

It’s a world of dualism, the dominion of two opposing principles, one of which is good and the other evil. It all started when Lucifer Morningstar, the god of hell took an interest in Nyx, the goddess of night. An error so great but the Devil isn’t tamed. On a cold night when Erebus, Nyx's husband, was out at war, Lucifer, disguised as Erebus, paid a visit to Nyx and had a coitus with her. She only realized it was Lucifer after his disguise came off. She was filled with abhorrence towards him but later on, circumstances changed and they fell in love with each other. Soon after, she found out she was pregnant with Lucifer’s child. Chaos struck within the realms of supernatural beings until the Celestial Deity summoned all the gods of the realms. A Hybrid, called a “Lithian", had been created. It’s powers would exceed that of all gods and would rival that of the Celestial Deity. A decree was passed that the Lithian be killed. Nyx, with the heart of a mother, disagreed and pleaded alongside Lucifer for leniency. The Celestial Deity agreed out of curiosity and placed a curse on the child then he added that the child was to be sent to the Earth,the mortal realm, to live among the mortals(humans) without any protection from both parents and no knowledge of its origin. Afterwards, Nyx gave birth to a girl and named her Jophiel. The child was sent to Earth and lived among the mortals with the royal family of Decresh. Not knowing who or what she was, Alora bore the appearance of a human being, constituted of two irreducible elements - matter and spirit. This is the story of Brangwen...

VIKA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"You're getting married."

I shook my head in disbelief as those words echoed over and over again. I knew Pierre was up to no good when he invited me for dinner but l didn't think he was going to take it to the next level.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked as l tilted my gaze towards him with an infuriated look.

"A joke? Not at all. You'll be getting married to Prince Charles here, you should be really thankful to him for taking an interest in you because he turned a deaf ear to the rumors that have been spread about you".

I glared at Prince Charles who had a wary look across his face l shifted my focal view back to my father before taking a stand from my sit, "I will not be thankful to anyone let alone him." I said as I clenched my fists ready to hit anything and anyone. "If you want to get rid of me, there are better ways to do it but l will not get married to this..." l looked at Charles once again but this time with aversion "...discourteous man."

"That's enough!" Queen Anna, Charles' mother, shouted.

Harry stood up from his seat with a confused look on his face, "Pierre, you said she had agreed to the wedding so why this screenplay?"

"I see, he lied to you as well."

"There's a little misunderstanding but there's nothing to worry much about, Alora will marry Charles." said Pierre.

"Good because l don't take no for an answer." Charles stood up from his seat not taking his eyes off me as he approached where I stood.

I ignored his movements and looked over at Serena who had her head bent down, "Did you know about this?"

She stutters nervously "I..."

"Answer me!"

She rose from her seat clearly hearing the disappointment and anger in my tone "I did but I didn't want to tell you because l wanted you to start a new life and.."

I scoffed and cut her off before she could say anything more, "And l really thought you were different." l rolled my eyes, "Surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes. Tch, expected nothing less."

She nods her head in dispute.

"Blah blah blah" Charles said as he pulled me by my arm away bringing me closer to him, "This isn't necessary, sunshine. You're coming with me after the wedding." he said with a smile.

How dare he touch me. I pulled away from his grip and slapped him, "Touch me again and I'll chop both your hands off."

"How dare yo-"

I walked past him not caring what he had to say as l walked furiously towards the door before coming to a halt, "I don't care what business you all have with Pierre but l tell you this, l'm not getting married, have it however. But still, l plead with you to do the worst you can if you dare". With that, l stormed out of the dining hall and went straight to my chambers.


"Did you see the nerve of that lady?" said Charles still placing a palm against his cheekbones.

"Don't worry, we'll get you another bride" Anna said.

"No, l like my women feisty, mother and she definitely is." He turned his gaze to Pierre, "Just get her ready."

Pierre nodded obediently like a caged dog.

King Harry took one last look around before letting out a sigh and walking out with his family.

"Argh!" Pierre stood up furiously as he gripped the table cloth and dragged it aside causing the meals to fall off the table. "Get her ready or I'll use force!, She's not going to ruin my plans of gaining power with Luminor!" He growled at Serena before taking his leave as well.

"Nothing ever goes well with her around. Why don't l just marry Prince Charles, I'm better looking." said Klara with pride.

"Just shut it." Ylva looks over at her before withdrawing herself to leave.

"But mommy..." cried Klara as she followed her.

Amelia stays quiet for a while before taking her leave with just Serena alone with her thoughts.


I punched the wall continuously not caring about the blood that stained it or the injuries I now had on my knuckles. I was indignant. How could my own family want to marry me off for power? Why was I surprised, those people would do anything for power and l was the obstacle they needed to get rid of. I couldn't think straight, l had mixed emotions about everything but mostly anger and the tears l held back. I wasn't going to give them the benefit of seeing me in pain, l'd become weak.

Before another thought could drop in my head, a cold but tender touch held my hand back, stopping me from throwing another punch. Who was it? I was the only one in the room or so l thought. I quickly gazed in the direction of the touch and there, l found him.

Him. A tall, young looking male figure, 6ft and above, who looked like he was in his mid 20s. His appearance gave off a feminine look with masculine prowess. Ripped body that was outlined by his shirt - well sculpted chest with moderate muscles and a well toned six pack abs. His face, pale yet flawless. And yes, those eyes, those alluring hazel eyes. You could get lost in them. He was perfection itself. Not a man on earth could surpass these looks of his, it was like staring at divinity.

I was lost in his looks before a sharp tingling pain ran through my hands, "Ow!" I stared down at my hands and saw that he was treating my wounds. I was so captivated by his looks that l didn't notice he was helping me. But why? Who was he? What was he doing here? Is this one of Pierre's plans? If it is then it's quite a sexy one at that. Sexy?? I cautioned myself. I've never found any man attractive so why now? Why him?

Hastily, l pulled both hands away from him after pushing my thoughts to the back of my head, "Who are you!?" I said as l withdrew myself from him and rested against the wall.

"Is that your thank you?" He said.

His voice. Husky yet calm. I could listen to him speak all day. Sigh. What was l doing? This man was distracting me in all ways possible without even flinching a muscle. Who does he think he is anyway.

"That doesn't answer my question." I said as l gulped trying not to recollect my bizarre thoughts again.

He raises his hand over my face and suddenly, everywhere went blank.


She falls back as my hands gripped around her waist capturing her into my arms. I gazed at her for a while before picking her up and laying her onto the bed. She looked peaceful and beautiful while sleeping. I couldn't help myself but notice her appearance - she looked like she was sculpted by the gods themselves - as l sniffed around her neck. She smelled like honey & coconut. A fitting scent for her. I needed to control myself.

I leaned back and slowly stroked her hair away from her face. "You don't deserve this, Jophiel."

With that, l stood up from her side and left.