
Chasing Ghosts

Jade Covenington was your average every day model, well except for one thing. She was a werewolf and she had a child. Her daughter was 3 years of age and did not know her father. Now here is the story of how Jade came to live in the city and have a child with no father. Well Jade was dating a man back in college, He turned out to be more then she bargained for. She was bitten and turned into a werewolf. Jade was mostly okay with the fact that she was a wolf, she was with the man she loved, things were going good, she had been getting along with her mate till her world basically collapsed in on itself. She accidentally killed an innocent when out hunting due to the fact, the man had pointed a gun at her. She was frozen over his body as the rain poured down her fur. With one swift move she was running through the rain, away from him, away from the pack, unknowingly carrying the soon to be alphas child and heir. When she did find out, she knew she couldn't go to a hospital, she had to go it alone and knew if she told him he make her come, back and she couldn't. For the next 3 years, she has easily raised her child and enjoyed her freedom only changing when her wolf forced her to. She didn't want Lyn knowing that life. She always kept a bag packed in case another wolf showed or their was danger, she would jump out the fire escape and run away. However now the pack is under attack and they need their best tracker.(aka Jade) What will happen when Erin finds out about the child when he comes to find her and how will this reconnect them, will they fix what is broken? And Deal with a new suprise That Lycans still exist. This is written by 2 people on a site, but have permission from said person to post this.

DarkDisney · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Starting New

The next few days were quite normal, Erin tried to play and interact with Lyn as much as she would allow him to, he even slept in the same bed as them, although he would usually come in after they had already turned in and gone to bed. He didn't want to rouse his daughter or possibly upset her when she hadn't been around him for 3 years. He managed to keep his distance from Alyssa, although they have talked on occasion. THe only incident with her occurring in the gym one afternoon, she had tried be fresh with him and before he got the chance to do anything about it, Jax and Alex walked in on them in a compromising position, in the eyes of those who weren't there for the entire affair.

Aside from that incident and the one with Jace a few days ago, Erin was feeling okay. He and Jade hadn't spent any real one-on-one time, but that would be hard to do with their daughter attached to her hip at all times. Lyn was absolutely precious though. He would take evening runs with the pack, his sister assuring Jade that she wouldn't let anything happen, referring to Alyssa. She had told her that Alyssa still had the hots for Erin, but explained that she always had, and she was still a bit young and when it came to the matters of the heart. She told Jade to try to give the girl a chance, trying not to laugh as she said it, but still stressing that even though Alyssa wanted her brother that she was rooting for Jade and knew that Erin wanted her over Alyssa anyway.

Val and Alex were really close but she had more of thing for Shane, Alex was more of her good friend. She knew deep down that he was in to her, but she couldn't help what she liked. Plus, there was the whole thing of Alex being her brother's bff, and that dynamic just seemed like it would be completely and totally weird. She couldn't imagine sleeping with someone who was super buddy buddy with her brother, it just didn't work out that way in her head.

Today, though, was a day where Jeremy was going to help Erin and Jade get some one on one time with the help of Val, and the two were gonna watch Lyn while Erin and Jade just got some time to be together. There was still a bit of tension between them that didn't allow for cohesion, so he figured he'd attempt to see if the two adults couldn't work that through a little bit and chip away at those lingering chips on their shoulders. The two had decided to take a stroll together, Erin suggested it so that they wouldn't feel stifled just sitting in a room possibly staring at each other in silence. He had no idea what to say really, he was still as stubborn as ever, but he was trying. He just didn't know exactly how to say what it was he wanted to and didn't want to mess things up any further than he already had. "It's good to have you back," he said, finally breaking the silence, "I'm sorry for how some of the things turned while you were gone, but I'm truly glad that you're back here with m...us." He wasn't truly sure how she felt, so he didn't want to jump the gun and assume anything on her end.

Jade had been falling into a routine waking up early feeding Lyn and walking with her child. She had Shane follow her a bit closer now. She would speak to him on a few occasions, just trying to wiggle back into the pack. The world she left was still the same yet different. Jade felt like an Outsider even more so now then before when she was bitten. Jade would was very protective now that her daughter had been threatened and she didn't take chances with her pup. Lyn was always attached to her mother's side. Her little body needed the warmth and she liked her mom's scent.

