
Chapter 3: Learning Fears

We went out the back entrance/exit to where the staff vehicles were at. I turned to J-Hope. "So, where are we going, how are we getting there, and what are we gonna do?" J-Hope smiled. "I already told you we're going to our hotel. We're taking our Limousine. And, we'll figure out what we'll do when we get there." He grabbed my wrist and led me to limousine as the others followed.

~15 Minutes Later~

There's been no talking for the past 15 minutes. It's been pretty awkward. They all have been staring at me while I pretended to not notice and focus on playing a game on my phone. "Whatcha playing?" They all asked, at the same time. I cleared my throat. "Pool...Why?" J-Hope snatched my phone. "I want to try." He said while he smiled. The rest of them tried to take it from J-Hope. "We want to play with it too!" The rest of them whimpered. I giggled from the cuteness. "Make sure to take turns. And be careful with it, I won't be able to get a new one easily." I pointed at my phone. They all nodded okay. I looked out the window, staring at the bright moon and stars. "I'm pretty lucky.." I said to myself.

~15 Minutes Later~

We finally arrived at the hotel after 30 minutes. We all got out of the Limousine and walked inside. We got into the elevator. As soon as the door closed, I closed my eyes and plugged my ears. They all stared at me. We got to the top floor. Bing! I opened my eyes. The doors opened and revealed a beautiful hallway. We stepped out the elevator and into the hallway. "Hey, were you okay?" J-Hope looked at me concerned. "Huh? Ohhh, in the elevator? Yeah, I just get scared that it might get stuck so I plug my ears and close my eyes until I get off." They all nodded okay. J-Hope led me and everybody else to his room so we could all spend time together. He scanned the key card and opened the door. "Woah~!" I stood there amazed.

~To Be Continued~