
Chapter 2: Greetings

"I'm so sorry!" I see the BTS members seating in leather chairs facing the door. I quickly back out into the hallway. "It's fine. We've actually been waiting." One of the members responds, I look towards the voice and see RM. He stands up. "One of our members noticed you from far away in the crowd and decided he wanted to meet you." He moves his hand to tell me to come inside. I slowly walk back inside the room. RM sits back down and pats a seat between him and J-Hope and tells me to sit. I slowly sit down and stare at the floor. "Nervous?" RM chuckles. I nod as a wipe my sweat off my hands. I could tell that all the members were staring at me. I suddenly remember what RM said. I turn towards RM, "So, who was the one that wanted to meet me?" I turned my head curiously. He points next to me. "J-Hope..?" I looked at him confused. J-Hope smiles at me and shakes my hand. "But why..?" I turn back to RM and he shrugs. "Ask him." I stare at RM. "Will he be able to understand what I'm saying..?" RM nods. I turn back towards the direction of J-Hope who was staring at me. "Excuse me but may I ask why you wanted to meet me?" Me and J-Hope stared at each other for a good 4 seconds before he responded, "Although far away, you were the only person I could see." His eyes shined like stars and diamonds. I blushed, cleared my throat and looked away. "Well, I hope you know that I'm underage and am not able to do anything for you." I realized how wrong that sounded in my head. "I meant job wise!" I yelled. They all giggled. "Don't worry. We just want to spend lots of time together and learn about you. And by we, I mean mostly J-Hope." RM pointed at J-Hope. We all giggled. Suddenly, J-Hope's rap part for Fake Love came on. I got startled and pulled put my phone from my pocket. I held it to me ear. "SIS! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? IT'S BEEN LIKE 45 MINUTES!" I realized that it was Katie. I gasped. "I'm so sorry! I got caught up with something! I'm coming!" I closed my phone and put it back into my pocket. "I'm so sorry guys but I have to go now!" I started to speed walk away. J-Hope grabbed my arm and pouted. "What about our time together?" I looked at the others as they pouted as well. "Ughh. What am I supposed to do then? My friend is waiting." J-Hope turned to the others and cutely winked. He turned back to me. "How about staying at our hotel for a little bit?" He said staring into my eyes. My eyes bulged. "HOTEL!? DO YOU KNOW HOW WRONG THAT'D SEEM!? I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT I'M UNDERAGE." I screamed. J-Hope pouted. "Only for a few hours! We just want to spend time together. And, we'll assign bodyguards to you so you can feel safe? Okay?" J-Hope smiled. I sighed. "Fine. Only for a few hours!" "Yes!" J-Hope giggled and smiled at me. I texted Katie, 'Sorry, something came up. You can go ahead.' He grabbed his bag and started to push me softly out the room. "Come on guys!" He motioned for the rest to follow. "I can't believe this is happening.." I said to myself.