
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 205 - Mirajane

In the Fairy Tail Guild,

"Qingzhu, where are Erza, Wendy and Lisanna? Why didn't I see them?" Xiao Feng asked Ling Qingzhu who was sitting next to him.

Ling Qingzhu replied faintly: "Erza went to work and Wendy went to Hargeon Town with Natsu. Wendy is also a dragon slayer, and she will be very active when it comes to news about dragons, even if it is a fire dragon."

"As for Lisanna, I heard that she went out to work alone. Under your teaching her strength has improved rapidly. So, she wants to try doing task alone."

"That's it." Xiao Feng nodded, and said with a smile: "Wendy has worked very hard these years. She is now on par with Natsu. Lisannna is also good. Since that year, she has also practiced hard."

"Well Qingzhu, didn't often go out with Erza, what happened this time?" Xiao Feng was curious as to why Ling Qingzhu didn't go out with Erza.

"Erza has grown into a girl who can stand alone. I don't need to go to work with her anymore. What's more, Brother Feng, you taught her many things. So, I am no longer worried about letting her go on mission alone."

Ling Qingzhu rested her cheeks, looked not far away, lost her mind slightly and muttered, "Instead of thinking about other things now, it's better to think about what to do..."

Speaking of this, Ling Qingzhu came back to her senses, approached Xiao Feng, and said quietly: "Brother Feng, it has been 7 years, why has my stomach not moved? Are you..."

"Absolutely not!"

"Is that me?!" Ling Qingzhu showed an expression that was about to cry.

Ling Qingzhu eyes became serious. She really wanted a child, the crystallization of love with Xiao Feng but in the past 7 years, they have been happy almost every night. Although it feels wonderful to do that kind of thing, they can't always conceive their child.

"No it's not." Seeing the crying look, Xiao Feng couldn't help but speak hurriedly.

"Qingzhu have you forgotten what we are."

"Kindness?" Ling Qingzhu's expression became strange and she couldn't help looking at Xiao Feng.

"Qingzhu we are Cultivators. Our strength and life level increases as we break through higher realm."

"Now a days I am almost Immortal and you have also reached Reincarnation Realm. With our life level it is too difficult to give birth to a child."

"What's more, the difference between mine and your life level is also huge. So, the probability of you conceiving a child is very small."

"If it's like this then we might never have a child." Ling Qingzhu's gaze became a little lost. Hearing what Xiao Feng said, she naturally understood the reason for not having a child.

"Don't worry. It's not that we won't have a child. It's just, it's a bit difficult." Xiao Feng said with a light smile. It only takes decades to hundreds of years to convience a child. His lifespan is almost Immortal and he is confident to make his womens Immortal, so, Xiao Feng isn't worried about being unable to give birth.

In order to reassure Ling Qingzhu, Xiao Feng once again explained, "Although it's just difficult but it's not impossible. If we spend decades to centuries working on it, we will definitely have a child. Anyway, we have endless lifespan, so, you don't have to worry about having a child.

"Sigh!" Ling Qingzhu could only sigh in disappoint because she was unable to have a child in short time.

Seeing Ling Qingzhu's look, Xiao Feng also sighed in unison. He knew that not being able to have a child in short term was quite disappointing for Ling Qingzhu.

Turning his head to the counter, Xiao Feng said, "Mira, bring me a bottle of beer."

"it is good." The one who responded was a girl with long white hair, her forehead bangs tied into a raised braid, a beautiful and gentle smile, and a beautiful figure. She walked over with a tray.

Mirajane smiled sweetly, put a bottle of beer on the tray on the table in front of Lin Yu, and said in a soft voice: "Brother Xiao Feng, Sister Ling, what were you talking about just now? You seem very stressed?"

"About the child."

"It's annoying, Brother Xiao Feng, I'm not ready yet!" Mirajane's cheeks turned red immediately, and one hand was placed on the side of her cheek, revealing an intoxicated light.

"Brother Feng?"

Xiao Feng suddenly noticed that the temperature on the side dropped rapidly, and his body froze suddenly.

He knew that Ling Qingzhu was jealous.

Although he has appeased Ling Qingzhu in past seven years, so the jealousy of Ling Qingzhu isn't strong and she has even allowed him to fall in love with girls in this world. But the matter of child is too sensitive, if the matter is said directly in front of Ling Qingzhu then she will naturally be jealous, just like now.

Opening his mouth with some difficulty, Xiao Feng said, "That, Mira! How did you think of yourself from the question of the child?"

"Huh? Isn't it?"

Mirajane blinked her lovely big eyes, and said with a sly smile on the corner of her mouth: "Ah, that's really embarrassing! I was wrong."

"You are definitely black-bellied, right! Others have been deceived by your appearance." Xiao Feng smiled wryly, lifted the tea cup in his hand, and took a sip.