She played with her dad sometimes, because he had been around a bit more, but she was still standoffish with any one not her mom. She liked Jeremy and Val. She played with them only when she knew her mother was close by so she could run to those ever protective loving arms. Her blue eye's met her dad and she made a small face and laughed as he tickled her. she enjoyed making faces and him tickling her. She make him squeaking noises and just laughed. Lyn was still very shy and didn't talk much except for when her and her mom were alone.

Jade had spoken to Val and they spoke of Alyssa it brought a snarl to her lips. Val new how she felt about the girl. She said give her a try and she would when the girl tried to stop stealing her mate. She was glad to hear someone was rooting for her. Felt like Val was the only one. Jade still hadn't been alone with or talked to Erin. Not with Lyn attached to her 24/7. Jade wanted Lyn to feel safe and comfortable.

When Jeremy and Val said they take Lyn for a bit. Jade hesitated, yes her pup liked them, and yes her pup was okay with them, that however was when she was near by. She rarely left Lyn with people even when she worked in the city Lyn went to work with her more often then not. She went to Hand Lyn over and Lyn went and looked at her grandfather then mother with a whine. She wanted Jade back. Jade leaned down and spoke soft words in her ear. Which spoken sounded odd, but Jade had taught her 3 year old Gaelic. Lyn was smart and picked up every word Jade said to her, she could only reply in a few words, but understood her mother perfectly. Jade had said" I love you my flower be back soon. Be good." She kissed Lyns head and stepped back. Jade was freaking out on the inside of leaving her pup behind. She walked out with Erin and cringed at Lyn screaming for her mom. Most of the pack groaned for them to shut the kid up.

Jade wanted to go back, but she couldn't yet. Her heart hurt and was pounding as she looked back at the house. She didn't want to be away from Lyn for to long. She kept her arms around her. Taking a mother from her pup was probably not the best thing. Jade walked with Erin in silence. He started pulling her from her thoughts." It's nice to be back." She said simply. It wasn't a total lie, it was nice to be back, she was still slightly uncomfortable as the day she came here more then 3 years ago. The ring around her neck swung and she held it in her hand moving it side to side a nervous habbit she had picked up." Things happen, no need to apologize." She said and looked at him glad to be back here with you and the rest of the pack, Lyn Likes it here she just a little more cautious is all." Jade said."She likes you. She told me the other night at bath time. she said." and I quote I hope to have a daddy like him someday. So I told her you were her father. She seemed pleased and just nodded her head and kept bathing." Jade said. She smiled and looked down shaking her head. She wasn't sure how else she could mend this or break the tension between them. Their wolves were definitely chomping at the bit to be connected with its mate once more. " So... Whats been going on in your life? you can spare me the things I could live with out knowing" Jade said. she was hinting at Alyssa. Her mind tried to forgive that but couldn't still. He told her, they got closer as he talked and they walked.

Jades hand slipped into his and she sighed as he asked her about her life."Hmm let me see. I was pregnant when I showed up to the city. No money, no clothes, nothing. A nice older gentleman took me in and clothed me. He had kids and well they didn't visit any more so he wanted to share stories with me. He was rich so working was not a issue. I just sat and talked the day and night away with him. About life and things we wished to do. He was very kind. He never questioned my pregnancy nore when I came to the house one night with a beautiful baby girl in my arms after only being 4 months pregnant. He just took it, said I don't want to know, all I know is I trust you and I can't let a child stay out in the cold. He died a few months later leaving Lyn and I everything. All I did was stay and talk to the old man. We sold the house and moved to an apartment. I saved the money and got a job as a model, my boss helped out and well Lyn spent every day with me after that. She is small for her age. I do hope she grows a bit more before turning 5. So I work a lot and well yeah that's all I did besides give my everything to Lyn. I was distracting myself from my real problems as don would say the old man. He was really awesome." She said of the found memory of the man. she looked up and apologized. "Erin look I was going to come back, I just had to learn to live with what I was, what I did and who I was. I didn't know who I was, Maybe I still don't." Jade sighed and stopped walking. She let out a slow breath and closed her eye's. Jade felt tears in her eye's. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself for comfort. It had been all she had, sometimes even Lyn couldn't push away the depression. She rarely cried and for her to do so in front of her mate was also rare. She never did it before. Her daughter really had changed her a lot. She felt his arms slip around her. Jade turned and buried her face into her Mates chest his scent filled her nostrils.

