
Byakugan In MHA

a normal person with no knowledge of the MHA vers get reincarnated in MHA vers ironic isn't it, fortunately wherever reincarnated him took pity on him and awarded him with Hyuga Neji temples so our story start but is it a hero or a villain story

Daoist276880 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

CH 01

It was a quiet night in Mustafu city, as the darkness seeped into the street of the city and the moonlight shined to give some light into the darkened city, the majority of the population has gone to sleep except some workaholic people who were still on their work.

But for some people it was the beginning of their day as it was easy to do their business in the cover of the night, these people are generally thieves, murderers and rapists or what they called villains...

But not all of them. there is a group of people known as underground heroes who generally like to fight crime in the night and avoid the popularity that comes with exposing themselves to the public as they are not looking for glory or money Io....

You ask what are talking about villains, heroes.....

Well, where to begin...

It started with a glowing child in China about 300 years ago, then similar cases started appearing all over the world, that marked the change of the world as we know it and the world of Quirk started...

Until the present where there is about 80% of the world population are born with quirks and the rest are quirkless...

And with the emerging of quirks, human nature began to resurface as people with powers began killing and stealing from the week and new racism born between the quirkless and those that we're born with quirk.....

That demanded the emergence of the heroes to start a new system in the society.....

Now musts as the home city of UA academy for heroes enjoy a very low crime rate as the number of heroes patrolling the city were too many to count...


From the sky of the city, we can see some of the houses are still lit and if we zoom in on some of the houses we can see a variety of scenes, happy ones and heartbreaking events.....

For example in a small house, we can see a green-haired kid watching a video of All Might debut with tears of despair pouring out of his eyes as he was told earlier that he was quirkless...

In another house not too far from the green-haired kid we see another blond-haired kid setting small explosions with his hands with a smirk on his face as he looked at the poster of the number one hero.....

But far away to the north of the city in a traditional Japanese house, and a big one at that, in one of the many rooms a child about 4or 5 years old woke up from sleep and glanced at the layout of his room as confusion could be clearly seen on his face

" it wasn't a dream" whispered the boy as his eyes widened in disbelief at his current predicament...

It wasn't every day you wake up in a different body and maybe in a different world...

As the boy was still in disbelief. a small headache assault him as the third set of memories emerged in his head.....

A couple of minutes later the boy sighted while getting up from his bad heading to the left side of the room where a large mirror was hung on the wall.....

Any doubt was killed instantly as the memories of this original body came crushing through him so he sighed again and looked at what greeted him in the mirror

"A super chibi version of Neji huh " a small laugh escaped his lips as he turned back toward his bad and sat in a cross-legged position.....

His three lifetime of memories were mixed in his head so it was time to meditate and sort through his memories...


About 2 hours later Neji opened his eyes as a hint of clarity could be seen on his eyes.....

After going through his memories he found that his first life and the second one was in perfect sync. The problem

Was the third life.....

Through his journey in memory lane, he found his identity in this new world

The name was Neji Hyouga a 4 years old kid that just awakened his quirk.....

The third member of the hyuga family and the son of Hyuga Natsumi and riegen.....

The mother Hyuga tsumi was a renowned doctor in the medical business due to her quirk 'x vision ' that allows her to see in x-ray vision.....

The father was Hyuga riegen a detective in the police force with his quirk ' zoom vision " that Allow him to zoom his vision like a camera.....

The kid Hyuga Neji was born with a mutation in his quirk as he was born with the qualities of both his parent quirks or simply we can refer to it as the byakogen...

But as the byakogen need a huge amount of energy to operate, it sucked the kid dry, finally killing him in the process.....

As it was just five hours ago that the child awakened his quirk and it was when he was going to sleep so his parents were oblivious to their kid death, Neji have the whole night to perfect his act so his parent won't have any doubt or suspicion and with a whole life of a shinobi memories, it was easy playing the character of a 4-year-old kid.....

Intending to test his quirk Neji subsequently did the hand seal to help him activate it

<Horse → Tiger → Boar → Rabbit → Rat → Dog → Boar → Rabbit → Rat → Dog → Ram.>

and whispered " Byakugan"

As his pupils become more distinct and the increased blood flow to his eyes caused the veins near his temples to bulge, Neji chuckled at the familiar sensation of using the byakugan...

His vision changed to a near-360º field of vision around himself, the walls of the room became blurry until they dissolved completely granting him a full view of the house, the silhouette of his parents changed into an image of a human nerve system drawn inside their bodies....

As Neji was experiencing the almost familiar feeling of the byakogan, a stinging feeling burned through his eyes into his brain and a feeling of dizziness assaulted him signalling the overuse of his quirk....

Squatting on his bad Neji returned to his meditation to ease the backlash of overusing the byakugen.....

Fifteen minutes later Neji opened his while a frown and scowl were plastered on his face it was a cute scene to see....

But Neji was not happy, he couldn't even use his quirk for more than a minute and that was not acceptable as he could remember of using it for more then 10 minutes when he was a kid in his second life...

While he was not happy, the solution was an easy one, awaken his chakra..

And why he was sure that he could awaken his chakra?? because he could see his chakra pathway earlier with his Bakugan.....

The chakra pathway he has appeared as if artificially added to his body and manifest in the form of tattoos( profile photo....)

Now all he needs to do is awaken his chakra.....