surprised by the force of the blow. John pressed his advantage, pushing Cogman further and further back. Finally, with a swift stroke, he disarmed Cogman and held his sword at his throat.

Cogman looked up at John with a grin, clearly impressed. "Well done, sir. You have truly become a master swordsman."

John lowered his sword, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew that he still had much to learn, but he was confident in his abilities. With Cogman by his side, he felt that he could take on anything that the One Piece world had to offer.