The scent comforted her and soothed her and yet she cried into her mate with a sob," I am so so sorry Erin." She said through her tears. She had been so lonely with out him and her daughter could only do so much, she needed her mate. Her body was pressed into him. Her eye's finally looked up at him under her hair. She wasn't sure if he was just being nice or actually cared.


Lyn sat screaming as her mom left. She didn't know why she left her. Lyn just cried and cried. She breathed in and looked at Jeremy and Val. She wiggled down and ran for the door only to be picked up by Val. Lyn cried and kicked to get to her mom and the door. The child finally quited to a whimper and hid into her blanket. Lyn wanted her mommy, she was in need of her mother's comfort. She was still in Vals arms, but would dart the minute she was set down. Jeremy tried everything , juice, snacks, sweets, and her stuff. However Lyn wasn't having it. She would just start crying again and say no. She wanted her mommy, Jeremy looked at Val with a sigh." Kids determined and I get where she came from. However dang attached she is to Jade. I don't know how she does it, having her attached to her 24 /7 is probably hard work." He said showed Lyn a stuffed animal." Nooo I want mommy." She cried and hid into her blanket. Lyn was very stubborn and wanted her mom. She could even go for her dad." I want mommy or daddy." She cried and sniffed. Lyn was still crying even when her parents got back.

Jeremy was thankful when they did come back a hour and half later." Thank the gods." He said. Jade lifted an eye brow. She was holding Erin's hand." What happened?" Jade asked worried."Nothing she wouldn't stop crying said she wanted you or Erin." He told Jade. Jade was suprised. She looked at Erin and would let him pick Lyn up. Lyn stopped crying when Erin took her in his arms. She sniffed and just hid into him. Her thumb went to her mouth and she went still in his arms then smelling her mother she moved and leaned for Jade. Jade took her pup and she wiped her daughters face." Aww hey I said I be back baby." Lyn just sniffed and sucked her thumb tiredly. Her body leaned to Erin and her arm reached for him. She made him hold her as she lay on him and held him tightly. Her thumb in her mouth and eye's closing her hand rubbed her tired eyes. The room was silent for a bit." She needs to go nap" Jade said to Erin and nods to go upstairs and continue talking on the balcony while Lyn slept.

They had certainly grown closer over their walk together; sharing things with one another just brought them a step closer to how things had been years ago. He loved her from the bottom of his heart and would do absolutely anything for her, but a tiny bit of him still resented her for leaving him behind. While she was most certainly his mate and the mother of his child, he also still had a connection, albeit only a sexual one, to Alyssa. He had been torn up when his mate had left him and Alyssa had been there to pick up the slack and keep him from completely crumbling. He knew that he should dissolve such feelings now that Jade was back, and although he was trying to do so, he found it rather difficult to simply toss aside someone who had stood by him for so long. However, he managed to keep Alyssa far from his mind while he was with Jade, she needed him and he needed both her and Lyn, and that's all that mattered.

He was happy that with the passing days, Lyn had been more receptive to him, that was most evident when they had returned from their walk and Lyn allowed him to pick her up and even became quite calm in his arms. A big grin crossed his face, he cherished the reality that he was father, and mentally vowed to tear apart anyone who would see harm to his daughter or the mother of his child. His wolf agreed wholeheartedly with this sentiment, as well as grew restless for another kind of hunger. He missed his mate, longed for her, and his anxiety was slowly mounting. Erin knew better than to press her in that manner, knowing that there was still time needed to heal. As they put Lyn down for a nap and stepped out on to the balcony, Erin leaned against the concrete ledge and looked out onto the property and woods it lead in to. He recalled the secret rendezvous spots that they had out there, the fun they use to have, the exciting tryst they use to have. A lot had changed over the past few years; there was the infighting amongst other packs, there was betrayals, there were threats beyond themselves that threatened their very lives, and on top of that, there was the fact that Erin was next in line to lead all of them. It was a major responsibility, one that he didn't think of lightly.

