
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · ตะวันออก
241 Chs

Chapter 204 - Seven Years

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, seven years have passed.

In the past seven years, there have been few major events, but some small and interesting events have continued.

At the end of the year x777,

The mysterious masked man, 'Mystogan' joined Fairy Tail.

At the same end of the year, Xiao Feng also met Kagura during one of his mission. Kagura was still a child and she has yet to become the cold swordman in the future.

After meeting cute Loli Kagura, Xiao Feng naturally stayed with her for a while.

I have to say, as a swordsman, Xiao Feng is very qualified. With 'Tianyuan Emperor Sword', Xiao Feng has slashed down many Saints. His swordsmanship is naturally strong.

While staying with Kagura, he also taught her various skills and swordsmanship. Under his teaching, Kagura slowly became stronger.

Although Xiao Feng wanted to stay for a long time, he only stayed for a few weeks and then left. When he was leaving, he told Kagura about himself and told her to find him if anything happened.

In year x778,

Xiao Feng found Mirajane during one of his missions. At that time Mirajane was about 11 or 12 years old and it was just the time when her devil transformation had occurred.

Under his care, Mirajane, Lisanna, and Elfman got to know that Mirajane changed due to magic and not due to being possessed by a devil.

With Xiao Feng as a guide, Mirajane easily controlled her power and she also accepted her power.

Later, in the same year Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna joined Fairy Tail.

It's just I don't know what happened in the process but Mirajane's affection for Xiao Feng was very high.

In the same year, Natsu and Wendy each picked up two strange giant eggs.

This year, the assessment of S-class mages was also held.

Those who are qualified to participate in the assessment include 'Laxus Dryar', 'Mystogan', 'Xiao Feng', etc...

Xiao Feng and Mystogan are qualified to participate in the assessment of S-level mages in the second year of joining. In addition to being recognized by everyone because of their strong strength, (Whenever Mystogan came back, except for a few people, everyone else was forcibly hypnotized, so everyone judged that his strength was very powerful, and those few sober people did not refute this).

The frequency of them doing tasks is also very high, most importantly, their task completion rate is 100%.

But in terms of strength, there is no doubt that except for Xiao Feng, Ling Qingzhu must be the strongest in Fairy Tail.

Because she never made a move. So, except for Erza, who was taught by her, and noticed the tip of the iceberg of her terrifying power, everyone else was just guessing.

Moreover, she is not very interested in tasks. In the past two years, she has done only a handful of tasks, and all of them are done either for sightseeing, traveling with Xiao Feng, or training Erza. So she is not qualified to participate in the S-class mage assessment.

What's more, she doesn't care about being an S-Ranked Wizard.

The title of this assessment was Crusade.

Crusade against a group of monsters that appear in the north and often wreak havoc on the countryside.

When Xiao Feng came back dragging the corpses of the two strongest monsters, he naturally became an S-level mage. At the same time, Laxus and Mistgan were also qualified.

The others all failed, either because they didn't kill enough monsters, or because they were chased by monsters and gave up the assessment.

However, the three of them will become S-class wizards, which is also expected by everyone. After all, the strength of the three of them lies there.

Not long after the S-level assessment.

Two more members have been added to the union.

These two are cats, a blue cat, and a white cat.

That's right, they were hatched from the giant eggs picked up by Natsu and Wendy respectively.

Natsu named his blue cat 'Happy', and Wendy named her white cat 'Carla', the name has not changed from the original.

In year x779,

The union's Super-S-level mage, Gildarts Clive came back once.

The newly joined Guild members in the past two years saw Magnolia's transformation for the first time in shock and realized what "Gildart' mode meant.

This year,

Gildart was the boss who is assessed as an S-class mage.

Of course, this topic is naturally not for people to defeat him.

To be honest, the entire union excluding Xiao Feng, Ling Qingzhu, and the president, no one can beat Gildart. Even with the current Laxus and Mystogan can't do it.

So naturally the title cannot be defeating him, but a chasing battle, to see who is lucky enough to reach the destination in a forest that has been selected in advance, in the pursuit of Gildarts.

The participants this time include Erza, Mirajan, etc...

Ling Qingzhu is still not eligible for the competition, because she didn't do many tasks, and in Fairy Tail, she has never had the opportunity to show her terrifying and incomparable power.

And everyone who participated this time thought that luck was the most important factor, and everyone might become an S-class mage.

From the beginning, they thought about how to hide in the jungle, avoid Gildarts discovery, and quietly lead to his destination.

But it turned out they were naive.

Because when they were safe and sound all the way, they were about to approach their destination.

Suddenly, in front of the only cave entrance, there was a lazy figure leaning against the rock wall as if asleep, and the red hair was very conscious.

The final result was that they clearly felt Gildart's monster-like strength, and completely abused them with one hand.

Except for Erza and Mirajane who still have a little resistance, the others are as fragile as puppets.

In the end, with Mirajane's sacrifice, Erza found a chance, cut through the air with a speed like a sharp sword, and got rid of Gildarts pursuit, which surprised Gildarts for a while.

There is only one qualified person in the end, and that is Erza.

This assessment is not luck, Erza's strength has been affirmed by everyone.

Her lightning-fast sword skills, moving her body, drove the sword in her hand, as if she had reached the realm of the unity of human and sword in an instant, and she fought with Gildarts for a short time without losing the wind.

Of course, this is when Gildas did not use magic. But this still makes everyone admire her strength.

At the same time, this also made everyone more unpredictable about Ling Qingzhu who could teach Erza.

Anyway, they felt that she might have unfathomable strength.

And although she was always wearing a veil, judging from her outline, she was definitely a very beautiful woman.

Therefore, although Ling Qingzhu has always been low-key in the trade union, her popularity has always remained high.

