
Chasing Ghosts

Jade Covenington was your average every day model, well except for one thing. She was a werewolf and she had a child. Her daughter was 3 years of age and did not know her father. Now here is the story of how Jade came to live in the city and have a child with no father. Well Jade was dating a man back in college, He turned out to be more then she bargained for. She was bitten and turned into a werewolf. Jade was mostly okay with the fact that she was a wolf, she was with the man she loved, things were going good, she had been getting along with her mate till her world basically collapsed in on itself. She accidentally killed an innocent when out hunting due to the fact, the man had pointed a gun at her. She was frozen over his body as the rain poured down her fur. With one swift move she was running through the rain, away from him, away from the pack, unknowingly carrying the soon to be alphas child and heir. When she did find out, she knew she couldn't go to a hospital, she had to go it alone and knew if she told him he make her come, back and she couldn't. For the next 3 years, she has easily raised her child and enjoyed her freedom only changing when her wolf forced her to. She didn't want Lyn knowing that life. She always kept a bag packed in case another wolf showed or their was danger, she would jump out the fire escape and run away. However now the pack is under attack and they need their best tracker.(aka Jade) What will happen when Erin finds out about the child when he comes to find her and how will this reconnect them, will they fix what is broken? And Deal with a new suprise That Lycans still exist. This is written by 2 people on a site, but have permission from said person to post this.

DarkDisney · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Are We Ever Truly Free

The sun rose in the dusky sky as Jade slept in her bed in her apartment. She was dreaming and it was about the night she had left the wolves. Jade was running with the other wolves in the rain chasing down hunters when a random human seemed to be in the way and on instinct she killed him. when she finally looked down she saw that he wasn't even with the hunters. Her brain was reeling and she was breathing heavily in her wolf form. Her ears went flat, she turned and ran into the woods. She was unaware of the Wolf pup growing with in her. However by the time she found out, she could not make herself return to her mate and the pack.

Jade had been bitten and turned, she wasn't born like the others to the pack. This Life wasn't hers and she was not going to make it her pups. She had been with Child for 4 months before she had a beautiful baby girl. She named her Lyn and could see no flaw in the one thing she still held dear. The child had her Mates features, but also her features. A Werewolfs pregnancy was a lot shorter then a humans and she didn't go to a Hospital, She had to give birth to her daughter in the woods in case she changed or what not.

Jade woke her eye's opening to the smell of rain and the sound of small feet walking to her room. The child she bore crawled intof bed with her mother. She nuzzled into her mother's chest with a small whimper and just held onto her mother.

"Bad dream?" Jade asked gently. The small pupin her arms nodded and she sighed putting the child on her chest as she slowly turned to her back. Jade was not going to go to work today. Today she would spend time with her pup, which was not a normal thing for her, she was almost always working.

"It's okay baby, mama is here, why don't you and I spend the day together and just enjoy the day watch movies, shower, have food delivered." She asked the small child in her arms. The girl nodded and just clung to her mother as Jade got out of bed. The house was a little cold so Jade wrapped her pup in a blanket. She was vulnerable till she made the change at 5 years old. Jade had 2 more years thankfully before that happened. Going to make coffee and grabbing her daughter a sippy cup with Milk in it. Her hand went to her phone to call her boss/Boyfriend. Slowly dialing the number, a soft sigh came as she waited for it to ring her boss answered and asked if they were okay. "Shaw, yeah we're fine, I am just not going to be coming into work today, I need a day with my little lyn." She said and kissed her daughters cheek. Her boyfriend had said okay and to have a good day He call later.

Jade made breakfast for the both of them, eating and talking with her daughter she laughed. After the dishes had been clean she got her daughter clean for the day and dressed as just in case, she as well dressed, she was comfy but ready to go if needed. They need to go out for a minute to grab some things before returning home.


Jeremy sat at the head of the table." My Final decision and word. find her and find her today,we need our best tracker back and I will not take no for an answer. Be careful Jade will be quick and on guard. She isn't stupid. She will try to run. Do not hurt her, but bring her back to me and Erin when she returns you will not chase her off, give her time to adjust and explain. She will not be happy about being forced to come back here." He said.

"Shane, Jax, and Alex go get her.Remember what I said."He growled at the three and sent them off. They looked to the next Alpha in line and gave him a sympathetic look." Sorry man Alphas orders." They say and go to get in the car. They drive to the city which is 3 hours away from the fire woods where their home was. They caught whiffs of Jade and followed them till her scent became stronger, but she was good at covering it knowing she had the best nose out of all of them. Took them a few hours to finally pin point her location and place. Walking in the door the landlord stopped them and asked who they were." Air conditioning guys." Shane said. The man nods and let's them have access to the building. Shane and the three split up taking each floor. They finally found her on the fourth floor.


Jade was just finishing up getting ready when she picked up her daughter with a small smile."Let's go Munchkin." She said and walked for the door just as she ward a knock on it. "Huh wonder who that can be." She said to Lyn who was playing with the ring on a chain around her mother's neck it was Erin's engament ring to Jade. She wore it because she still loved her mate.

Jade went to open the door and stopped when She saw the 3 wolves. She had put Lyn behind her and slammed the door shut locking it. Picking Lyn up and ran for her bedroom. Her door slammed shut just as the front door was kicked open. The bedroom door locked Jade grabbed the bag she kept by the window. Opening the window climing out as she told Lyn to hold on tight, she put Lyn on her back. Lyn nods and hid into her mother holding tight. Basically flying down the fire escape as quickly as possible with a child and a bag attached to her, she looked up and saw snarling face at the top of the fire escape. The others were no where to be seen. Finally as she reached the bottom, her feet hit the ground running. Turning the corner she looked behind her before running into Jax as he took her pup from her grasp.

Jade went to grab him with a snarl. when Shane and Alex held her tight."Let go now" she growled. Jade watched her pup screaming for her. "Jade stop you can have the child back when you agree to come with us or I could just kill the pup that isn't the Alphas. " Jax said. Jade let out a small gasp." No dont, look at her she is Erin's pup, don't kill her. Erin would kill you all,but not before I got my teeth into each one of your throats." She growled. Shane haults a minute and nods to Jax to let the child go. He and Alex release Jade. She took her crying and screaming pup from Jax with a dark glare.