He let out a sigh, hoping that the weight on his shoulders would lift the tiniest bit. It didn't. "So much has changed and there's still more to come," he spoke aloud, not really toward Jade, "I'm just hoping that we get through this before things really change." He was referring to the current infighting between packs and the fact that he was to be the next Alpha. The stress of the responsibility had been weighing on him for a while now, but he knew his father wouldn't leave the pack in his hands unless he knew he was ready. He also knew his father's way of teaching though, and he worried that he'd end up in that position when he felt he wasn't ready to take the lead. His father had a way of always thinking he was ready and prepared before he himself thought so, it was a pet peeve he had with his father. The man never really let on to what was going on in his head, and seemed to just decide things on his own. "The packs are at war with one another and we possibly stand to lose out," he was a bit frustrated thinking about all that had transpired in the span of the last few years, "We're either gonna have to force the other pack to subjugate before us or wipe them out. That's the way it'll have to be," he said, he was now talking to Jade about the situation they found themselves, "As for those hunting us, I'll listen to what my father says on how to handle them, but I think that one less of them in the world makes us a lot safer. Human or not, a threat is a threat, and needs to be dealt with. I, for one, don't plan to give quarter to an enemy of ours, not when I have you, my daughter, and this pack to think about."

His head was swarming with thoughts and anxiety, his wolf was riled up a bit, but that was normal. He needed a sense of normalcy, but that feeling wouldn't be coming for a long while. He needed his mate, but again there was only so much he could expect from her right now. He considered the alternative for a moment before tearing his thoughts away from that, he didn't want to have to start back at square one and he didn't have time to deal with the drama that would assuredly follow such a decision. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, both a literal and figurative one. He rubbed the ring around his neck, slowly turned to Jade, cupping the back of her neck and bringing their foreheads together. He stayed like this for a few moments, gathering his thoughts as he took in both her scent and the scent of his daughter that clung to her. Their scent eased his mind better than he was able to, with eyes closed he stood like this for another 10 seconds before releasing her after kissing her forehead. "There's work to be done." His statement seemed vague, but it stretched to a whole bunch of areas with they were dealing with. He grinned and gave a chuckle as he moved back to the banister, looking from Jade to Lyn and then back out to the scenery before them. Things were probably going to get worse before they got better, but he knew that if he could make it through those tough times, the good and pleasant moments were just on the other side. He simply had to survive through the mayhem and make sure everyone else did as well. No pressure, right?

Jade sighed as he spoke and listened and when he started to direct it at her, she looked at him." I would never ask you to do that, that is the families land. I will stand by you and we will stop this infighting, hopefully it doesn't come to wiping out the other pack." Jade said and rubbed the ring around her neck. She did it for comfort and she seemed to look down at it. Her heart was skipping a beat as he looked over at her. Her wolf wanted out, wanted to be with him. Their was still the need to heal but she could feel the tug, the want, the need stronger then ever now that she was at his side again. she would have to go for a run soon or, she would change with out wanting to in front of Lyn. She felt him cup the back of her neck and placed their forheads together. She breathed in deep and sighed at his scent. Her eye's on her mate , when he kissed her head. Her eye's watched him pull away and say their was work to be done. She nods her head and bit her lip. She wasn't letting him leave it at that. Jade took her necklace off so he saw and took the ring off the chain.She slipped it onto her finger. Her hand slid to his and slipped her hand into it. She twined her fingers with his. Her other hand moved his chin gently to face her. Her lips pressed lightly to his. Jade Kissed him hoping he didn't push her away. When He didn't Jade sighed happily and kept her lips locked on his for a few minutes longer. Jade finally moved her lips back, when she heard Lyn, Lyn had padded to the open balcony door" Ahhh and their is our little one." She said and turned to look at Lyn. Lyn toddled over and looked up at her parents. She held her arms up to Erin. Jade smiled as she was getting attached to Erin.

