
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Academy

### Pov:

The Academy, the place where the future elites of the humanity are raised with the best of the resources of the humanity, from the most outstandingteachers to the to access to the best resources and the most extensive knowledge that the humanity has.

This place that is in charge of raise the elites of the future, but more specifically to raise Awakened to their best potential.

Because this reasons the Academy has adopted a "neutral" affiliation and "no one" can do exercise of their authority in here, even if you are the son or daughter of some powerful awakened or a powerful rich family you need to obey the rules of the academy.

But this is a school full of awakened people so is obvious that the problems will bloom if you mix adolescents with many different powers and abilities, and if you add the superiority that feels the ones who have greatest powers than the others, is just a recipe for the disaster.

that's the reason why the students in the academy are divided in three principal classes assigned according to their talents and abilities.

The " Physical class " Who studies the art of the close combat the use of weapons and the physical enchantment and Qi.

The " Magic Class " Who Studies the magical arts and the laws and applications for the magic in the world.

And the " Support Class" that is maybe the most difficult because they are instructed in the sacred arts, healing magic and in modern and traditional medicine in addition to survival techniques and knowledge.

These three classes are obligatory for their members, but any member of another class who wants to assist can assist to the lessons of the another classes.

But apart of this classes exist another one different to the others the " Special Class" conformed by… "Special people" who have "special abilities", no one knows what they teach on there but they is a rumor about it and is that the members of the special class can divide in two absolute groups " Super Elites " and "Super useless ".

Because that, enter in the special class is something that anyone wants, because if you can't enter in the first group you are gonna be placed in the second one and become an easy target.

And that's also the Reason why I always tried to stay away from that class since I entered to the academy.

But it seems like my dreams are gonna end because The person in front of me.

" You are gonna Enter to the Especial Class, congratulations !"

Why!? Why!? Why me god!? Did I did something wrong!? Where did I mistake!?

" So all please clap your hands to the new member of the special class, Lain park ! "

The claps filled the auditorium and covered my sobs and the sound of my dreams breaking.


2 Hours Ago

Mathew Pov:

" Finally, the Academy! I was fed up of be in the penthouse of my building " I said with emotion.

Really, no one knows how boring is to be trapped in there for me and just go out for some important things, but is for the good of the world, I think.

" Well , I like that you like it, please let me do you a tour of the academy young leader".

" Okey " I accepted the tour of the academy and I begin to walk behind her.

The first thing we saw were the training camps, then we saw some iconic places like the library, the shooting ranges, the laboratories ( they were more than one ), the dormitories, some classrooms and my personal favorite , the cafeteria of the academy, that was more like a luxury restaurant than a cafeteria but anyway.

I was eating a delicious chocolate crepe with a special drink when something, or more specifically someone caught my sight.

A boy around 14-15 years came to the cafeteria, his look was average, black hair, white skin with a height around 1.70 m , maybe a bit more Handsome than the common human.

But the thing that captured my attention were his eyes, his abismal black eyes that seemed to devour every light that touched them, emitting an ethereal feeling.

When I saw him, my mind stopped for a minute processing what I just saw.

" Bingo " I couldn't suprime myself from celebrating in my mind my new discovering.

I faster ended my desserts, eh , I mean, my food.

Sindy walked outside the cafeteria and I followed her, but after leaving the cafeteria I took a little deviation.

" What's your name? " I asked to the boy.

" Ah, my name is Lain Park, why? " he answered me a little confused.

" nothing, I just want to congratulate you "

" Ah… why? " He said even more confused

" You will know it soon " I said while I begin to walk to the exit, but at the exit I decided to leave him a word.

" Ah, I forgotten to say you, What an amazing pair of eyes" I said and then I left the cafeteria without seeing that the face of Lain turned serious by a sec.

The I and Sindy ended our tour around the academy.

" Well, I think now is time " I said.

" Time for what? "

" Obviously for show myself to the academy " I said and then I teleported the two of us to the auditorium.

Really the teleportation is very useful~ , the unique problem is that I need to be in that place at least one time if I want to use it like this.

" please call the students "

" Yes, Sir " She said

" All the students, please present to the auditorium, is an order from your director" she said and her voice resonated in the whole academy thanks to the magic installed on the academy.

In question of minutes the all the students reunited in the auditorium.

Then Sindy began her introduction.

" Thanks all for being here so faster, this is pretty suddenly right now, but I want to present you a new teacher that is going to be teaching here since now" she said.

Murmurs resonated in the auditorium because no one knew that a new teacher will join the academy, then she took the paper I gave her and she begin to read It.

" So please receive with all your attention to the absolute, the almost almighty and all knowing, the young leader of the ledgers who founded this nation, Mathew Ledger! " she said with a shame face.

The auditorium became silence in a blink and I walked to the microphone slowly.

*Tap, tap , tap*

Ah, There is just one thing that I like more than receive the center of attention and is seeing others being shame in public.

And I don't feel shame because something so little as a presentation in front of mere mortals,

" Thanks for your attention, I am Mathew Ledger and I will be teaching here as the main teacher of the special class and giving some conferences in the other classes if the opportunity presents." I said.

" this is a decision that I made for increase the power of the humanity and help our best talents to bloom in all their potential " I continued

" Be happy, Students! What you are watching is the beginning of a new era, a era of change, progress and danger " this is true

" And just the ones which possess the best talents and abilities, just the ones who effort more than the others will be at time for the era " also true

" And for demonstrate that any potential can escape from my eyes, I want to call to Lain Park to pass to the scenery, as the new member of my class !"

Lain Walked slowly to the scenery maybe because he knows that isn't his choice.

" You are gonna Enter to the Especial Class, congratulations !" I said while I saw him to the eyes.

" So all please clap your hands to the new member of the special class, Lain park ! "

Now you can't escape child, you are gonna release your true potential no matter if you wanted or not.