Following the wolves to the car , she went to get in. Her bag separated her from Alex who sat in the back with her. She stayed curled around her pup as Shane drove and called Jeremy Erin's father, the Alpha." We got her, she ran like you said, but uh their is a bit of a complication. She has a child with her, we're more then positive the child is Erins." He said and looked as Jade stayed curled around her pup protectively When they finally arrived 3 hours later at the house. Jade stepped out and put her bag on her shoulder and looked around her as she held her pup close. Jeremy stepped out and watched Jade."Jade welcome home, come in." He said, He told Erin to wait upstairs." Jeremy I am sorry for leaving when I did but, I couldn't deal with killing an innocent it isn't me." She said trying to apologize immediatly. Jeremy nods."Jade sit, your fine I understand, but I need your help tracking only reason your back here. Also is that my little granddaughter." He asked her.

Jade slowly takes a seat and nods."Yes, her name is Lyn. Wait thats why you want me back here is to track." She asked almost furious. Jeremy nodding to the others to bring Erin down." She is beautiful Jade, and yes but we can talk about that later." He said as he watched the pup shake and cling to her mother. Jade was keeping a protective arm around her child. Looking up when she smelled her mate. Her wolf started to jump at her insides. She changed every so often to keep the Wolf tame, but not as often as she should. The wolf now was fighting to get out to get to her lost mate.

Their pack had been through the mill the last couple of years, fending off threats both human and their own kind. Hunters were a plenty, but it was other packs, in Erin's eye that posed the biggest threat. He had become a hardened man these past couple of years without his mate, being held together by his men and mostly by Alyssa. They had always had a good relationship, growing up in the pack together, but over the past 3 years it had grown into something more. He needed the support of his mate during those troubling times and because she had run off and was nowhere to be found, Alyssa had carried that mantel. He was kind and caring toward Alyssa, but deep down, he knew that she could never replace Jade, nobody could. He had felt a bit guilty for bringing her into this life, but his guilt was drowned by how much he truly loved her, his heart nearly shattering to pieces when she had left.

The day was fast approaching where his father, Jeremy was going to step down, and he was to be the new Alpha, and the anxiety and pressure that brought on only added to the stress of unfolding events. Namely, the fact that his father was sending men out to go fetch her. He was especially sore about the subject, in a ways, because he knew all too well that they needed her badly. Their rivals had always remained in the North, keeping out of their business and keeping to their own territories, but had apparently found them to be weak and had been challenging them more and more. They seemed hell-bent on either forcing them out or forcing them to submit, the latter of the two seemed to be what they were aiming for. Erin was coming off of a loss, as his father was forced to save his neck from being literally torn open by the pack leader, Randall.

He had found it hard not to strangle the men that were told to go and fetch Jade, but he stood silently by, as it was his father's orders. When the men left however, he had followed his father into his office to have a word with him. "She left 3 years ago! Why bring her back here?" He snarled as he barked at his father, pacing back and forth, glaring at the old man. Jeremey sighed, knowing that this wasn't going to be easy for him, but knowing that Erin would soon come to understand, "We desperately need her aid. She is family, not just to this pack, but to you and me. Trust me, my son, it's for the best." Erin was furious with his father's decision. Jade hadn't come back on her own for 3 years, so why in the hell would he just drag her back to somewhere she didn't want to be? He had unconsciously been stroking the ring on the necklace that hung about his neck, and upon realizing that, he stormed from the office, through the living room, and out into the backyard. They had plenty of land that led out into the woods, it was the perfect place for them. Secluded, yet they were still able to interact with the human world if need be.

He was breathing heavily on the back patio, a maelstrom of emotions running through him. He felt betrayed, longing, anger, confusion, passion, love, and hatred. Jade had taken off from him and cut off all contact. He was in the midst of his turmoil when he felt a hand lightly press to his back. In his hazed state he quickly turned and gripped tightly the neck of the person who crept up on him, his face and grip softening as he recognized Alyssa. Her hand slowly reached up and caressed his cheek as her other hand moved to remove his hand from around her neck. "I heard...," was all she said, her voice soft and low, "What do you plan to do?" Her eyes trained on his. Erin allowed her to push his hand down from her neck, letting out a few hard and deep breaths before he pulled her to him and gave her a deep kiss. Alyssa had always been there for him, she never abandoned him, she never betrayed him, she was always there when and if he needed her, and she had always been loyal to both him and the pack. Their tongues danced together for a few moments before they separated. "I have bigger problems to deal with...," he stated, trying to bury his dredged up emotions, "The pack comes first and foremost, so I'll do as I have been." Alyssa smiled as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "In that case, stop your moping, and pull it together. My Alpha shouldn't look like a lost puppy." With that, she scampered off inside.

Erin spent the next few hours training; he went for a run, then went into their weight room in the basement and began working on the heavy bag that they have down there, Jade and everything else at the forefront of his mind. Even after showering and changing, he couldn't shake her from his thoughts...he had chosen her to be with him afterall...it had been a bit easier to push down his feelings since she had left, but he didn't like the idea of forcing her to come back, let alone having to face someone who so blatantly turned her back on them. He found his father was too lenient in this department, but his word was law...for now. He was on the landing on the second floor when the truck pulled up, and he watched as Shane, Jax, and Alex emerged from the truck. A quick tug by Alyssa made him miss catching a glimpse of Jade. He could feel the anxiousness of his wolf, knowing that his mate was so close by, he found himself slowly descending the staris before he was waved off and instructed by his father to wait upstairs. He growled audibly, as he stormed back up the stairs, Alyssa choosing to stand at the banister. Erin slammed the door to his room behind him and went and laid on his back on his bed, an arm draped across his face, as he fought back the urge to erupt on his father or simply rush downstairs and explode on Jade.