Lyn looked at her dad with round blue eyes and sighed." Daddy can we go home I want my moogles." She said. Jade stopped a minute and hit her head with her hand lightly. She had forgotten Lyns favorite stuffed animal. Jade bit her lip as their daughter gave her dad big eye's." Please daddy Lyn begged." She was sniffing and looking at him like she was going to cry. Jade stepped up." Erin just for a day, I don't have any clothes here and Lyn needs clothes. Just a day Erin you me and Lyn, a little more bonding for the 3 of us away from this and you can see my place out their." She said gently. When Erin finally agreed they go tomorrow. They went to ask Jeremy and Jeremy looked at Lyn and her round eyes." Yes one day then be back by sun down." He said. He thought a good idea the 3 get away from the pack and spend just them time."Oh and 2 days after you get back, we are having the mate ceremony. Neither of you have a choice, your sharing a bed now, I have scented Erin in your room often Jade, so that's it and you two will do the ceremony." He said. Jade nods and stepped out when they were dismissed. She looked at Erin"So I guess we're allowed to go"She said.Lyn went to her mom and clung to her." Mommy when can we get Moogles." She asked."Tomorrow my beautiful flower." Jade said gently. Lyn giggled when Jade tickled and kissed her. Jade growled playfully at her pup. Her pup growled back and Jade just laughed smiling."Mmm your so cute I could just eat you." Jade joked and nuzzled kissed her daughter. Lyn squealed and laughed."Mommy." She said."Okay okay." Jade said laughing. Lyn lay her head into her mom. They had still been eating upstairs away from the pack. Jade was happy because Erin was staying away from Alyssa. She hadn't smelt the pup on him in a good while and her scent had taken over and was a lot stronger. Jade didn't want the girls scent near her pup. However she was talking to Shane and Alex more. Jax still got glares and growls.


Erin still always came in after Jade slept however that evening He has come in to come sleep with them after they were bathed. Lyn snuggled between her parents and fell fast asleep. When the Am, rolled about Jade rolled over and slowly sat up with a yawn. She woke Lyn gently, and dressed herself and her child. she went to wake Erin. A hand went to his Cheek gently, " Babe...Erin we have to go it is a 3 hours drive to the city." She said gently. She let him get up and get dressed. She went down to the truck and helped Lyn in. she turned when she heard a goal. Jax was their With Alyssa."Where do you think your running off to. " He snapped and saw Lyn. Jade stepped in front of her daughter with snarl." To The city to grab my things. Erin is on his way down, so if you want another beating then go a head attack me and try to keep Lyn here." She was snarling. Shane walked over and looked at Jade and Lyn and Jax and Alyssa." Back off you two now go take a run Erin is on his way she isn't running." He snapped and looked at Jade."Hey calm down, don't want to phase in front of Lyn I have your back, it is okay." He said

When Erin got out front finally the others backed away and Jade hopped in the passenger seat. She kept Lyn close out of protection and when they were on the road she just let Lyn lay between her and Erin. She talked with Erin and she was smiling gently as they spoke. She enjoyed his company more and more every day. She directed him to a cafe by her apartment. She got food and coffee for them.

At her apartment Jade smiled at the door man as she walked up with Lyn." Welcome Back Miss Jade, You and miss Lyn okay." He asked. "Yeah, Miles this is Lyns dad and my..Fiance." Jade avoided the word mate. He nods and she walked up to her apartment

Jade unlocked the door and let Lyn walk in. Lyn looked around and ran for her room. She took the stuffed Ragged bunny off the bed and ran out to her dad and showed him." Lyn baby come on,come sit at the table to eat." She said and went grab something from the fridge for Lyn to drink. She sat down and gave Erin a bagel and Lyn her bagel with water downed apple juice

Lyn looked at Erin." Daddy want a bite?" She asked him.

Erin had been curious to find out how exactly his fiancé had been living since she ran off, and it seemed that it wasn't as bad as he thought. It was certainly leagues below what he would allow for his daughter and the mother of his child, but that was something that he would keep to himself. He had them both by his side now, so there was no real reason to dredge up old stuff. "So this is the infamous Mr. Moogles," Erin said with a grin, looking at the worn rabbit. As they sat at the table he took his daughter's offer for a bite, and nibbled a piece of her bagel. He couldn't help but smile as he sat there at the table. Looking at this current scenario one would never guess that they were anything but a normal family, and yet they were much more than that. The place was rather small for his liking, though he could see it being adequate for two people.

