
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The New World

121 years A.G.C (after the great cataclysm)

121 years ago the world fall in a great cataclysm that changed the geography of the world with natural disasters.

The world suffered a radical transformation that almost destroyed the most of the living things on the earth., including the humanity.

But in the middle of the disaster, the ledger family selected some chosen people to evacuate to a secret continent isolated from the rest of the world.

There, the surviving members of the humanity hid from the disaster and found a nation.

The nation was named Sanctuary as its capital, in honor to be the last sanctuary for the humanity in the wild world.

But the reason why the humanity didn't tried to recover the world was not because the world was very destroyed or inhabitable.


Was because another great event that succeed during this period.

The Awakening, as the masses called it.

No one knows specifically when it started, someones think that it began at the same time as the cataclysm and another ones believe it was later.

but the awakening brought to the world many special and unique powers that can only be categorized as "Supernatural".

the people started to be gifted with many special powers, this powers came from " Harmless " powers as the immunity to the poisoning or a faster recovery from any damage.

To very dangerous powers just as the power to corrode everything you touch or control the minds of the people.

But one thing was common from everyone who awaken, and it was that all of them received the "System".

A power above the human imagination that appears in everyone who awakes, this "system" gives you a parameter of your strength and abilities and help the people to keep the control of their abilities the most they can.

No one knows the origin of this system and its purpose.

No, That's incorrect.

One person knows it perfectly.

And what is doing such important person right now?


" I~ Always miss~ you ! "

" So call me baby ! "

In a penthouse on the top of a skyscraper in the center of the capital of sanctuary.

A young teen, with an appearance that can beat any famous and supermodel in the world, a boy with the authority to change the world with his actions was…

Playing Only Dance?

*Ding Dong*

"Hmm? Who is it ? "

"I remember to say that I won't receive visitors that interrupt my free time". I thought while I walked to the door.

I watched the screen in the side of the door.

In the screen a young woman was waiting in front of the door.

She was pretty beauty for the human standards, with long brown hair and a natural smooth skin, she had a very "gifted" body, she can be confused with a celebrity or a model.

" agh, is she another time ". I suspired while I opened the door.

" Greetings, Young Leader " She said.

" Greetings Sindy, please come in ".

This woman has been bothering me with some boring things since I returned the last year.

I know that I acceded to receive important reports from her because she is technically my secretary, and I felt quite bad from avoiding her.

but I created the role of secretary as a secretary because an assistant can't do the tedious work in the family.

don't misunderstand me, I can do the work, but I don't want.

What is the point in having assistants if you need to do all the work by yourself?

Well, what done is done.

I lamented in my mind while I guide her to the dining room to talk and receive her inform.

I just can hear she talk when I'm eating something or I may dream in the middle of the report.

Hm? Maybe making me dream can count as a talent?

Or maybe not because I'm in this body actually?

Well, whatever.

I sit at the table and Sindy do the same and sit in front of me.

"What new things do you have for me? " I asked while I appear a cup of chocolate ice cream.

She took some papers from the folder in her bag and she put it in front of me while I eat my ice cream for increase my attention.

" The last month, Two S-Ranks died during a hunting in the outsides of the country "

" Aha". But Boring

" The activity of the monsters has seen an increase of the 30% in the outsides of the country, but surprisingly, here in the capital the activity has decreased in an amazing 50% "

" Aha " Boring.

" the strength of the other families and powerful forces in the city…"

She continued talking about many boring things like the increase of the S-Ranks awakenings and the increase of the strength of many other influences that really doesn't matter because while I continue patronizing the ledgers they will continue growing in all the fields.

The most satisfying thing she said during her talking was the increase of the talent of the younger ones.

" Also in the academy appeared three new members of the special class you ordered to build "

"Oh, who are they? " finally something of my interest.

" Two of them are the twins we found the last time"

" Ah, those twins, they are perfect, their are in another level, truly, remember to give them a special care, I have a lot of plans from there "

" But I'm worried about Shun, he is very dangerous to the other students with his… "Record", what if he goes out of control ? " She said.

"I already told you that, As long as the twins are together, nothing bad will happen, plus, he won't go out of control that easily, I personally "train" him to not go out of control "

A chill ran her spine while I mentioned the word "train", ah, those scare reactions really please my soul.

" and the other kid? "

" Oh yes" she recovered the composure in an instant when I asked.

" He is a boy named Richard Smith, he was not as talented or strength as the twins, but he showed a great domain of the magic during the test and he broke the objectives, also he maybe have a powerful soul because we tried to hypnotize him about how he showed such magic skills but it doesn't function, this is an speciation because we can't measure the power of the soul "

" Finally! " I was waiting for him all this time, if he continued hiding himself I would go personally to found him by the force.

" Finally what sir? " She asked me.

" I finally can continue with the plan! "

" What plan? The plan of purging all the mosquitoes from the face of the earth?"

" No! The plan where I train heroes in preparing for the future invasions!" I said excited.

" So inscribe me in this moment to the academy! "

" As a student? But that wil-"

"No, not as a Student, as a teacher, but I also want to be more near to my future champions so, I also want the same rights of a student! Just in case! "

" But -"

"I also don't want to do something like an exam, I know my abilities and I don't need anyone judging something that is obvious and is a lost of time"

" That's pretty hard to -"

" Then use my authority, this country is almost of my property so that would not be a problem and the ledgers have more than enough power and money to shut up any problem that appears"

" Yes but-"

" Ah, and I wanted it faster, for the next week would be perfect "

" they are procedures to-"

" Then do it FASTER sweetie " I said with a tortuous smile.

This is my revenge for those time you made me do paperwork.

Sindy then stand up and begin to walk to the door like she was running before I give her more work to do.

" Bye, bye , remember to rest properly " I said while I dismiss her from my home.

This is what happens to those who ruin my free time.

I secretly thought with a smile while I closed the door.