Alyssa leaned against the banister as Jade was brought in and made her way down to Alex, Jax, and Shane, to see how the recovery went. She wasn't too keen on having Jade back here, recalling how long it took her to get Erin to get over the fact that she had abandoned him and to let her in. Even now, she knew that he still hadn't let her all the way in, but she was happy with how much their relationship had developed in these past 3 years. The last thing she wanted was for this outsider turned runaway to try to take him back. She huffed as she considered Jade trying to weasel her way back into his heart, not if she had anything to say about it. That woman had lost her right to be by his side when she so selfishly ran off and couldn't be bothered with any of them.

Jade bit her lip and looked down at her pup and at the men around her. Her pup whinned and cried into her mother. She silenced the small child. Jeremy sighed, "get out now all of you go get Erin. Alyssa get out, you have no need to be here." He said and shooed them all out. Jade had to turn her back on the pack when she killed the innocent her, moral compass pointed north and it was to much for a pregnant Werewolf. She did not find out till weeks after she left that she had her Mates child with in her. Jade saw Alyssa , she hated the girl with a passion. She was already on edge. Jade growled and snarled. Jeremy could sense she felt backed into a corner." Shane get Erin, Jax take Alyssa out of the god damn house. You did your job and it is done get the hell out before Jade rips every single one of your throats out and I will let her." He said. Jeremy snarled at the wolves and they went to do what he asked. He was still Alpha, he looked at Jade. She had moved to the corner. He could see she was very protective of the pup she held in her arms."Jade I won't hurt you or her. Relax it's okay." He said gently.

Jade looked when she heard and smelled her mate. She stiffened once again and hid her child to the side of her. Lyn was shaking and she clung to her mother crying softly. Jade tries to comfort her, but it was a lot harder with so many new people and angry raised voices. She was trying to be calm with her daughter. Jade kissed her daughters head and whispered gently to her. The girl peeked at the man who had seemed to stomp down and glared at her mother. She glared back and clung to her mommy just as protectively as Jade was doing to her. Jeremy stepped between the two, He knew Jade wouldn't give up her daughter so he stepped between them."Calm voices we have a child amongst us. also no cursing or changing." He mostly had that directed at Erin."listen to her explain. You might learn a thing or two, before you go off on the mother of your child, your mate." He reminded Erin. Jade stayed backed into the corner with her pup.

Her eye's were trained on Erin. She was ready to protect herself and her pup from her mate. She watched him and sighed" Erin I am sorry I took off, I know I left and with your pup, but me killing an innocent person isn't who I am and I did not bring Lynn back because I didn't want it to be her either. I know it is no excuse to run off, but I felt like I couldn't live with what I done until I learned to forgive myself and to do that I had to get away from here. I know you don't want me back here. I am sure Alyssa makes you perfectly happy. I am fine with it, I smell her all over you. However one question, it wasnt all me. You never came after me, which If I was so important why not come after me to see what was wrong? Instead I am forced to come back other wise Jax might have killed my pup and I find you with Alyssa. I have a little right to be mad here just as you do, but I see it in your eyes, you hate and love me." She said. She sighed and sniffed. Jade was mad, annoyed, and upset with him. She couldn't believe she even held out hope he would look for her or not stay away from the little bitch. She had only been with Shaw 2 months, no sex, and no kissing. She at least almost waited 2 + years before she tried to move on. She had held out hope like an idiot.

" You know what don't start, I am sure your happy I was not here, and you have a pup for 3 years you don't know, not your fault I am here to help then we're leaving so as to not disrupt anything going on here." She said and went to walk past them. She had stunned Jeremy." Woah Woah Jade, your not going back, your staying here and working things out here with the pack and Erin. Jade your family and we can't let you take the soon to be Alphas pup away." He said to her.

" Jeremy no you can't do this." Jade said." She doesn't know any of you." Jade bit back what else she was going to say."Yes Jeremy." She said. Jade sighed and went to put her wiggling pup down. Lyn ran over and beat her little fists at Erins shin."NO BAD, MY MOMMY." She said. she kicked his shins and Jade scooped up her pup quickly. Jade set the pup down and looked at her. She put her hand up to the other two to shush them.""Lyn baby what was that are you okay?" She asked as her 3 year old daughter wouldn't look at her. Jade got Lyn to shrug and say sorry to Erin. Jade stood slowly holding Lyn close."Sorry really she has never done that to any one." Jade said as her pup shook in her arms and only peaked out from under her mother's hair.

Erin stood and listened to what she had to say, he himself angered and his wolf in a frenzy. He had a child, a daughter at that. He was elated by the news and at the same time even more frustrated and angry. He wanted to throttle Jade right then and there, but obviously such actions were out of the question. He nearly flew into a fury when Jade suggested that she was going to leave and take his daughter with her when her business with them was done, his body had actually tensed up as he was about move against her. His father's words promptly severing that line of thinking, he calmed down a bit more hearing her concede to his father's wishes.

He had flinched a bit when she started asking why he hadn't come for her and talking about Alyssa. "You're right, you don't have any place to be angry or upset," Erin started. Erin had smiled and chuckled a bit as Lyn had kicked at his shin and pounded on his leg, she was surely a precious little thing. He could see both himself and Jade in the girl's face. "You made your choice, a selfish one," he tried to keep his voice down but the disdain in his tone was evident, "You chose to go at it alone, and I allowed you that time. I figured that whatever the issue was that you'd return when ready, I trusted you enough to give you what space I thought you might need. However, I was clearly mistaken." His eyes shifted to his father then back to Jade. "I know you were new to the pack and our lifestyle, but there are things to be done, rules to be followed, and things to be handled. In my position, I don't have the luxury of going on a manhunt for someone who is suppose to stand beside me," his voice began to raise a bit, "you know why? Because out of everyone, you were suppose to be the one that I ould count on!" He had yelled the last part, pointing an accusatory finger at Jade.

