

I was made to destroy, I was made without feelings, I was made to spread The Gift, I have...I had a purpose, but I wanted to feel and he makes me feel. Now I have to choose, My purpose or the man who showed me color. My obsession. Connor... An orphanage conducts a secret experiment on the children, they're discovered by the government when the entire place is set ablaze and everyone is found dead. All but one, her name is Cara and she has been let out into the world. She will spread The Gift.

chenemi · ไซไฟ
18 Chs

The Daymare


I jerked awake and my heart pounded hard and fast, I could feel my clothes soaked in sweat and a single drop running down my cheek…or maybe they were my tears, I couldn't tell.

I just knew that at that moment I was scared and in an unfamiliar place, my breathing was erratic and I felt like I was close to a panic attack.

Where did they go?

I looked around and all I saw was him…Timothy, was crouched down in front of me, his hands holding my shoulders and his eyes filled with worry…why? I didn't understand.

"Are you okay?"

I stared back into his eyes, no reason to shy away from eye contact. His brown eyes looked like chocolate when he was worried I concluded in my head, he was also breathing heavily like he also just woke up from a nightmare about being drowned in a pool of his sisters' blood.

"You were crying in your sleep, it was so hard to wake you up…you just wouldn't budge," He explains like I asked him for it. His hands drop from my shoulders but he doesn't leave his crouching position, he continued to stare at me waiting to see if I was fine. It got me confused. Why was he worried about me? I am just a person he met a few hours ago and yet here he is in front of me asking if I'm okay.

I have to admit it made my heart waver, I have been having these reoccurring dreams for the past eight years yet he, Timothy, the annoying yet good-looking stranger was the first person to ask if I was okay.

He didn't say words like 'grow up' or 'stop being weak'

"I'm fine," I heard myself say, my voice sounded foreign to my ears, I had not heard it since I answered the questions the police had asked me months ago. I didn't even speak to the therapist that was assigned to me, I wrote on a piece of paper whenever we had our meetings yet here I was talking to the most annoying person I've ever met.

He seemed surprised that I replied, I found his expression funny, I chuckled and he smiled as well but it looked strained, he was probably wondering how I could laugh when I just woke up from a nightmare or daymare in my case. The emotions the dreams evoked only lasted a few minutes then after that I'm back to my dandy self. It is how I was raised, there is no room for anything else.

"Do…you want to talk about it?"

Nope, not in a million years.

My expression changed back to the one I was used to and I felt my facial muscles ease. He seemed to get the message as he nodded, meaning he understood.

For some reason, I was grateful he didn't probe any further because even though I wouldn't have given him a reply, I would still get uncomfortable...I would still have to think about it.

He finally got up and went back to his seat, his eyes still on me like he was scared I would start crying again.

Speaking of which…

I touched my face and felt the wetness and stickiness, it annoyed me to no end.

I looked out the window and noticed it was darker outside and the only reason why it still seemed like daytime was the fucking bright bulb above our heads.


I felt out of sorts and I noticed when I realized I was returning Timothy's glances, I was gradually losing the strength to ignore his presence.

I got up and stretched my body, groaning in satisfaction, I slept well but now I need to get clean before I puke on myself…now that wouldn't be ladylike.

Each of our stupidly expensive cabins came with its bathrooms and the only reason I would have to leave here is if I get hungry and I want to head to the bar and restaurant to fill my stomach.

It was very convenient which was why I didn't feel a thing while making a dent in the money that was given to me by the government out of pity.

I bought the second-best ticket just so I could enjoy my experience, if it wasn't for Timothy I'm sure this would already be a five-star experience in my head.

I took out my thick yet comfortable nightwear with the cotton blanket I had purchased at the entrance of the station out of my suitcase. My suitcase was not a suitcase to others but a trunk but I prefer the term suitcase, it sounds fancy.

I set them down on the seat big enough to be called a small mattress…which still fascinates me. The cabin was spacious, unlike any other train I'd seen on TV.

I began to undress, already picturing myself in the shower with hot water pouring g on my skin…the feeling...

I heard a choke as I unhooked my bra. Timothy had gone completely red and his eyes were wide, he seemed to be in shock and I wondered why.

"Why…why are you doing that here?" He stammers, cute.

"Doing what?" I spoke again, I completely removed my bra and folded it like I was taught, that seemed to affect Timothy as he turned around and face the wall like the weirdo he is, I was not surprised. I took off my underwear and relished the feeling of freedom I was feeling at that moment.

"Oh, God! Do you just take your clothes off in front of anyone?"

"Yes, why?"

He became a stuttering mess after my reply, I ignored his incomprehensible mutterings and walked into the bathroom.

It was neat, I observed. It wasn't as big as the one at the orphanage or my therapist's house but it was at least spacious.

There was a shower curtain that separated the shower from the toilet…convenient. This means I don't have to wait for Timothy to finish showering if I'm pressed…just like at the orphanage.

I turned on the shower and fortunately, there was hot water, I increased the temperature till I was satisfied and sure that my skin would feel raw to the touch after I was done.

I carried my vanilla body wash with me, we were not allowed things like these at the orphanage but once I was free from there it was the first thing I asked for…I loved the scent…it smells better than what I grew up using.

Brown soap, they called it. They said it got rid of all the germs but yet it smelled like decomposed snail corpse. I can't help but think that the sisters just wanted to torture us with everything they could.

As my skin got used to the water I felt all the tension and tiredness wash away…it felt good.


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