An actor with a failing career from our Earth named Aeric does a good deed for the first time in his life and then shortly after dies. After dying he meets a god who gives him 3 random lotto's. Over time his cold heart opens up to the people around him and he becomes the peoples Hero/King and also a famous Celebrity. If you wish to support me and this work, feel free to donate. I'll try to pump out some extra chapters on the story that you want.
The ocean on this world was just as huge as it was on my old world, but thanks to me being able to fly high above, covering great distances and the fact that I could sense ki signatures, I found Atlantis within half a day.
Many Atlanteans were extremely racist towards land walkers like myself because we pollute their oceans, which was why I assumed I would probably not be warmly welcomed.
I had two options, the first option was to go directly to their doorstep and introduce myself and the other was to be a bit more covert and deceptive. I could use the actors wardrobe and make myself appear Atlantean, but as soon as someone talks to me, the jig would be up due to me not being able to talk underwater. I might have been able to with ventriloquism, because it magically threw my voice wherever I wanted within 20 feet, but I had never tested it out underwater before.
I thought it would be best to go directly to their doorstep. So I wouldn't be turned away, id bring Aquaman a gift. I was the only person in this world that knew his brother Orm was plotting against him and would make a move very soon. He would probably not believe me at first, because I'm a stranger accusing his brother, but after a certain amount of time, he would start to believe.
Making up my mind, I headed directly to the large dome that housed Atlantis on the ocean floor. When i arrived, I came upon something that was not within my plans. It appeared that Mera's sister Hila was on her way to attack Atlantis with a few friends. I made a new plan right away.
I opened the system and bought a new magical instrument for 10,000c and a song for 100c, leaving me with 48,500c. It was my first ever magical instrument bought from the system since I had leveled it up and unlocked them. Hila although a brat and black sheep of her family, was not necessarily evil. Sure she didn't like her sister or Aquaman, but she was currently under mind control by Kandor, which influenced her current behavior.
Moving quickly I subdued her helpers with my strength. They were strong, but I was stronger. When I was done, I knocked out Hila and brought her to the surface to a nearby deserted small island. As she was still knocked out, I set up my new magical electronic piano, computer, and my mic. I saw no reason to change into my celebrity appearance, Hila was an Atlantean and she loathed land people. Even if she didn't, she wouldn't be invested in pop culture enough to know who I was.
I had secured Hila with one of the many manhunter cuffs that I had picked up while on Ajuris 5, I could break out of them, but she couldn't.
After recording a beat on my computer that was to play shortly after I started the piano, I stood in front of my mic and prepared to sing. This would be the first ever time I've sung to just one person and technically I didn't have to, I just needed to play the magical piano, but I enjoyed singing and I didn't like to half do things. I had chosen a fitting song for the occasion.
Seeing Hila start to wake up, I began to sing Ocean eyes in the style of Noah Raquel.
🎶♪🎵I've been watchin' you for some time
Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes🎶♪🎵
Hila had woken up and was struggling against the cuffs until the magical piano's anti mind control magic started to affect her. The more I played the more docile she appeared. I continued the song.
🎶♪🎵No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
I've been walkin' through a world gone blind
Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind
Careful creature made friends with time
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes🎶♪🎵
As I was singing, I saw a mixed bag of emotions appear on Hila's face. She went from angry, to tranced, to angry again, then to being relaxed, and finally embarrassed. A tint of red flushed her cheeks. I didn't stop, not only because I wanted to finish the song, but also because I didn't know for sure if she was still under mind control or not.
🎶♪🎵Seye naeco esoht)
(Seye naeco ruoy otni 'nillaf)
Da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da (Hgih siht etiuq morf nellaf reven ev'I)
(Deracs m'I) Da-da-da-da-da-da
Da-da-da (Seye naeco esoht em evig uoy nehw)
Mmm (Yrc em ekam ot woh wonk yllaer uoy)
Mmm (Riaf on)
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes🎶♪🎵
As I finished up, I noticed Hila's blue eyes looking directly up at mine and so I decided to speak to her after putting my voice magic back on. "Kandor had put you under a mind control and you were on your way to attack Atlantis, I did you a favor and removed the mind control, but I plan to take you to Atlantis to face your sister and her husband the King of Atlantis. Any objections"?
Hila looked somewhat sad. I figured it was due to knowing Kandor, the man she loved, had betrayed her trust and violated her mind. Or maybe it was just because I brought up her sister? I honestly didn't know.
"I object, I don't want to see my sister" she replied.
I chuckled out loud. "Objections noted, but were going anyway Hila"
Hila upon hearing her name finally realized something and spoke up. "How do you know so much about me and Atlantis? and that song, was it about me?" she asked with expectant, curious, and hopeful eyes.
I bent down, took off her cuffs, and replied to her question. "I know a lot about a lot, and as for the song? I felt it appropriate for this occasion, don't read too far into things."
Hila looked down, seemingly somewhat sad. "oh.." She said. She had never had someone sing a song just for her that seemed to be written for her, the moment had stirred something within her heart.
I tossed the cuffs into my inventory and looked down at her, "Come willingly, I don't want to have to force you to go".
She looked upset at my words "You couldn't force me if you wanted to and I'm not going".
This fuc*in' brat, I thought.
I walked over to her, picked her up, bent her over my knee, smacked her ass three times, then tossed her over my shoulder and then headed to Atlantis.
Her face was red as an apple and she had tears forming in her eyes. I laughed out loud like a demon upon seeing it, which made her even more upset as she punched and kicked at me to no avail.