He caught himself in this moment, sighed deeply and apologizing to both his father and Jade. This whole event was a bit much for him. It was irritating to hear that she still even put up a fight when she was called upon to return. Was she that unhappy here? Had he not meant anything to her? However, he also wasn't going to take her snide remarks without firing a few of his own. "Speaking of smells...," he gave the air another whiff, "Seems you were enjoying living your life back amongst the humans." He was being a little petty at the moment, but he felt that he was allowed this right. He had been diligently performing his duties for the pack, and he wasn't about to let her try to make him look like the bad guy here. The human male scent only lingered about her body, a sign that she had merely been around that person and nothing else, but it was still something that agitated him. Thinking that there was another man, a human at that, that was around his child.

He wasn't going to bother saying anything about his pairing up with Alyssa in her absence, as it wasn't really any of her business. However, he was irritated that she had the audacity to even think for a moment that he had made that decision with ease. He had held out hope for the first 6-months of her absence that she was going to return to his side, all the while dealing with pack issues. Alyssa had immediately begun vying for his attention a month into Jade's departure. He had paid her no mind, only talking to her if she managed to catch him alone or if he had to deal with her. It wasn't until nearly a year had passed that he had begun to let her close to him, and then another 6-months before they slept together. Alyssa had been there since the beginning, and they had always had a good relationship and understood one another to a certain degree. She had been fazed out though when Erin met Jade. Jade was his mate, Alyssa knew this, and he was sure that her resurgence wasn't going to go over well with her either, but that was just something that he'd have to deal with later.

While he was glad that his father had told her how things were going to be and even happier that she complied, he was a bit concerned about what he meant by her "working things out with the pack and Erin". Wasn't she just here to help them with their pack issue? Obviously, she wasn't going to be allowed to leave, however, what was it he expected her to do outside of that? With her reappearance, and with his child no less, the pack synchronicity was surely in flux. He had no idea how Alex, Jax, and Shane felt about her return, but he sure as hell knew how Alyssa felt about it. This honestly put him in a bit of an awkward situation, as Jade had called it correctly. He both hated and loved this woman. That meant that Alyssa was sure to see that, though she may have known it all along, it would entirely written all over him now.


Alyssa had huffed as she was forced to leave. She didn't see why Jade was afforded such privacy, being the one that had abandoned her supposed mate. She had known Erin for the longest time, she had been the one who had always had his back, and now this bitch was back and with Erin's kid. She bit her finger as she stood outside with Shane and the others, wondering if Jade was going to play the sympathy card to get him back. She wasn't sure if it would work on Erin or not though, seeing as though she couldn't get him to ever talk about Jade. He neither said a bad thing or good thing about her, only stressing to her that all talk about her was off-limits. The others must've notice her anxiousness and it was Shane who broke the silence.

"You look worried..." he said as he elbowed Jax in the ribs.

Jax snickered, "She's probably worried she's about to get thrown out of Erin's bed," he chuckled, "Have you heard those two go at it? Seriously, Alyssa, do you even try to keep your voice down?"

Alex, who was the bestfriend of Erin, laughed along side the others. "You two really are quite loud." He coughed as he gathered himself, thinking for a moment on the talks he's had with Erin. While Erin didn't talk to Alyssa or even his father about how he felt about Jade's disappearance or how he was dealing with it, Alex knew. Erin confided in him, they were like brothers, although closer than he was with Jax and Shane. Not that he had anything against those two, but Alex and Erin just seemed to mesh a lot cleaner than the others.

"Would you guys shut the fuck up," Alyssa snapped. "This isn't funny, you know. We have real issues to deal with, and now on top of all that we have to deal with a runaway who took Erin's kid with her. I knew that she was a mistake from the moment he picked her." She said the last part under her breath as she nervously paced back and forth.

"Well, things should surely be interesting now, if they weren't already," Shane said, "Oh, and Jax...I'd be cautious if I were you." He gave Jax a serious look.

Jax seemed puzzled for a moment, but Alex clarified the confusion, "You basically threatened to kill Erin's daughter if she didn't come with us. I doubt she's going to leave that tidbit of information out."

Jax's face changed to one of worry as his voice was visibly shaken, "I-I mean, yeah...I did kinda do that...but I didn't know that was Erin's kid. Neither did you guys though, I just thought it was the kid of some human that she had been with. Plus, I wasn't expecting to see a kid there and she wasn't being cooperative." He tried to defend his actions to the others, who simply looked at him.

"We understand that, but I don't think Erin's going to care for that explanation much," Shane said truthfully, "You, sir...are fucked." He burst into laughter which was joined by both Alyssa and Alex.

Jade huffed and snarled at his words." It wasn't selfish l, I needed space I have everyone in the pack breathing down my god damn neck and I wasn't ready to be a wolf. Jeremy bit me unaware if I make the change or not, but he did it for you. You know how archaic and insane that is. I was only 6 months ago Werewolf when we went on that hunt. You gave me time right, I wasn't ready to come back. After I left and found out I had your pup in me. It was another hit and my 4 months pregnant was no walk in the park. And yeah I do have a human scent on me my boss. I been working to pay for our child. Again not blaming you in that aspect. I kept her from you. I am sorry and I have some right to be mad, I don't care how mad you are at me, well I do but at the same time I don't, because I feel like I did what was right for me and for Lyn." Jade said. Jeremy sighed and rubbed his head." Alright look Jade is back and with your pup. You two will be spending a lot of time with one another from now on Alyssa will be with the others for now on. I do not want her near Jade or in your room any longer son. I let it go on long enough Jade you cut ties to those in the city and stop going their." He said to her.

"Well since this move was so umm what's the word immprotu. I could use to go back and get my things. Also I don't want any one near our pup from the pack right now one threat on her life is enough for me and well I don't really want any one near her. You and Erin are fine unless she trys to kick his butt again." Jade said and looked down as Lyn held her mom and played with her necklace and ring."Mommy I am hungry when can we go home." Lyn asked quietly. Jade went soft and nuzzled her pup." Mm I can fix the being hungry my little wolf, but home I am not sure my beautiful flower. Mommy loves you." She said. Lyn giggled and held onto her mother." I love you too mommy" She whispered to her. Lyn was so cute and wonderful, she kept Jade calm and less aggressive. Her daughter smelled like strawberries and Honey. It was partially the shampoo Jade used on her child, Lyn also had a faint scent of lavender. It was Jades scent Juniper, Lavender, and pine. Lyn stayed hidden into her mother when she heard Jeremy speak again.

