
Unexpected Gains

It was too late, it had started.

The excruciating pain tore through my body as the systems bone infusion worked its magic. I lay on the cold vault floor, my bones being encased in layers of whatever metal the systems weapon is made out of, each layer adding to the agony that consumed me. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I clenched my fists, trying to endure the torment.

I had known that this process would be painful, but nothing could have prepared me for the sheer intensity of it. Amidst the torment, I began searching for a way to ease the pain, to find some respite from this torture.

My fingers fumbled around in the systems inventory, searching blindly for anything that could help me. Then, as if guided by some unseen force, my hand closed around a small, jagged fragment that I had grabbed up with a number of other materials on Kamjar ro's pirate ship. Unknowing to me at that time or even as I grabbed it now, It was a piece of the Valley of Juru, soaked in Kryptonian magi blood. Without thinking, I brought it to my mouth, hoping beyond hope that it would bring relief and prevent me from biting off my tongue.

As I bit down on the fragment, a searing burst of pain ripped through my mouth. The shard wasn't strong enough to endure my bite and broke, cutting into my gums, walls of my mouth, and tongue, mixing with my own blood. Something extraordinary happened in that moment, something beyond my comprehension. The combined forces of the magick within the fragment, the kryptonian magi dna, and the systems bone infusion process interacted within me, intertwining with each other.

I may have not known this process was happening within me at this time, but I had already consented to the change and so the system could not stop. Error after Error notification popped up as I was crying from the pain, It felt worse than the system had described.

The system which was supposed to just coat and infuse my bones in it's durable healing metal was also infusing my bones with Kryptonian Magi blood and coating them with the valley of juru shard magic as it mixed with the metal. Each new sheet that was etched onto my bones burned worse than the ones earlier.

Suddenly a surge of energy coursed through my body, and my vision blurred momentarily. When it cleared, I saw the world around me in a completely different light. Colors seemed more vibrant, and every object held a strange, mystical aura. But it was the Ki that was building up behind my eyes that startled me the most. I somehow had unintentionally started accumulating it within my eyes, something Saiyans shouldn't be able to do. From the mouth? Maybe. Eyes, not so much.

I blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of the new sensations overwhelming my eyes. And then it happened—I focused my gaze on a nearby wall, and an intense green beam with arcs of orange lightning flashing around it erupted from my eyes, if it had been a normal wall and not my house, I'm sure it would have melted. I gasped in awe.

"System what is this?"


Kryptonian Magi DNA and Kryptonian Magic was introduced into your blood and filled your body as I was infusing and coating your bones. It was too late to stop the procedure, so I cooperated with the new elements and continued with the infusion once I realized they would not harm you. Due to the unintended infusion, your body is now resistant but not invulnerable to magic, you can see through most magic, and you have developed a unique magic heat vision that can greatly damage those that are vulnerable to magic or magic themselves.


Is this also a form of karma? searching within myself, I felt no clear changes aside from feeling slightly heavier. "System has my dna been altered? Am I part Kryptonian now?"


Host's dna has not been changed to Kryptonian, but Kryptonian dna and magic have instead been grafted and infused into and onto your bones giving you magic vision and magic resistance. It is a mystical change, not a genetic one. What little of the Kryptonian DNA that was pumping through your blood had been dominated by your superior Saiyan genes. You may have been one of a kind before, but now you are even more so. The mystical changes happened in the form of vision due to it's Kryptonian origin.


I understood, but I also did not understand the systems explanation. So basically I now have Kryptonian magic etched into my new metal bones? I looked in the system inventory and noticed I had no other shards of juru rock. Considering Kanjar ro had kryptonite and juru rock on his ship, I'm guessing he had come upon a chunk of Krypton at one point and had just mined it or he stole from someone that did.

I decided to practice my new magic vision, I realized it was as simple as building up ki within my eyes and releasing it. It was a lot faster than my usual ki blast's and took less time use, but it was also a lot weaker. It could probably only be used for small fry. It's burning capabilities were not as great as superman's and nowhere near as good as omega beams. It could burn through metal at a decent speed and I could control the heat output, but that was just the heat aspect of it. The beams were woven with magic and could harm those that are weak to magic or magic themselves. I had not encountered magic enemies so far, so I didn't know how dangerous they were, having this power may be helpful.

Not fully trusting my system, I walked out into the sunlight for a second to see if it would give me extra strength or make the heat beams more intense. It did not. It was purely powered by Ki. I felt this situation was a lot like the flash being struck by lighting as chemicals splashed on him or Spiderman being bitten by the fateful spider. This was a very comic book like situation to be in.

I had no plans to test out my new bones, enemies will do that for me and I honestly had no idea how I would test them out.

Filming Crew's HD Hidden Camera that I had bought from the store was basically just a recording system not visible to others that could record from any pov I want within 20 feet of me. It could also be uploaded through the system onto the internet. I had bought this for criminal confessions and my singing work.

Testing out Perfect Ventriloquism that I had also bought a bit ago, I could throw my voice almost anywhere I wanted. This could come in handy, but I mostly got this one for fun. All business and no play is never good.

I felt a sudden urge to train with my newfound abilities, but I also hadn't visited the ocean in a while to train at the ocean floor. Today being a break day, maybe it was time to visit Atlantis?

This is the only non Saiyan power up, aside from technology and the future lotto draw that our MC will recieve for at least all the future chapters I already have planned out. I'd like to stress that this power up although Kryptonian in nature, is nothing like Supermans heat vision. It is a mix of Ki and magic.

Level1Goblincreators' thoughts