
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Special Class

Today is the first day as the teacher of the special class, and I'm pretty excited for that.

The show I did yesterday caused a commotion that extended through the school because the young leader of the ledgers himself is going to teach the special class.

But that's not important (for me), because it was just the most convenient manner for me to show up myself.

Because this way people wouldn't doubt about my capacities or the reason why I transferred here in such a random moment, and as a bonus I can abuse of my power and no one can say nothing.

Maybe there are people who think that I'm being selfish and this may cause some problems to the group, But the truth is that I created and raised the group to the place where they are right now and I did that to use them in this situations.

If I don't use them for what they were created, then for what I create them? , It must be a lost of time to dedicate time and effort in creating such powerful organization and not to use it at all.

Without realizing I finally arrived to the class door so I entered inside to begin my class.

" Good morning my precious Students, I want to present myself another time. " I said while I catch a knife that one of them threw me.

" My name is Mathew ledger, but you kids can call me Teacher or also sensei~ if you want." I said as a joke while I write my name in the blackboard and I catch another three knives that someone threw to me.

" Now, who is the one who is throwing me knives? I really don't care but is pretty annoying " I asked and five of the six students pointed to one girl, she has a red long hair and red ruby eyes accompanied with a beautiful porcelain body that is not expected for someone in this kind of school, and for the rest… she was a enough gifted with the rest.

" Come and introduce yourself. " I said.

" I don't want to. " She answered me, so I teleported her to the front of the classroom and in consequence she fell on her butt.

" Is not a question." I answered too.

" My name is Maia Emerald " she said with a low and listless voice.

" Louder " I ordered putting some mana in my voice to increase the power.

" My name is Maia Emerald! " She screamed.

"Okey Maia, please tell us your specialization and if you are taking another class and which one." I said in a "suggestive" tone.

" I'm specialized in close combat and weapons mastery , I'm also taking some classes of the physical class." She said pretty nervously.

" Okay, go back to your seat" then I pointed to the another girl of the classroom.

" You, come here and present yourself " I said trying to avoid another problem.

She walked to the front quite cooperatively and started to talk.

Her aura can be described by one word "Serenity", she has a long light Blonde hair and a pair of Dark brown eyes bordering on black and a Very "gifted" body and a skin that seemed to shine with the light, but even with that body the aura that surrounded her was very calm and make her look even better than the average beauties.

" My name is Louisa Meyer, I'm specialized in support and sacred arts, and I'm also taking the most of the classes of the support class and some of the magic class " she presented faster and then she returned to her seat.

" I already knew the twins, but present to the class please. " I asked, now a bit more kindly and it was no favoritism.

The twins walked together, With the one with black hair leading the another with the withe pure hair, their eyes were red ruby and light gold bordering the cream respectively, both were similar but oppositely different.

" My name is shun, I have don't have last name, I'm specialized in close combat without weapons, I don't take any another class but I fight with some practice dolls of the other classes when I have time and I usually go to hunt in the academy fields, Sir. " The one with the black hair and red eyes said firmly like a soldier in front of his chief.

" And my name is Shin, I'm specialized in support and magic, but I also take some combat classes because my brother "recommended" it to me and in my free time I read in the library." He said with a pretty submissive tone.

"Hmm, we are gonna need to fix his attitude. " I thought, because a shy person is not adequate for what we will do, but is also a waste ignore his talent.

"Form the last two, please come to the front, Richard. " with my order, the boy named Richard came here to present himself.

He has brown hair and intelligent amber eyes accompanied with a perfect tan skin, not too dark and not too light making a perfect balance that make him look cool and natural.

" My name is Richard Smith, I'm specialized in combat magic and monsterology, I take classes of the magic class and some of the support class, I also go to some conferences of monsterology, but I'm not so gifted in the close combat as my aspect suggests." He said and I decided to ignore the comment.

" Okay, please return to your seat." I said and then I pointed to the newbie.

" Lain, you are the last, please come here and present " and after a second lain was already in the front.

" My name is Lain Park, I'm new in the class and I don't have a clear specialization but I take the classes of combat and magic, so maybe I'm a close combat mage, I'm new so please take care of me." He said.

" Okay, Now that the presentations ended, let me talk to you the about what we will do in the Special Class now. " I Started to talk.

" First of all, this 6 days we will have complete intensive course about some things that the members of the special class need to know and some other fields and the 7th day I will do a test before we leave the nation to continue your training and I need to do some business outside there. " I explained and the I asked " Some question? "

" Yes, why we have to obey you? There is nothing outside, and is illegal to bring people outside the country without the state permission, plus we are minors and awakened who have the protection of the state." the girl named Maia asked with a pedant voice.

" Good question! Why you need to obey me? Is easy, you have no choice here, this is a decision that was taken a lot of time ago befó you were born and your role here is just cooperate and make you stronger as you can and beyond and if you are worried about the law, I can say you that even the laws of the physics can't tie me. "I answered, and the silence covered the room.

" If this make you feel better, this will have more rewards than you can imagine and all your wishes and desires will be fulfilled." I said, trying to imitate the famous "suggestion" that my second brother teach me.

" The persons you desire or miss, more power than you can even imagine and riches that exceed whatever you can imagine, Whatever you wish you will obtain it, nothing is out of the possibilities" And For The final hit…

" and as an advancement… " I said and then I concentrated into the system.

' [ Start program 001 ] [ Heroes Program] '

Suddenly the eyes of the students began to watch the air with eyes of surprise and a stunned expression.

" Now, that's all for today, see you tomorrow for the first class, you can have the rest of the day as free time." I said, and then I teleported back to my Room.

" Ahh, I love how convenient is the teleportation, walking is for loosers " I sighted while I thought with expectation about the next class.

I'm going to begin another novel named, "Rules of being a Ruler" so please give it a chance!

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