"I agree that's fine by me, none of the pack but me and Erin near Lyn, now to when to get your stuff it is gonna take bit, but we will." He said after Lyn spoke." Let's get you set up, upstairs and something to eat." He said. "Erin can bring it up to you too." He said and lead Jade to the elevator. He nods for Erin to go make some lunch for them. He took the elevator up with Jade and Lyn." He will come around Jade, you really hurt him, but I understand why you did it. So don't worry." the elevator dinged at level 4." Putting you in the Alpha wing it is quite, right for Lyn and well their are extra rooms up here and far from Erin for now." He said and walked her to the room at the end of the hall it was big and had an attached bathroom."Thanks Jeremy," Jade said and put the bag down. she sighed and hugged him. " I missed you Jeremy." She said and kissed his cheek.

Jade closed the door and went to bathe with Lyn for comfort and just lay in the warm water talking to Lyn. She laughed and just smiled as she spoke to her pup. Her pup was her happy place.When she got out Jade dried and dressed Lyn in pajamas from the bag she had taken. Jade was in sweats and a wife beater. She lay on the bed with Lyn and nuzzled her pup. " Come in," She said quietly when she heard a knock on the door. Lyn was sucking on her thumb and laying into her mom. Lyn had her eye's closed as she lay their.


Shane shook his head with a chuckle." Your all idiots. Jade is back and has pup. Which Jax just threatened said pup. No one is getting with in ten feet of her before their throats are taken out. Mother wolf's are no joke especially when it comes to young pups like hers. She will probably only allow Erin and Jeremy near her pup, which means we're all to stay at least a foot away as per the restraing order" He joked." No, but Jade will rip our throats out if we get near that pup." He said gently. He took his shirt and pants off and turned into his black wolf form and ran for the woods the others hot on his trail.

Erin was a bit taken aback by his father's ruling on banning him from seeing Alyssa, he scoffed as his father dropped that bomb on him. He expected him to just forgive and forget and switch everything around just because Jade came back. He waited for them to leave the room and board the elevator before punching the nearest wall and letting out an irritated growl. He walked into the kitchen, still cursing and muttering under his breath. Why was he supposed to stop what he was doing just because she was here? It's not like she willingly came, he placed both hands on the sink as his head hung low. He could see the ring dangling around his neck, his wolf anxious. He took a few deep breaths before he began to prepare the two lunch. A small smile crept along his face as he thought of his daughter, a spitting image of the two of them, and a scrappy little one already. She surely had her mother's protective instincts and his fearlessness, he let a small chuckle out as he went on to prepare their food.

He waited in the kitchen for his father to return, his mood returning to it's agitated state. "What gives? I don't have a say who comes and who goes in my room?" He honestly didn't know why he was picking an argument, he was just frustrated and he needed to vent it before heading upstairs, "I don't need to be treated as a child here. I've continued to do my part and some for this pack," he glared at his father, though his anger wasn't directed toward him, "Did I not do what I was supposed to? What the hell else did she expect?" He toyed with the ring around his neck, calming as he rubbed it, breathing heavily still but in a more controlled manner. He was a bit upset with his father, who seemed to be forever understanding, feeling that he wasn't taking his feelings on this into account, but seemingly being on Jade's side. He took a few more deep breaths after he finished talking, grabbed their food, and headed upstairs, not waiting for his father to reply. He chose to take the stairs, putting off the inevitable, and at the same time giving himself time to get a cooler head. By the time he reached the third floor, he was in a better place, and by the time he got to the door, he had calmed himself completely.

He knocked and entered as he heard Jade call back. "Lunch for you and the little warrior there," he said, unconsciously cracking a half smile as he made his way to a table that was setup in the room close to the doors that led out onto the balcony. He set the food down and looked out the window into the backyard at their land that stretched out to the tree line of the forest. He took in a few slow breaths before speaking in a calm and even tone. "Were you ever planning on coming back? Would you have ever told me that I was a father?" He stayed facing the balcony. He knew that he should've been trying to comfort her or to tell her that he understood how hard it must've been for her on her own, but he wasn't there yet. This was a freshly made wound and he was fighting to stay afloat above the pain and angst that this brought him. His wolf was both excited and anxious as the room was filled with their scent. That sweet lavender scent mixed with juniper and pine, a scent that hadn't permeated his nose in a long time, having lost the scent from her old clothes years ago. Combined with Jade's scent was a lighter lavender, which belonged to his daughter, the scent now forever etched into his brain as he stood there and took them both in.

He stood silent for a few moments deciding if he even wanted to wait for answers to his questions before heading for the door. He didn't want to spoil their lunch with his inquiries on a subject best left for adults to have. He didn't want to have it out with the mother of his daughter in front of her, lest he become vilified in her eyes, making it harder for her to accept him as her father. He was elated at the idea of being a father, but there was a huge hurdle between all of them at the moment, and he knew it was gonna at least take him some time to get over it. "Enjoy the meal, ladies," he looked down at Lyn with a smile before casting his gaze to Jade, "You know where my room is if you need something." With that he made his exit and retired to his room. He needed to to for a run, but he'd wait till the others returned so he could have the woods to himself. The wolf was excited, the pup was down the hall, they were a father. He walked out on to his balcony, climbed down, undressed, and changed into his wolf. The others were in the woods, which meant that Jax was there, which meant he had a target to blow some steam off of. He trotted to tree line before letting out a howl, letting Jax know that he was coming, he planned to let the man at least know that it was time to atone for his mistake. He would never mortally wound a fellow pack member, but he would also never allow such a grievance against his own child go unpunished regardless of circumstances.


