
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 203 - Wendy joins

Under Ling Qingzhu's pressure, Xiao Feng first explained Wendy's Origin, so, that the suspicion of her being his daughter can be removed.

"Wendy is Dragon Slayer."

"Dragon Slayer?!"

Everyone looked at Wendy in shock and exclaimed.

Even Ling Qingzhu was suprised. With suprise, she also calmed down because she knew that this was Xiao Feng's first visit to this world and it was impossible for him to have a child who is a Dragon Slayer.

"That's right, don't look at Wendy like this, but she is indeed the Sky Dragon Slayer." Xiao Feng said and he stroked Wendy's short hair gently.

"What's going on?" Ling Qingzhu asked suspiciously. Although she believed that Wendy wasn't Xiao Feng's child but what if she was his child in another world and she was a dragon Slayer in that world. This possibility couldn't be ruled out.

Thinking like this her gaze again became dangerous.

"The thing is like this..." Xiao Feng didn't feel Ling Qingzhu's gaze and he immediately told what happened in this mission. Of course, he didn't say anything about the 'enigma'. There is no other reason, it's just it's too troublesome to explain.

"So that's it, the cry in the forest is this little girl!" Saying so, Ling Qingzhu completely breathed a sigh of relief. Her worry about Wendy being Xiao Feng's child completely vanished.

Makarov on the side nodded and said, "In other words, she is the same as Natsu, because the dragon that raised them suddenly disappeared, right? What happened? But after all, we have never seen such a legendary existence. It is gone without a trace."

"Hello, Xiao Feng, do you want Wendy to join our union?" Natsu asked a little excitedly.

"That's right."

Xiao Feng squatted down, looked at the timid Wendy and said, "Would Wendy join this union?"

"Yes." Wendy nodded lightly. Although the place looked chaotic, and when she first came in, there was noise and other noises, but she didn't reject it at all.

"That's great. In this case, our Guild will have two dragon slayers."

"Hahaha... It seems that our Guild is destined to become Fiore's number one!"

Everyone laughed excitedly, their faces were filled with joy.

"Cheers to Wendy's joining."

After imprinting the fairy crest on Wendy's right shoulder, Makarov happily raised his wine glass.


Everyone happily raised their glasses at the same time.

"Wendy, just drink juice." Xiao Feng smiled and prepared a glass of juice for Wendy.

Wendy stared blankly at the juice handed to her eyes, and looked at everyone who was happy for her joining. A warm feeling stimulated from her heart, and the timidity in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a happy smile. With a shake of his head , he stretched out both hands to take the juice in Xiao Feng's hand.

"Welcome Wendy!"

Everyone smiled kindly at Wendy, and then drank all the beer in their hands in one gulp.

"Why is it so lively?"

After entering the Guild Erza was a little dazed looking at the familiar scene in front of him, and after learning about Wendy, she also happily joined the welcome queue.

"Hey, since you are also a dragon slayer, come and fight with me!"

Natsu's eyes were on fire, and he pointed at Wendy excitedly.

Wendy froze, and immediately hid behind Xiao Feng timidly.

"Do you want to die!" Xiao Feng eyes turned cold and he said to Natsu in an indifferent tone.

And it wasn't just Xiao Feng, almost everyone in the Guild looked at Natsu coldly. .

Seeing how petite Wendy is, they couldn't help but feel a desire to protect. Although Wendy is a dragon slayer, she shouldn't be as fragile as she appears on the surface, and may be stronger than some of them, but they just can't help it. The desire to protect her is really strong.

Natsu, a little combat freak, actually wanted to bully her? Simply intolerable.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him angrily, Natsu touched the back of his head.

"I can't afford to fight against Wendy, and I want to challenge Xiao Feng." Natsu pointed at Xiao Feng, and finally expressed his inner thoughts.

"Forget it, I can't afford to fight against you now."

Xiao Feng shook his head, looked at Natsu and said, "Go and become stronger, it is impossible for you to defeat me now."