"So this is where you were holed up?" he tried not to sound as condescending about her living space as it may have sounded, he had a bit of a smirk on his face, "And what was it exactly that you did while you were here?". He made silly faces with Lyn as he ate his bagel. While he understood her reasoning for running off, he couldn't wrap his mind around living amongst humans at all. They were just so inferior in comparison to them, or at least those that were your average humans. The Hunters weren't even on their level, they were simply a hindrance to their survival. To Erin, humans were simply in the way beings, they were a minute obstacle that coexisted with them, and was better left alone. Like Hunters, Erin felt that humans had quite the knack for trying to kill that which they didn't understand, and because of that he usually kept his distance from them. Jade, obviously being the exception, because there was something spectacular and special about her. Looking at his blue-eyed little girl he was filled with overwhelming joy. He thought he'd be more put off by the fact that he was coming to the place that Jade has runoff to, but he found that he was okay. It was like getting to peek at what it was she was going through and dealing with while she was away.

As he sat reflecting on all that had befallen them over the past couple of years and recently, he couldn't help but grin a bit. A lot had gone down, some for the better and some just happened. He was about to ask Jade a question when his cell began to vibrate. It was a few text from Alex and Alyssa.

Alex: So how are things going there? Hope you managed to keep your temper under control. Heard that Jax and Alyssa gave Jade a hard time about leaving the house lol...guess they weren't informed of your little day trip. Try not to be too harsh on them.

Alyssa: I wanted to apologize for what happened between Jade and I this morning, I though she was trying to run away again. I'd appreciate it if you came to at least talk to me at some point when you get back. I feel like you've completely neglected my presence in the pack now that she came back.

Erin sighed. He decided talking to Alyssa when he got back couldn't hurt too much, plus he had been actively ignoring her, and felt that it wasn't completely the right the way he was treating her.

Jade nods as he asked with a condescending tone." Yeah it's nice ,but not over the top, I make enough to afford more, but I didn't want Lyn to think she was entitled so I kept it simple yet safe for her." Jade said. She watched Lyn eat her bagel and ate slowly as well." I was slash am a model." She said. She didn't even skip a beat Jade made a lot of money and she enjoyed spoiling her daughter some times. She did not do it often. Jade had a wonderful understanding of the humans since she use to be one, and living amongst them the last 3 years had made her feel more at ease then when she had been in the pack. She had never felt truly welcome. She knew she wasn't really welcome now. However it was a forced Co existing at the moment. Obviously not right at this moment in time. Jade had pictures up everywhere on mantels and picture frames. Her before she had Lyn during Lyn after she was born and few when she was 1 and 2. Jade loved her daughter. The old man she had stayed with was in some of the pictures. He was like a father to Jade and grandfather to Lyn, well had been, the man passed six months ago. Jade still took it a bit hard, she really did miss the old man who had taken care of her when she got here. The man loved Lyn and just adored them both. Both were like his family since they visited him more then his own family did and left everything to the two. Even his dodge Charger.

Jade saw Erin texting figured it was the pack or Jeremy. She ate and watched Lyn as Lyn looked at her with a small sad face. She went to ask what was wrong when her phone went off. Lyn picked it up and looked at the photo that popped up."Mommy it's Auntie Lydia." She said to her. Jade went to tell her not to answer ,but it was to late. "Lydi" Her daughter squealed answering the phone."Yeah Hi, no mommy." Lyn held up the phone. Jade took it with a small face. She forced a smile slightly. " Lydia hey, umm no sorry were only back to grab our things. Lyns dad is back in the picture and we're working it out....Lydia seriously shush, no for God sake look I am quitting telling Shaw today." She said and held up a finger and walked to her bedroom and sighed." Lydia, I need to work this out got it. Lyn needs her dad. Look we can talk still just not right now. Yeah bye hun." She said. Jade hung up and breathed in with a sigh. She sunk to the floor of her room and leaned her back on the wall. Jade had her eye's closed as she breathed in to calm herself. She probably should call Shaw and tell him too. Her hand went to her phone and she dialed his number and waited." Shaw I just wanted to say I am quitting you can do what you want with the apartment, I am moving my stuff out today." She said gently. She hung up with out even needing to say anything more. Jade didn't want to talk so she turned her phone off and threw her phone on the bed.