Alyssa and the others had been playing tag and rough housing when they heard the call. Erin was on the prowl. She looked to Alex to figure out what they should do, and Alex simply looked at Jax. Jax took a few steps forward and howled back, signifying his location. He knew better than to run and exhaust himself, and why not go ahead and get this over with now, so there will be no bad blood between him and Erin. Within 5 minutes Erin was standing before the others, glaring at Jax as his body flexed and he began to snarl. Jax growled back at him, showing him that he wasn't planning on just letting him take out his frustrations without a fight. The others gave the two some pace, and the moment Jax took a step forward, the fight began. They went at each other hard and fast, jaws biting at each others legs, torsos, and necks. Their growls and snarls filled the air as they went back and forth at one another as the others just watched.

The match being decided when Jax had Erin's front leg in his mouth but Erin had him by the back of the neck and forced him into the ground. When Erin let go, Jax rolled over exposing his belly in a sign of submission, which Erin accepted and slowly left. Watching Erin tussle and dominate Jax had gotten Alyssa a bit riled up, and she whined audibly and padded up and down on her front paws as she watched him go. She was certain that she was going to have a good time with him tonight. She wasn't keen to losing and she didn't plan to just give Erin to Jade, feeling that Jade had stolen Erin from her in the first place.

Jade ran her fingers gently through her ups hair. Her eye's trained on her sweet child. The child was her little champ. Poor thing was exhausted, scared, and upset. Jade wished she could explain it to her, but how did you explain it to a 3 year old. Their was just to much to say. She looked over at her mate when he spoke of Lyn. She saw him Crack a half smile. He asked her if she had planned on coming back and telling him he was a father. She went to answer when he cut her off and said have a good meal. She nods and let's him go. Jade sighed and put her head back.

Jade probably would of come back her wolf missed him it was clawing to get out when ever he was in the room. She wanted him and yet she disliked him as well. She really hated Alyssa and the fact that he even went back to that pup. Jade growled and sat up, she had to calm down in her pups presence. She looked at Lyn asleep and bit her lip. The room was dark now only light came from the fire in her room. She had made one so her daughter didn't get cold at all.She ate her lunch and waited on Lyn to wake from her nap. When she did Jade fed her and rocked her pup gently. Lyn watched her mother, no smile played at her mother's lips now, she didn't like these people. She didn't like them upsetting her mother. " Mommy?" She asked quietly.

Jade looked down at her blue eyed pup." What my darling?" She asked gently." are we okay?" She asked asking if they were safe."Yes baby, yes don't you worry about it. No one will touch a hair on your head." Jade said and hummed to her daughter as she rocked her gently. Her body relaxed into the chair by the fire. Jade was feeling drained emotionally and physically." Can we take a nap?" She asked her pup gently. Lyn had become tired again and rubbed her eye's as she sucked her thumb and laying in the bed with her mother. Jade kept a protective arm around her pup and a hand under her pillow held a knife as a just in case. Jeremy and Erin's scents were fine but any other pack member would have her up in seconds.

Jeremy sighed as he listened to his son yell at him, but it wasn't fully directed at him. He wanted to tell him his reasoning, but his son had left before he could explain. Even if they hadn't found Jade, He would make it stop Alyssa was to territorial and would get Erin killed. He always separated the two on tasks they were only together in the house at night and some days. Jeremy rubbed his eye brow and heard the howl of his son. He went to go stop it but figured he needed to let off steam. Jeremy was doing this as also a training to show his son that a Alpha must make tough decisions that are not always fair yet be understanding.

Jeremy finally went to check up on Jade. He knocked and got no answer. He peaked in and saw Jade asleep with her pup and the fire going. He thought it odd till he thought about it. Lyn had not changed yet. He closed the door quietly to let them sleep. Jeremy went to sit outside and wait on his son. he was loosing patience. When his son returned he stood shaking his head." We have rules for a reason what I am doing isn't to punish you or favor Jade you need to learn how to make tough decisions with out emotion and show compassion. Yes she hurt you, yes she left. However you hurt her just as much and if you want to be able to see your pup and keep her here you will stop seeing Alyssa. You Think Jade will allow you near the pup with another female wolf's scent on you no. She will shut you out so fast, you won't have time to be shocked. Now with that said your mate and pup are sleeping don't wake them." He said and walked away giving his son something to think on.

Jeremy closed his office door and went to sit down. He rubbed his eye brows and growled as he felt his anger get the best of him at times. This was one of those, He had put his foot down with Jade and his son. She wasn't leaving and his son wasn't giving up.

Shane had been rough housing with the others when Erin came over and he stepped back. He put his ears back but did not challenge the almost Alpha. He looked at Jax and watched him show his stomach in defeat and sighed. He let the almost Alpha go and looked at the others. He let out a snicker and turned to Jax as he spoke in his mind." Oh yeah your threat was definitely told about bet you she said she didn't want the pack near her pup and Alpha and father agreed especially when she threw in the he threatened my pup." He joked with his friend.

Erin had retreated to his room for the night, his father's words in his head. He knew he was right about the whole Alyssa ordeal and it's not like he wanted her to replace Jade, he had even made that clear to her when they started their thing. He knew deep down that she would come back to him one way or another, and had things not become dicey for their pack, he would've personally drug her back here himself a while ago. After taking in both his daughter's and Jade's scent, the smell in his room bothered him. That Lemongrass scent with a touch of honey, Alyssa's scent, clung to everything in the room, though mainly his bed. His own scent being a mix of fresh mahogany and chestnut. He tore the bedding up, throwing it all into the hall. He took a long hot shower, whincing as he bathed and cleaned some of the wounds from Jax. His little display was to also serve as warning to the others, that any form of aggression toward his daughter would not be tolerated.

He slowly walked down the hallway, dressed only in sweat pants, and slowly opened the door to peer in on them. They were bundled up together in the bed with a fire going in the room, he smiled and slowly closed the door before retreating to his own room. Alyssa stepped off the elevator, catching Erin by surprise. He paused like a deer in headlights, the two of them looking at each other before looking at the bedding out in the hallway and then back to each other. She moved first, he moved faster, but she was closer to his door and blocked his path. She blocked the door handle with her body, trying to force eye contact, but he avoided looking at her, his father's words reverberating in his head.