"Damn it! One day I will defeat you."

Natsu yelled loudly, but he also gave up the idea of ​​fighting Lin Yu now. After all, he also knew that he was definitely not Lin Yu's opponent now.

"By the way, Wendy, have you learned any attack magic now?"

Xiao Feng turned his head to look at Wendy and asked.

Wendy shook her head.

Xiao Feng looked at Natsu and said: "Natsu, after that, you will demonstrate your attack style to Wendy. It is best to have a commentary, and let Wendy practice according to your attack style."

"Okay! That might be interesting." Natsu grinned happily.

Everyone didn't drink too much this time, and it was getting dark.

Xiao Feng took Wendy, and Ling Qingzhu took Erza back to the villa.

The villa has seven bedrooms, so, even if there are four people, three room will be vacated.

The empty rooms are also very clean. It can be seen that someone comes to clean it from time to time. The furniture and so on are all new, so there is no need to organize and arrange, and you can move in directly.


Lin Yu sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking about how to solve Yao Yao's problem.

As an inborn God of Yuan Zun World, just third method might not be enough to save Yao Yao.

"It seems I have to work hard." Sitting crossed legged Xiao Feng slowly went deep in thought.


Suddenly, the bedroom door was gently pushed open.

Xiao Feng immediately opened his eyes and looked up.

Although the lights were not turned on in the room and it was a bit dark, but with his eyesight, the mere darkness naturally couldn't block his sight.

"Qingzhu." Xiao Feng smiled, remembering what Ling Qingzhu had said softly in his ear.

Ling Qingzhu took off her veil, and her beautiful face was flushed in the darkness. She was extremely charming.

Ling Qingzhu gently closed the door and came to the bed.

"Brother Feng!" Ling Qingzhu called shyly.

Even after seeing many, when he saw charming Ling Qingzhu, his breathing suddenly became a little rapid, his heart beat fast, and his blood flowed much faster.

"...I, I want a child... Can my brother help me?" Ling Qingzhu said shyly.

"Qingzhu..." Xiao Feng didn't say much. Pulling her on the bed, he directly pressed Ling Qingzhu under his body.

"Brother Feng...!"

The sleeves of the clothes fluttered, and the fair and delicate skin shone with an incomparably attractive fluorescence in the dark night.

The night was deemed to be sleepless night for two people.

the next day.

Xiao Feng got up just after dawn, no, it should be said that he didn't sleep at all.

The physique of the two of them is too strong. Although it is not the first time, they still tossed all night. Doing such wonderful thing, they couldn't stop themselves even if they wanted to.

Looking at sleeping Ling Qingzhu whose stomach was slightly bloated, Xiao Feng smiled.

Although he didn't sleep all night, but Xiao Feng felt that his spirit was very good.

Getting up, Xiao Feng went to wash, according to his habit.

After bathing,

With the ingredients brought back yesterday, Xiao Feng made four delicious breakfasts.

Although before crossing, the level of food he cooked could only be so-so.

But after possessing Master level chef, his cooking is very strong. It's no exaggeration to say that he is stronger than so called 5-star chef.


Footsteps sounded, Xiao Feng looked through the window and saw the red-haired Loli rubbing her blurred sleepy eyes and walking down from the second floor.

She moved her small nose, and a strong fragrance came to her nostrils, which shocked Erza's spirit, and she looked towards the kitchen with bright eyes.

"Yo, good morning, Erza, hurry up and wash up, and come over for dinner." Xiao Feng walked out of the kitchen with two breakfasts, put them on the dining table in the hall, and smiled at Erza.

Erza's eyes widened. She thought it was Sister Ling who was busy in the kitchen, but she didn't expect it to be Xiao Feng. By the way, the food is so delicious! I really can't tell that Brother Xiao Feng is not only perfect in appearance, gentle in temprament, and unfathomable in strength, but he can also cook such delicious dishes!