Feeling the cold gaze receding, Xiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he has reached the point where he can destroy the universe, but he is still afraid of his women because he loves them dearly and he doesn't want them to be angry at him.

After this small episode, Ling Qingzhu on the side smiled. Although previous Xiao Feng (in Martial Universe) was also gentle to her but he was indifferent to others. At that time she was worried whether Xiao Feng will change.

Now, Xiao Feng has lost his majesty and he is no longer indifferent like before. He shows richer emotions and his attitude towards people has become gentle.

Such changes, naturally make Ling Qingzhu happy. After all, she doesn't want Xiao Feng to be Indifferent all the time.

"But when it comes to children, have Brother Feng and Sister Ling reached this point? But I remember, you are not married yet?" Mirajane nodded her lower lip and said a little confused.

"Getting married is a matter of time." Xiao Feng looked at Ling Qingzhu, with deep love in his eyes.

"What's more, I still have to give Xun'er, Sister Xiao Yu, Koharu and others a wedding ceremony. It's not possible to marry anyone before marrying those girls." This sentence just stayed in Xiao Feng's heart. He didn't dare to say it otherwise the happy atmosphere will be broken and Ling Qingzhu will definitely become jealous.

Ling Qingzhu's eyes also conveyed incomparable tenderness.

"Eh? I was fed a mouthful of dog food!"

There was a forced smile on the corner of Mirajane's mouth, "Forget it, I'd better get out of here quickly."

As someone who is secretly in love with Xiao Feng, Mirajane naturally couldn't bear looking at the loving scene between Xiao Feng and Ling Qingzhu.

''What should I do in the future.'' Mirajane glanced at Xiao Feng who was looking at Ling Qingzhu tenderly, and sighed secretly in her heart.

"Mira, bring me three beers."


A sweet smile appeared on Mirajane's face again, and she walked over with the tray.


"It's coming, what's the matter?"

Mira looked at Wakaba, and saw that the man took a puff of cigarette, and after he exhaled it, the smoke formed a heart shape.

"Hey, Mira, go on a date with me next time." Wakaba said, while speaking, he also spit out a heart formed by smoke from his mouth.

Mirajane closed her eyes and smiled slightly.

There was a snap.

After a puff of smoke, Mirajane, who was standing there, disappeared and was replaced by a fat woman.

"Don't you already have a wife?" Mira's voice came from the fat woman's mouth.

"Wow - don't transform into my wife!" Wakaba suddenly showed a panicked look.

"Ha ha." Everyone in the Guild laughed.

After a burst of smoke, Mirajane returned to her original beautiful appearance, with a gentle smile still on her face.

"I am back."

At this moment, the door of the Guild was kicked open with a bang, and Natsu, who had a cherry-colored hedgehog hairstyle and a white scarf around his neck, rushed in, his eyes blazing and shouting.

"Back love!"

It was followed by Harpy the blue cat.

"I'm back too Feng nii-Chan."

Then Wendy and Carla.

After 7 years of growth, loli Wendy is still a loli. She has grown up a bit, and the short hair back then has become long hair, tied into two double ponytails on both sides, and wearing a white dress with bluish coat, she looks extremely cute .

After seeing Xiao Feng, her eyes lit up, and she ran over quickly. Carla, the white cat, followed closely behind.

Jumping staringht into Xiao Feng's arms, Wendy smiled.

"You are back, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Carla." Mirajane welcomed with a smile.

"This time you guys have made a big deal again. The incident at the port of Hargeon has already been in the news... Sigh..."

"Sorry, Feng nii-Chan. I will cause trouble again." Hearing Mirajane reporting there mistakes, Wendy looked a little guilty and she couldn't help apologizing.

"It's okay Wendy, I will handle everything for you." With Wendy in his arms, Xiao Feng smiled and said.

"Don't worry Mira, I am here. If anyone dares to trouble Wendy then I will definitely teach him how to be human." Turning his head while holding cute little Wendy, and scratching her cute little cheeks Xiao Feng said with a smile.

"Really..." Mirajane could help holding her forehead when she heard what Xiao Feng said.

In past seven years, it's not once or twice that towns and cities have been destroyed. Xiao Feng usually never intervened. It's just whenever Wendy is involved, he will show his temper and whoever dares to blame Wendy, he dare to destroy whoever.

"Sorry, Sister Mira." Reluctantly leaving Xiao Feng's warm embrace, Wendy went to Mirajane and apologized.

"It's okay." Looking at cute little Wendy, Mirajane could only choose to forgive her.

Just as Wendy apologized a new commotion began in the Guild.

"You will never find the fire dragon you're looking for. Everything I said before was fake." A man with rabbit-like teeth smiled, and before he finished speaking, he saw a big foot quickly grow bigger in front of his eyes, and then he was kicked flying out with a bang.