That same year, Gildarts left the union again.

And the gentle Cana began to become an alcoholic, and her personality gradually changed to bold and unrestrained.

Mirajane started training with Xiao Feng saying that she wanted to beat Erza and become a S-ranked Magician.

After Mirajane began training under Xiao Feng, Wendy also joined in. As for Erza, she was taken away by Ling Qingzhu, so she didn't join in.

In year x780,

In just one year both Mirajane and Wendy made great progress.

In the S-level mage assessment held this year, Mirajane was the only one who completed the assessment and became the second female S-level mage in Fairy Tail after Erza. The title of 'Devil' Mirajane is as famous as Erza's title of 'Queen of Fairies'.

And these two girls have always been like enemies in the union, just like Natsu and Gray, they always see each other.

Thanks to Xiao Feng's teaching, Mirajane became stronger than Erza and she beat Erza.

After being defeated, Erza also began to practice under Xiao Feng. Although she still trained under Ling Qingzhu for a while, however, most of her time was spent training with Xiao Feng.

In year x781,

If it wasn't for Xiao Feng then something sad might have happened.

Three siblings, Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna, were in the process of doing a task! Due to some accidents, Elfman lost his mind like the original.

Although Mirajane became strong under Xiao Feng's training but in order to protect Lisanna, she had to distract herself. So she could only tie with Elfman and not beat him.

Thankfully, Xiao Feng had left his imprint on everyone he valued. Mirajane and Lisanna were one of the few girls who had his imprint.

So, when Mirajane fought Elfman, Xiao Feng knew about it immediately.

Although he was far away from Mirajane and others, he directly teleported came to them.

Easily defeating Elfman, he brought Elfman back to his senses and saved Mirajane and Lisanna.

After this rescue, Lisanna's affection for Xiao Feng also reached a very high level.

Mirajane was very grateful to Xiao Feng for this rescue. Her affection had already reached the level of love but due to Ling Qingzhu's presence, she hide her real thoughts.

Although both Lisanna and Elfman were safe but even so, this incident dealt a heavy blow to Mirajane. So, even though she didn't lose her magic like the original but her personality still went under a major change and she become extremely gentle, just like the original.

In year x782

This year, although no major event occurred in fairy tail but two major events occurred for Xiao Feng.

One, is that he was finally able to save enough points to upgrade Ancient Soul Contract to the level of Immortal Emperor.

Since he broke through Dou Di, Xiao Feng has been unable to use Ancient Soul Contract because this technique was only applicable when he was below Dou Di.

Previously, Xiao Feng had strengthened it to the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign level when he was still in Yuan Zun World.

Unfortunately for Xiao Feng, his strength improved too rapidly and Ancient Soul Contract once again didn't work because he broke through Holy Heavenly Sovereign.

This time, Xiao Feng decided to upgrade it to the Immortal Emperor, so, that before he becomes a supreme no such thing as being unable to use Ancient Soul Contract occurs.

In order to upgrade to the Immortal Emperor level, Xiao Feng had to save points for a very long time. It was only after coming to Fairy Tail World, he was able to save enough points. After all, he had spent a lot of points in upgrading 'Chaos Grinding thought art.'

The Immortal Emperor level Ancient Soul Contract surprised Xiao Feng. Although no major changes occurred in the technique, a new function of renewal was added.

Renewal is just like the name. The contract can be renewed anytime Xiao Feng wants.

What's more this renewal will still have the function of increasing the cultivation of the lower side by using the energy of the higher side and it can also increase the soul power of the lower side by using the energy of the higher side.

This function was good news for Xiao Feng because using this function, not only he could renew the contract of Xun'er and others so that their strength doesn't lag behind but it will also increase the soul power of his women so the hidden danger of not being able to control their power will not exist.

The second major event for Xiao Feng was the reward he got for special sign-in.

What he got was the Second Magic/Method from Fate Type-Moon and it was still an upgraded and universal version.

Due to the upgrade, his Second Magic is far superior to Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg.

Unlike Zelretch, he can observe infinite parallel worlds whenever he wants and his observation will not have the slightest effect on the real world.

Zelretch uses jewels to travel through because it's easier. But he doesn't have to. He can travel through the parallel world whenever he wants.

Zelretch's Second magic only involves the Infinite parallel Multiverse but it involves the Space law of dimension meaning this space law isn't the one at the level of the world, it's the one that has reached the level of dimension.

Using the Second Magic, as long as he has the coordinates of the world, he can travel through the dimension and go to another World without even using the system. It's just his consumption will be very huge and it's possible to drain himself completely if he travels through the world.

All in all, the upgraded second method given by the system is much, much stronger than the one in Fate Type Moon World.

Another thing, that second method is the embodiment of the space law. Xiao Feng comprehended space law from it and refined it into his body and soul using the Chaos Body Refining Art and Chaos Thought Grinding art.

Although he only understood 3% of the space, but it was still a huge gain for him. After all, this space law was at the level of dimension, it wasn't at the level of Space law of a World.

Refining the space law, his body broke through level 135 (Half-a-step Immortal) and his soul also reached peak Domination. Under the blessing of the dimensional space law his cultivation also broke through and he reached Half-a-step Domination Realm.

After refining the space law into his body and soul, not only his strength improved but his affinity with space also increased.

What's more, with the passing year, under the cheerfulness of Fairy Tail and positivity of Fairy Tail World, he saw the possibilities of humans and his personality has returned to gentleness. Although there is still a bit of indifference but that's only for evil.

Other than this no major even occured until the time came to year x783.

"Did Natsu go to Hargeon Town to find news about the fire dragon?"

Xiao Feng sat on the union seat, heard William's voice on the other side, raised his head and murmured.

This year is the year when the plot begins to turn.
