
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Taking what was once given


Tang Zhan lands on the special wooden planks used for the ship deck, he clicks his legs on it again and nods his head to the feedback it gave him.

He walks towards his family, and stops before his mother whose mouth is widely open, while his father arranges his glasses well while looking at the condition Tang Zhan is in.

"Zhan'er, my dear son. You- you, you look different." His mother says as she runs his squishy cheek.

"Zhan'er, can you... see?" His father say as he stare at Tang Zhan's face that seems to follow his every movement.

"Father, mother, I am feeling well... and truly I can see now." He open his three eyes altogether but it is only two they see.

The third eye on his forehead, was covered behind a white headband that he tied around his forehead. So they only see his two normal eyes but not the third one on his forehead.

His parents sees his pure white eyes that remains pure as they have always remembered. People around too are surprised, they would have never expected the person that defeats a zombie they are well aware of that is way beyond their joint capabilities, to actually be a blind person.

It was simply a disgrace to them, they that were complete had to hide behind others with their tails tucked in, whereas a blind person was bold enough to move alone in this apocalyptic world and come to the safe point on the last day as calmly as possible.

Tang Zhan looked at his mother in her office suit that is now torn around her waist and has no sleeves, "you look beautiful mom..."

He then removes his father's glasses and wears it on his mom, "now you look even better."

Mrs Tang couldn't help it and starts crying as she hugs her son. Tang Zhan also pull his father who was busy smiling sheepishly, into the family hug.

Yufei and Banjo joins in as well, while X stands off to the side, saving the scenery before her in her mind and heart.

"Ahem! Sorry for disturbing your family reunion, but on to the main issue on ground." The veiled lady walks down the quarterdeck, as she faces the crowd and her crews.

"Like I said, the main issue on ground is  how we're going to leave." Immediately she says this, everyone begins to panic, murmuring went on and around, until the woman raised her head high up.

"Didn't I say, I wanted nothing but leave and order." Immediately everywhere turns silent without delay.

"Now, your world is lacking in what we call essence of energy, so it can't provide energy on its own, which is why we have been transferring energy to you through one of our experts back at Asgard, he is able to weave around the laws of the universe and directly transfers energy to people as long as they been to his home planet before, and that was when we introduced the soul transferring case which you people call gaming pod. Since then, you all have been connected and interwoven to this our expert who transfers energy to you per the kills you make and according to how the cyborg grades you, but all in all. This energy you have earned through the cyborg and our expert will be extracted from you as well with the fragments of the cyborg mind that you call system, that is the energy we will use to power the ship back to the Asgard, now is that clear?"


For more than two minutes, there was nothing more than silence, even the wind refused to blow maybe in fear or in anticipation, but the atmosphere remained dead silent.

Seeing as no one could utter any word of whether complaint or acceptance, the lady turned around and waved her hand.

Suddenly a foldable fan appeared in her hand, the same on as before. The she recites in a language none of them understands while she opens the fan into the air.

"ánemoi allagís, opadós orgís, chéria me selída, marasmós stin ilikía. Páre dóse."

Immediately the blue lines on the foldable fan disappears into the air and into all the people on deck except from the crew members.

Immediately, everyone lost access to their systems even as they willed it out nothing came up, except from one person... Tang Zhan.

Tang Zhan looks at everyone as they begin to panic, their energy levels reducing with great speed, those that had not only gained energy but also muscle through the systems, deflated back to how they were before the start of the apocalypse.

Even Tang Zhan himself was not an exception, as he could feel his energy level dropping, and in the corner of his eye he stares at a window screen that shows his level and how it drops.

Soon enough, both his level and stats dropped to pitiable numbers before it then stops, but not to zero like the others. 'level thirteen uhn? That's low, but I only just got my system that I used to gain personal strength and those ones I also gained in the game, including the seal I used to make them permanent, still yet it still dropped this low... seems like there are just some things in this world that cannot be changed... Or understood'

He looks around him and sees many people laying on the floor, the sudden weakness was too overwhelming and string that they felt like they have been sapped of all energy whereas this was their original body way before everything else started.

Yufei and Banjo still tried as they both are on their feets standing, but the standing was still supported with them holding each other.

The veiled lady notices this as she sees everyone on the ground except from four special one's.

She looks at the four people that were still able to keep standing, even though two were halfway standing and holding on to each other, the ones that caught her attention mostly, were the other two.

Tang Zhan and X. Tang Zhan calmly stand his body is used to any type of change so the sudden weakness does not do much to him, while X was taught the way of stealth it would be absurd if she isn't able to adapt to any environment or situation considering how her life was spent in a simulation all through.

Tang Zhan smiles at X, who smiles back as well. Then she came closer to Tang Zhan as a sudden realization hit her.

Tang Zhan as well notices her facial expression that suddenly turns into a scary one.

"What happened four days ago?" X asked with a serious tone, Tang Zhan spared a pleading gaze at the veiled lady only to see her turn her head and enter the captain's cabin.

"Four day ago? Nothing happened right, I just fell with the zombie and used him as a meat shield into a river and that's all... Oh yeah I trekked all the way here, so that's all that happened." Tang Zhan replies as he shifts back from her while she takes more step closer.

"You sure? Or are you lying?"

"I'm perfectly sure." He replied as he gave her the 'ok' hand sign while he wanted to shift back more, only to find out that he has already gone as far as he could.

X thinks for a while before she stops, showing that she accepted his answer, then she turns back but she remembers something else again, but this time she didn't become serious because of what she remembered, rather she became sad.

'women are truly unpredictable, what the hell happened again' Tang Zhan thought as he gulped forcefully.

"W- when you h- had tried to... kill me, did you say you hate me?"
