

It’s a world of dualism, the dominion of two opposing principles, one of which is good and the other evil. It all started when Lucifer Morningstar, the god of hell took an interest in Nyx, the goddess of night. An error so great but the Devil isn’t tamed. On a cold night when Erebus, Nyx's husband, was out at war, Lucifer, disguised as Erebus, paid a visit to Nyx and had a coitus with her. She only realized it was Lucifer after his disguise came off. She was filled with abhorrence towards him but later on, circumstances changed and they fell in love with each other. Soon after, she found out she was pregnant with Lucifer’s child. Chaos struck within the realms of supernatural beings until the Celestial Deity summoned all the gods of the realms. A Hybrid, called a “Lithian", had been created. It’s powers would exceed that of all gods and would rival that of the Celestial Deity. A decree was passed that the Lithian be killed. Nyx, with the heart of a mother, disagreed and pleaded alongside Lucifer for leniency. The Celestial Deity agreed out of curiosity and placed a curse on the child then he added that the child was to be sent to the Earth,the mortal realm, to live among the mortals(humans) without any protection from both parents and no knowledge of its origin. Afterwards, Nyx gave birth to a girl and named her Jophiel. The child was sent to Earth and lived among the mortals with the royal family of Decresh. Not knowing who or what she was, Alora bore the appearance of a human being, constituted of two irreducible elements - matter and spirit. This is the story of Brangwen...

VIKA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


My heart raced as my eyes met the eyes of one of my pursuers, bright orange eyes that seemed to pierce my being. They weren't human, that much I knew. They had horns on either side of their forehead, their facial features were unsightly, they had claws that seemed to be as sharp as a double edged sword and they had hooves in place of feet.

I couldn't believe my eyes, how was I supposed to go against these inhuman creatures that could fling a human being effortlessly, I blinked and pinched myself a couple of times to confirm if it was a dream and I could wake up from this nightmare but it wasn't a dream, they were real and they stood before me.

The creatures glared at me so fiercely, it stung. I took to a battle stance once again. As if deducing that I was ready to engage, one of the creatures closed the distance between us in a matter of seconds and slashed my cheek with its claws. If I hadn't dodged when I did, I would have probably lost my face or my head even. They were strong, really strong. The pain was excruciating, it was like someone poured acid on a previously existing injury but I could manage, the priority was getting out of here and in one piece. I pulled out a dagger I always carried around and aimed it at the creature's eye, it winced in pain. I had hit my target, then the other two moved to attack, I leapt onto a tree branch and pounced on one as it approached and covered its eyes. Dumb move? I couldn't agree more but I was out of options and there was no time to think. I had never fought such a creature, in fact, I had never fought anything but humans.

It pulled me by the arm and tossed me away from itself. I flipped onto my feet, got my balance and took to my heels, I needed to get out of here. I ran as fast as I could and I could hear them trail behind me. I was lost in my thoughts of where to run to as l tripped over a stone, l fell and twisted my ankle. I tried getting up to my feet once more to run but l fell back down, the pain wouldn't let me.

Suddenly, the creatures approached me and l began breathing heavily. As they took a step closer, l crawled back with my hands, "W-what do you want!?" I uttered. They didn't seem to understand my words as they came even closer.

With time, l couldn't understand what was happening. The creatures were soon burning up in flames as they shrieked and growled, l lurked around to see where the fire came from but there wasn't any, they flamed up on their own and soon after their bodies cremated. I sat there frozen for a while before moving towards the ashes and taking a few in my hands. "But how..?" I said in bewilderment.

"Don't be scared.." a feminine voice said from the background.

My heart raced again as I saw a shadow gaze over me. I leaned back and rose my head ever slowly to see who it was but this time it was nothing like the creatures. To my amazement, I saw an average slender young woman supposedly to be in her early 30's but without a noticeable trait of aging. She was white in complexion and her face was pale yet bright and daring. Her skin glowed under the sun's light as her long midnight blue hair complimented the color of her blue eyes as well. Her looks were that of sublimity ever so godly. If l was a man, l would succumb into her beauty.

"Did you do that?" I asked with an authoritative tone.

"Yes.." she said with a water filled eyes and her tranquil voice. She spoke softly like a person who couldn't hurt a fly but it was otherwise. She had just killed three deadly beasts and for certainty, l knew she wasn't a mere human.

"Why? Who are you??" I said as l held onto a tree to assist my weight but I staggered back down. She ran towards me and crouched as she placed her palm against my ankle. "You're hurt badly, let me heal you".

For the first time l didn't decline a stranger's help. Something about her felt awfully right, her touch made everything seem better even though I was still in pain. Her serene voice calmed my nerves down and was more of a reassurance. Who is she? Why did these people keep appearing to me lately? Somewhat, l felt they were all connected. The man in my room, the creatures and now this woman, something wasn't right. I needed answers to my questions, to my unending curiosity. I'd have to make her talk one way or another.

"The pain should be gone by now".

I glared at her for a while before shifting my gaze towards my feet, moving it from side to side, the pain was gone. "How did you do that?"

She stroked my hair gently and kissed my forehead before withdrawing herself away from me "You should be more careful, don't make me worry like that" she said with a dejected smile as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Why was she crying now? I've had enough of these people's emotional roller coaster, l needed answers. I took to my feet and strode towards her "That's not an answer. Who are you!?"

She sighed heavily as if scared of her own actions, she then proceeded to caress my cheeks before I stopped her by smacking her hand aside. She gave me a warm smile and said "I'm sorry..".

"Sorry for wha-" My words were cut shut as she vanished into thin air. Once again, I was left with no answers.

Soon after Darcy came running back and approached me with a neigh, I emitted a smile and rubbed her neck gently "You gave me a scare back there, love. C'mon, let's go home".

I mounted onto her and took a quick view of the vicinity as to be sure of my surroundings then riding off.