
Byakugan In MHA

a normal person with no knowledge of the MHA vers get reincarnated in MHA vers ironic isn't it, fortunately wherever reincarnated him took pity on him and awarded him with Hyuga Neji temples so our story start but is it a hero or a villain story

Daoist276880 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

CH 02

The morning was misty--it had

rained during the night--and

clouds hung heavy and low over the city of mustafu.

First, it was his alarm ringing then the sound of his parent downstairs getting ready for their day but what awakened him was the sound of the heavy rain outside ...

Neji opened his eyes and tapped his alarm to silence it, then with a lazy posture he walked toward the bathroom.....

Washing his head with the cold water then brushing his teeth, Neji gazed at the mirror.....

A full black long hair, white eyes without irises, and a couple of tattoos in multiple parts on his body and is that a ranctagulare shaped face...

Strolling toward the kitchen, Neji took his seat on the table and murmured " morning "

His father was seated across from him already munching on his breakfast, he was met with a tall build, dark hair and angular face, the most remarkable thing about him is his eyes that resembled a phone camera...

" morning sunshine, ready for the day " his father spoke while eating...

Neji didn't get a chance to respond as he was assaulted by his mother by kissing his cheeks

She was a tall woman with brown eyes and pale skin and a round face that screened cutely

" how is my cute little dimpling," Natsumi said while doping on her son...

Neji struggled from his mother hands as he pouted " mom, I am a big boy now, you can't just kiss me like that "

The father raigen chuckled " hah Natsumi dear, out Little Neji has grown up and doesn't need his parent anymore"

Natsumi faked a couple of tears " I guess it's time dear, our little boy has reached the stage where he needs to live alone "

Neji deadpanned at their fake drama and thought ' might as well go with the flow so he widened his eyes " that not what I mean "

But his father just frowned " huh, I will see to find a house for him, so help him pack his things alright "

Natsumi sobbed" all right, "

Neji rolled his eyes " hey that not funny, I might be a big boy but I still need you okay "

Raigen chuckled" we just messing with you, sunshine"


While the family of three finished their breakfast and Natsumi finished cleaning the table and served some green tea...

Raigen turned to his son " sunshine, what with all the tattoos on your body "

Natsumi pouted " our Little boy already rebelling against us huh "

Neji glanced at his parents with a small smile ' they can turn any situation into a soap drama " then he said " I awakened my quirk, and these tattoos are bonus package to my quirk "

And after a lengthy talk, most of it was Neji talking and explaining his quirk, the family meeting was adjourned into further notice.....

Adorning himself in his school clothes Neji was on his way to the KRO or better known as the quirk registration office, where every Japanese citizen has to register their quirk upon awakening...

It was a long-winded process from filling some papers, then a visit to the nearby doctor, then demonstrating the quirk...

Neji wasn't a fool, in his first life he was an adult already and in his second life he survived in shinobi ridden world so he didn't give everything about his quirk.....

His quick registration was as follows

Name: Hyuga Neji

Quirk: white eyes ( byakugen)

Quirk description: the quirk allows long-distance vision, plus and x-rays vision

Neji smiled while looking at his quirk certificate ' I'd be a fool to give free information while I don't even know who can read this information '


Kindergarten School was tedious and socialisation with four years old brats was just pure horror, remembering the past day experience Neji shuddered...

But learning about this world was very interesting indeed...

Very similar to his old world except for all the quirk thing and while not as dangerous as the elemental nation, it was still dangerous.....

As villains were kept at Bay by the symbol of peace and the number one hero, it was not a long term solution...

And building a whole city on just one pillar was a foolish idea because once that pillar crumbles the whole city will be buried with it....

So Neji was not going to relax and enjoy the peace and he was moor pressured to unlock his chakra...

It was dinner time and the family of the Hyuga's was enjoying a very hearty dinner while sharing their experience of the day

" mom, dad, I went to enrol into the dojo next block " mouthed Neji to his parents,

Natsumi and Raigen blinked and blinked again but it was Natsumi who sighed " physical exercise is a good idea but why now "

Neji nodded " duh, how I can be a hero if my quirk doesn't give me any offensive attacks "

Raigen frowned " you want to be a hero, but that a dangerous job "

Natsumi nodded fearfully " yes, and your quirk isn't really suited for the job "

Neji nodded " that I know, but is a detective job any less dangerous, dad "

The Hyuga couple frowned and was ready to ascertain their point of view but Neji spoke again " and that why I need to enrol into a dojo "

It was the mother this time "

but I wanted someone to pass my medical knowledge and your quirk is similar to mine, you will make a wonderful doctor, huh imagine all the people you can save "

Neji nearly rolled his eyes " who says you can't pass your medical knowledge and I can be like a medical hero, and remember how many people die while being transported to the hospital, so I can treat people at the place of the accident,"

Natsumi and rain were speechless and proud of their son proof of intelligence and ideals.....

And like that Neji started his journey into the hero profession