"You can at least look at me, you know," she wasn't keeping her voice down, but she wasn't exactly yelling either, "We have been sharing a bed fo-." Her words were cut short as his hand gripped her neck tightly, pinning her against the doorframe.

"What you aren't gonna do, is cause me problems," he had leaned in close, and was whispering angrily in her ear, "My daughter is right down the hall, and I'll be dammed if you fuck this up for me," his grip tightened and he began to lift her up off the ground a bit.

Alyssa almost had tears in her eyes before she was released, coughing a few times, before slapping Erin across his face and heading for the elevator.

This first day with Jade under the roof was going as horrible as he thought it could, he went to his room and laid on the couch for a nap

Jade woke to a raised voice in the hall. She had heard Alyssa's words and growled. Jade hated the girl, she was really annoyed by her. Jade listened to Erin was suprised he threw his little fuck toy out for his own daughter. Jade was suprised, but slightly reveled in it. She went back to sleeping with her pup. After an hour the room became to warm for her and she needed some air. The doors to the balcony opened silently and Jade looked down at the world below. The tree the scent made her happy, and yet she missed her Mates scent. His chestnut and Mahogany scent had made her feel comfortable. Jade sighed and decided to go see her mate, she could not leave Lyn alone to long, but her pup was sleeping and she could slip away for a moment.

The door to their room opened slowly as Jade walked out. Her eye's looked around as she went to walk down the hall. She had closed her door and walked silently to Erin's room. She knocked lightly, her eyes frowned at the bedding on the floor but smelled Alyssa all over them and moved it softly with her feet. She placed her hand on the door handle, but thought better of just peaking in." Erin it's me." She said softly. " Can we talk." She said gently.

When his door finally did open Jade looked at him. Her left arm was over her chest and her right hung down. She moved the hair from her eyes and walked in when he opened the door for her. Jade looked around and held onto the ring around her neck. It hadn't changed much since she left. Jade turned to him." You know to answer your questions. Yes a million times Yes. I would of come back and told you about Lyn. I wasn't sure how. I was messed up, but having Lyn has kinda. brought everything to a steady place." She said and looked at him." I just wanted to talk to you. You look tired and we'll, I just wanted to say having Lyn has been the best thing to happen to me besides meeting and falling for you. Also if you need to the bed is big enough, Lyn and I can scoot over if you want a bed with sheets. This isn't a trick to get you back in bed with me, this is a sincere gesture. But I should go before Lyn wakes." She said and went to leave his room with a sigh. She looked back at him and bit her lip." Erin I am sorry. I know it doesn't change anything, but I want to try and make it up to you any way I can." She said.

Jade turned and went to go to the room she shared with her little flower. She let the fire die down and moved her daughter to the other side of the bed with her and smiled when her pup whinned." Mommy." Lyn mumbled. Lyn just got comfy back on her mother and fell asleep Jade closed her eye's and started to fall asleep with Lyn again. Her body rested easier with her pup this close to her. The house seemed to be getting quite for the evening

Jeremy finally went up to his room. He had heard Jade talking with Erin and smiled. He shook his head and went to his room. Jeremy got ready for bed and lay down. He sighed and closed his eyes as he fell into a dream less sleep.


Jade woke in the morning early to her pup making small noises. She yawned and looked down at Lyn." You okay?" Jade asked gently.Her pup nods and just hid into her mother."Mommy I want to go home." She said to Jade. Jade nods." I know beautiful but we can't just yet, soon, but this is our home now, will go get your things I promise. your daddy is here." Jade said. Lyn cried into her mom." I have my mommy, I wanna go home." She sniffed." soon, let's go get you breakfast." Jade said. she turned to see Erin on the other side of the bed sleeping. Odd she hadn't heard him come in. She shushed Lyn and slowly quietly walked to the door. She let her mate sleep, as she went down with her pup to make breakfast and coffee.

Jeremy joined her and she poured him coffee. Jade made him a plate and kissed her pup on the head as she ate." Mommy I want to play after this." She said. Jade laughed" Will go for a walk after breakfast and you brush you teeth." She said. Jade sighed sitting her daughter crawled into her lap.

Jeremy was suprised at how attached the pup was to her mother." Jade she is so attached to you. Did something happen when she was younger." He asked worried."No she is just attached to me. " Jade said as she fed Lyn.

Erin laid back on the couch in his room after Jade left, he hadn't expected her to come to see him so soon, he thought about how the bedding that him and Alyssa had shared was still out in the hall. He sighed. However, Jade still seemed to want to try to mend things with him. Deep down he was glad to hear that, but on the surface he was still upset. 3 years was a long time to not have the one you want by your side. 3 years was a long time to suddenly cast someone aside who had been there with you through it all. 3 years was a long time to not have your daughter in your life and have to try to build a relationship from scratch. He was behind the ball or in the dog house on all of these, regardless of which way he went. His personal life and Pack life was now in flux, and he was struggling to regain his ground. Jade had offered him an olive branch, and he would kindly accept.

He had waited a while, gathering his thoughts, when the door opened and Alex strode in and plopped himself down on the bare mattress of the bed. "You know, you've made quite the mess of things," he snickered, "I mean, Alyssa will bounce back after a while, but did you need to be so rough on her. She in a bit of a fit, and that's not a good vibe to have around here with everything that's going on.'

Erin remained laying down, staring at the ceiling. "Yeah, I could've been nicer to her, but she doesn't respond well to that, and I don't think I would've been able to refuse her had things not gone the way they did," he chuckled a bit, "I've got a lot on my plate right now, and I feel like my stomach is full."

Erin yawned, "Well you know that I've got your back, so if you need anything just ask. You know we all do...even Alyssa, although I don't think she's going to take this lying down," he headed for the door, "I've already given her fair warning as I'm sure you did too, but you know how she is, she's had her eyes on you from the get-go." He opened the door and stepped out, "I'm just saying that you need to keep your ears up and eyes open," he closed the door only to reopen it a few seconds later, "Isn't your sister suppose to be coming back soon, she's been out scouting for a while now." He left as he saw Erin's head pop up.