Finally making her way back out to the living room. She was stressed out and annoyed. She sighed and rubbed her eye brow which she normally did when she was stressed and was getting a migraine. " Lyn baby can you go pick your favorite toys and books and put them in the travel bag." She told her daughter. The girl nods and runs for her room. Jade goes about grabbing some hidden weapons from under the counter. She was safe when it came to Lyn and leaned on the counter as she thought on what she needed to bring with for her and Lyn. Jade was one to think methodically and she was just feeling over whelmed. She kept rubbing Her temples till she felt hands on her. She hadn't heard Erin move, yet she wasn't really focusing on Erin. she sighed and stood back up leaning into him heavily. He some how was making her feel safe again. Her mind was going a mile a minute as always. Though he knew her to well and his presence close or near her made her calmer and less stressed. She huffed as she thought on what she needed a little less stressed. She figured clothes and toiletries and maybe some snacks and toys for Lyn were her best bet. Jade definitely could live with out half of her closet for her night life here. She just leave them behind. So it wouldn't even be that much clothing. She take most of Lyns closet." Okay okay could you please please please Erin pack my dresser drawers and no dirtyness we have Lyn here." She said with a small smile up at him with a small wink and joke. She walked back for her room.

Erin had remained silent as Jade spoke on the phone, a bit irritated with how she had handled her talks. He felt that she was painting him as a man who had basically forced his way back into her life and was forcing her to uproot what life she had built her to go away with him. This agitation carried over and stacked when she finished her conversation with Shaw, as her way of dealing with the matter had the potential to make this situation difficult. She had rushed the man off the phone not giving him time to speak, which he both liked and disliked, as this action might force him to show up here to confront her. If that were to happen, Erin knew that his temper would get the better of him. He understood that Jade had been human once, and because of that this place was a comfortable fallback for her and a familiar environment, but she needed to understand that she was no longer a part of this world...or at least not in the fashion that she had once been. Lyn was also no longer to be connected to this world like Jade had been before she had been turned, and although they hadn't really talked at length about the fact that Lyn would really never be leaving the Pack, he wasn't looking forward to that discussion. Jade and him had been getting on quite nicely and he wasn't about to sabotage a good thing if it could be avoided, but if she did ever try to leave and take his daughter from him...it would not go down so easily.

At the mention of helping her pack her things without "dirtiness", he chuckled and began to help her pack. He waited a few minutes until Jade got into the flow of her packing to make his move, cradling his arms around her waist and pulling her into him tightly but lovingly. He placed his mouth by her ear, "Not even a little bit?" he asked in a joking manner, however, he nuzzled her neck and began to gently kiss up and down it, nipping at her sensitive flesh ever so tenderly. He proceeded with this behavior for less than a minute before letting her go, cupping his hand and slapping her on her butt, producing a moderate *CLAP* sound, and with a smile on his face went back to packing her things. She was his woman, his other halve, his one true love, and he'd die before he let another man or anything come between him and her.

Things were soon gonna get really heated around the Pack, and he knew that things were probably gonna take a turn for the worse before they got better. He wasn't quite satisfied with the way things had gone with the other Pack, they had made a grievous misstep by coming to their home the way they did. It was just another sign of disrespect, and one that Erin planned to make them regret. He may be next to carry the title as Alpha, but he still had some scores to settle. While his father would overlook such a grievance in light of the bigger picture, Erin was unable to look passed the blatant disrespect, especially where his family was involved. Thinking about that incident got him a bit riled up and his wolf as well was anxious to get his jaws wrapped around the throat of those who would bring harm to his mate. He shuddered as the anger lapsed and continued to pack, distracting his mind with thoughts of a better time, his mind drifting between both Jade and Alyssa.