

It’s a world of dualism, the dominion of two opposing principles, one of which is good and the other evil. It all started when Lucifer Morningstar, the god of hell took an interest in Nyx, the goddess of night. An error so great but the Devil isn’t tamed. On a cold night when Erebus, Nyx's husband, was out at war, Lucifer, disguised as Erebus, paid a visit to Nyx and had a coitus with her. She only realized it was Lucifer after his disguise came off. She was filled with abhorrence towards him but later on, circumstances changed and they fell in love with each other. Soon after, she found out she was pregnant with Lucifer’s child. Chaos struck within the realms of supernatural beings until the Celestial Deity summoned all the gods of the realms. A Hybrid, called a “Lithian", had been created. It’s powers would exceed that of all gods and would rival that of the Celestial Deity. A decree was passed that the Lithian be killed. Nyx, with the heart of a mother, disagreed and pleaded alongside Lucifer for leniency. The Celestial Deity agreed out of curiosity and placed a curse on the child then he added that the child was to be sent to the Earth,the mortal realm, to live among the mortals(humans) without any protection from both parents and no knowledge of its origin. Afterwards, Nyx gave birth to a girl and named her Jophiel. The child was sent to Earth and lived among the mortals with the royal family of Decresh. Not knowing who or what she was, Alora bore the appearance of a human being, constituted of two irreducible elements - matter and spirit. This is the story of Brangwen...

VIKA · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


I opened my eyes and they were hit by the bright rays of the sun, I used my hand to shield my eyes as I raised myself from the bed.

"How did I...Why did I...", I stuttered. Questions barged into my mind like a flood into a house. My eyes were fully opened now and l could see the white bandage wrapped around my knuckles. I loosened it off both hands to see that my knuckles were already healed up after last night's wall fight. It didn't come as a surprise though, my wounds had always healed fast. Another reason I believe I am not like these people.

Suddenly, the flashbacks came running through my head like it had been suppressed. The light-skinned man, who was he? And why'd he help me? I couldn't remember how l got to bed either because my question wasn't answered and l lost consciousness after what happened. Then, a knock on my door interrupted my trail of thoughts, "Yes?".

Nora pushed the door open slowly and had a smile worn on her face, "Good morning, My Lady".

"Oh, it's you.."

"Can l prepare your bath now, My Lady?"

I nodded still pondering over my thoughts.

"If l may ask, are you okay?"

No, l wasn't. I was infuriated and confused at the same time. "Is there a visitor in the castle?" l asked.

"No, My Lady. The royal family of Luminor left last night already" she said with a confused expression.

"Mm, get on with your duty".

She nodded and went into the bathroom to prepare my bath. I swung my leg down and stood up, I slid down my dress before wrapping a towel around my body.

Nora walks out of the bathroom "It's ready, My Lady". I accompanied her into the bathroom and she began bathing me. Soon after, Nora helped me get dressed into a grey sweatpant and bra top with my hair packed into a ponytail.

"You may leave".

She nodded obediently and left.

I sighed heavily then left my chambers for the training grounds as was my daily routine. On arriving, l took a gulp of water from my bottle and dropped it on the floor. I grabbed my mittens and wore them on my hands then l began to punch the punching bag.

I needed to cool down for a bit and this was the best way I knew I could. I punched hard and with each strike, l released my anger. But still, l couldn't let go of the thought of who the strange man was. Why couldn't l stop thinking about him? I literally cared for no one so he shouldn't be different.

"Take it easy on the punching bag, it's not the reason for your anger."

I punched harder before shifting my gaze towards Serena. As my attention returned to the punching bag, it hit me and I fell backwards taking a rack of swords down with me, "ugh".

Serena ran towards me and extended an arm, "Are you okay?" I smacked her hand away, got back on my feet and walked past her setting myself before the bag again. She grabbed a sword from the floor and turned to me, "Fight me". I looked at her from the side and scoffed, "I'll hurt you".

"That's the point, hurt me. You're angry at me so vent on me, l deserve it" then a devious smirk formed on her lips "or are you scared I'll beat you?"

Now l turned to her, even more annoyed this time. "Your death will not be on me". Before taking another thought, I let my anger take control and moved towards her hastily delivering a punch to her cheek.

The sword fell from her hand as a bit of blood dripped down her nose, "That's all you got?" she said chuckling.

The nerve. I gave her a smack to the face with my backhand then proceeded for a roundhouse kick that I delivered to her midsection causing her to fall back, "weak".



I knew if l didn't fight back, Alora would surely kill me. I asked for this so l might as well fight back before dying. I got up quickly and threw a punch at her but she caught my hand and gave it a painful twist as she used her elbow to bulge my back. I groaned in pain "Ahh!" before falling to the ground.

This wasn't easy, Alora was a skilled fighter and l wasn't even up to her rank. This woman here, went to war when she was just 14 with a total of hundred soldiers against the enemy's five hundred and still came back victorious. Who was l kidding, l was as good as dead.

Before l could think of my next action, she grabbed my hair by the back and pulled me up as she kicked both my knees from behind. I fell to my knees then l felt another kick to my waist falling me on my side, I coughed severally and then I heard her yelling.

"SERENA!!!, I'll kill you" She yelled, I could sense the anger in her voice. I used the little bit of strength in me to roll over with my back against the ground. I gave her a warm smile and closed my eyes a bit as a tear rolled down my cheek "I'm sorry...." I could understand her pain or so l thought. I couldn't go through half of what she has been through, I deserved whatever she was doing to me.


I pounced on Serena with my fist raised above in the air with intent to punch her once more.

"D-do it...l deserve it"

She did but it'd rather be Pierre I'd have in this situation. I withdrew myself from her and left without a word, I wasn't going to shed any blood today.

I ran to the stables and mounted onto Darcy, my horse and rode off. I didn't know where l was going to but l needed to vent my anger somewhere, somewhere that wasn't the palace.

I continued to ride as the wind blew through my hair and skin giving me a bit of comfort but unfortunately I wasn't alone. Someone had been following me for a while now and they were getting closer. I turned back to get a view of who it was but l was struck down from my horse and fell into the bushes. Quickly, l got up and felt a trickle of blood roll down my forehead. I took to a battle stance as l lurked around to see where Darcy or the intruders were but I saw nothing.

I sensed an incoming attack from behind and tried to dodge it but I was too slow and the intruder caught my arm and threw me onto a boulder. I hit my back against it and groaned. I coughed out a platter of blood and wiped my mouth with my hand. I liked this feeling of danger, l had been craving this for a while now. I ignored the pain in my back and assumed a battle stance but as I steadied I noticed my attackers and they weren't humans, at least to the best of my knowledge.