
Conquest of the king : Building a Pirate Empire(one piece fanfic)

"The Epic Tale of Kingdom Building in the One Piece World"

Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Unearthing Secrets: Clearing Land and Discovering a Hidden Cave on the Inner Island

John started to clear the lands to build his castle on the inner island.

One day, as John was walking along the edge of a cave on the inner island, he noticed something strange. The rocks that made up the walls of the cave seemed to be arranged in a pattern. He couldn't quite make out what the pattern was, but he knew it was there.

With a newfound excitement, John started to clear away some of the dirt and debris that had built up around the edges of the cave. As he worked, the pattern became clearer and clearer, until finally, he could see that it was a series of symbols etched into the rock.

John realized that he had stumbled upon something incredible. He had discovered an ancient language, one that had long been lost to time. With a sense of wonder and excitement, John started to study the symbols, trying to decipher their meaning.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. John became obsessed with the symbols, spending all his time in the cave, studying and decoding the language. Finally, after months of work, he had a breakthrough.

The symbols were a form of writing, one that had been used by an ancient civilization that had lived on the inner island thousands of years ago. The writing was a form of poetry, telling stories of love, loss, and triumph.

John was ecstatic. He had uncovered a piece of history that had been lost for centuries. He spent the next few months translating and transcribing the writing, documenting everything he had learned.

All he found was literature.

As he worked, John realized that the cave held many more secrets. He started to explore the cave further, finding hidden chambers and passageways that he had never seen before.

Each discovery brought with it a sense of excitement and wonder, and John knew that he would never tire of exploring the inner island and uncovering its mysteries.

As John and Cogman ventured deeper into the cave, they were met with an unexpected sight. A massive dragon was lying before them, its scales gleaming in the dim light. John's heart skipped a beat as he realized that he would once again have to fight for his survival.

"Of course, a dragon," John muttered under his breath, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Why not? My life couldn't possibly get any weirder."

Cogman nudged him with his elbow, and John knew what that meant. It was time to get serious.

John took a deep breath, steadying himself for the battle ahead. He knew that he had to be quick on his feet and agile to evade the dragon's deadly fire breath. As the dragon rose to its full height, John drew his sword and charged forward.

The dragon unleashed a stream of fire, but John deftly dodged it and lunged forward with his sword. The blade met the dragon's scales with a loud clang, but John pressed on, determined to find a weak spot.

For what seemed like hours, John and the dragon battled back and forth. John was quick on his feet, but the dragon was cunning and relentless. Every time John thought he had the upper hand, the dragon would retaliate with renewed vigor.

Finally, John saw an opening. The dragon's left side was exposed, and John seized the opportunity. He leaped forward, his sword raised high and drove the blade into the dragon's heart.

The dragon let out a deafening roar, and John was thrown back by the force of the impact. He landed hard on the cave floor, his sword clattering to the ground beside him. For a moment, he lay there, catching his breath and trying to process what had just happened.

Cogman appeared at his side, his expression one of relief. "Well done, John," he said. "That was quite a feat."

John couldn't help but smile, despite the ache in his muscles and the blood trickling down his arm. "Just another day in paradise, Cogman," he quipped. "Just another day."

As John received his rewards, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The system rewarded him generously for his hard work and bravery. He eagerly looked over the rewards, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The rewards were as follows:

Aramament Haki Training Manual - This manual would provide John with the knowledge and training he needed to harness the power of Aramament Haki, a powerful ability that would increase his strength and combat abilities.

100,000 points.

After mastering armament haki, John also dedicated time to improving his sword skills. He trained rigorously every day, honing his techniques until he was able to wield his sword with deadly accuracy. John's strength and speed improved significantly as well, thanks to his haki training.

After six months of hard work, John was finally able to showcase his newfound skills. He stood in front of a large boulder, took a deep breath, and unleashed a powerful strike with his sword. The boulder split cleanly in two, sending debris flying in all directions. The onlookers gasped in amazement.

John then picked up a large, solid rock and raised it above his head. With a fierce shout, he brought the rock crashing down on the ground. The impact created a small crater and sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

He had truly come a long way from the scrawny, untrained young man who had arrived on the island months before. John felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment wash over him. He knew that he still had much to learn, but he was confident that he was on the right path.

John found many things in that cave.

Devil Fruit: Iron-Iron Fruit - This fruit allows the user to turn their body into iron, increasing their durability and strength. However, the user also becomes heavy.

Devil Fruit: dust-dust Fruit - This fruit allows the user to control dust, turning them into powerful weapons and shields. (note: it is not crocodile's logia)

Oathkeeper - A high-quality katana that John acquired from a skilled blacksmith. It has a sharp and durable blade, and the handle is wrapped in silk for a comfortable grip. Its superior craftsmanship and balance make it a top-tier sword.

Darksteel Blade - A well-made longsword that John found in an abandoned armory. It is made from a rare type of metal known for its strength and resilience. While not as refined as Oathkeeper, it is still a formidable weapon in battle.

Cutlass of the Sea - A curved sword that John found on a deserted beach. Despite its rough appearance, it is surprisingly sturdy and can deliver powerful strikes. It is not as sharp as the other swords, but its unique design gives it an edge in combat.

these were all meito grade weapons.

As he ventured deeper into the cave he found a huge room with big stone gates he pushed the gates to reveal a chest.

John went near the chest and opened it inside he found...;