That's right! Valerie should be back soon, that was another reason this place felt out of whack. She was so energetic and noisy that it bordered on obnoxious, but she kept the spirits up and she was great with handling internal issues among the members. Not that Jeremy couldn't, but his father had other matters to attend to than the constant squabbling of his pack members. Val was the nurturing type, she listened well and observed, so she was well intuned with each pack member. She would easily be able to mend Alyssa's bad attitude toward himself, though he wasn't so sure that Val could get her to be okay with how the tables were turning.

Eventually he had crept down the hall, silently entered Jade's room, and seeing that there had been space made, he cautiously and carefully got into the bed with them. He faced them and watched them both sleep, running his hand ever so softly over the head of his daughter. He kissed his hand and touched the top of her head before his own eyes grew heavy with the weight of everything on his mind, and he caved to the feeling of sleep.


Valerie had gotten back with the breaking dawn, she was back a few days ahead of schedule. She was greeted by Alex at the one of the doors, she was still in wolf form. Her fur was almost white but heavily dusted the blonde, her scent an unmistakable cinnamon and birch smell. She softly padded her way into the house, the nails of her paws giving off the softest sound as she moved through the house to her room.

That was one of the reasons that she was made the pack's #1 reconnaissance expert, she was extremely light on her feet. It was a natural born gift, it was hard to hear her coming even if you were looking directly at her, which made it damn near impossible when you weren't expecting her. She made her way to her room, changed form, showered, changed, and waited to debrief her father on what had been going on.

Alex had come to her room and given her a brief breakdown of all that had occurred in her absence, and her face lit up. She had always liked Jade, Jade made Erin happy, and in turn that made her happy. She had been sad when Jade had left, especially seeing what it did to her brother, and unfortunately she was helpless to stop the eventual hook up between Alyssa and Erin. She was even more ecstatic about the fact that she was now an aunt! She couldn't wait to see the little one, despite Alex's warning of Jade being on edge.

She waited around for a bit catching up with Alex, asking how the others had been, and what else she had missed. The information she had wasn't meant for anyone else's ears first except her father's, so she refused to answer any question about anything that she saw out there. With the smell of coffee in the air, Val made her move. She figured the strong scent of coffee would help mask her own scent as she made her way to the kitchen, sneaking up behind her father, and throwing her arms around his neck and giving him a hug.

She had seen him perk up a few paces back, she sneak attack had failed again. "Good morning," she said as she squeezing him tightly before moving her head to the side and seeing Jade and the little one and smiling brightly. "Long time no see! Oh my gosh, she's so gorgeous!" She stood next to Jeremy, fighting the urge to run up and pinch the cheeks of the pup. "She's the perfect mix of you two. Well it's good to have you back, both of you." She patted her father on the back, "I have some news, when you have a moment."

Jade smiled and talked with Jeremy. She was on guard when Val came up from behind Jeremy Lyn leaned close into her mother and watched the new woman. Her eye's only peaked as she watched them all. The woman had a sweet voice and seemed nice enough,but the pup was still skeptical and turned to her mother with a small whine. Jade just lifted her to her arms and cuddled the child. Jade smiled and nods to Val."glad to see you too Val. That she is thank you," Jade said and smiled at her shy pup. "Good to be here little Lyn is still wary, but will warm up" Jade said. She nods to them and takes Lyn out back to walk with her.

Jade smiled as Lyn ran a few steps and then back to Jade. She was laughing and playing in the leaves. Jade just shook her head and picked Lyn up falling to the ground laughing. When she did leaves flew up and covered them, Lyn just squeaked and laughed. Mom and pup were both very happy to be left to themselves and just play. Jade was happy her pup was playing."Again mommy again." She said and Jade got up to fall back as her pup squealed with delight. Shane was watching from a far as per Jeremy's orders to watch over mom and pup and keep them safe.

Jade was playing with her pup and thinking about her Mates sister. She had missed the girl and really liked her. She probably let Val near her pup.She had nothing against her. She was nice and sweet. Her eye's went to her pup as her pup toddled for a tree stump. Jade sniffed her nose and ears on alert. She had a feeling something was off. Her heart raced as she got up and ran to grab Lyn and pull her close. Jade saw Shane jump and run over as he saw a small pack of wolves come up. Jade grabbed Lyn and stepped back holding Lyn to her. The Wolf changed to a man."Jace?" She asked and looked at Shane confused. Shane changed back, "changed to another pack few years ago after you left." He replied to her.

Jace nods and smirks." Welcome home to a new order Jade. I see you have a pup how sweet. Let me see Jeremy now. We have to speak." He said. His wolves had surrounded Jade and Shane. Jade put Lyn behind her snarling. She had Shane keep his back to her pup as well. Jade was snarling till her mate came out and stepped by her side growling. Jade was thankful he came out. She wasn't sure she could take on all the wolves even with shane. Jace smirks." Ahhh proud papa to the rescue were not here to see you."He said


Jeremy smiled at his daughter " Yeah come on in." He lead his daughter to the office. He sat down and had her close and lock the door. He listened to her and nods. He stopped her when he heard growling. He walked out and saw His son, Jade, and Shane surrounded. His grandchild was also in danger. He snarled loudly."Jace leave them alone you wanted to talk to me I am here." He said."Erin take Lyn and Jade inside." He said." Shane go get the pack." He was growling. Shane nods and walks off. Jade picks up Lyn and walks with Erin trying to calm her pup. She was glaring at Jace as she went.

Once they were safely inside Erin snarled, "Lucky he's not here to see me, because I plan to tear his throat when I get the chance." He spoke through gritted teeth, "Traitorous bastard." he said under his breath. The pack is a family and family is the most important thing, especially to Erin, so any deviation from that he tends to take personally. He stood by the window as his father met with Jace and some other wolves he brought with him, knowing that if anything went down he would come out there and attempt to tear Jace apart. He was certainly taking note of the wolves that he had brought with him too, Jace had the audacity to come upon his daughter and the mother of his child like they planned to harm them. Their faces were burned into his memory, and what he had in store for them was nothing short of death.
